
Is Van Jones , or Francis Fox Piven a 'right wing' conservative ?
Van Jones is saying its time for people to take the fight to the streets !
Francis Fox Piven says "Its ok to use violence as long as it is a BIG part of your strategy " !
I just searched , and listened to a speech by Mr Jones , and listened to an interview with Piven on line . It didn't sound like hand ringing to me . It sounds like a call to riot in the streets . I don't think I'm taking them out of context .

Van Jones is Obamas ' green jobs Czar '
Francis Fox Piven is a professor of Political Science and Sociology , and advisor to Presidents the likes of Bill Clinton , and Obama .

Violence is incited on both sides .......

use the search button I keep hearing , I do !

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

What you have posted sounds very serious, please tell us the whole story, and where did you find this info? Thanks

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

You say that Van Jones IS Obamas green jobs Czar. Frank3 is that really true?

Did he not resign 09/06/09. Amid a controversy about controversial statements.
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

It looks like the Francis Fox Piven quote came from a talk about the 1966 Watts riots.

Is that the best you can do. 1966 and someone who left years ago because of controversial statements.
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Guys, have you noticed the pattern,

Some conservative does something incredably outrageous, even murderous, then they go searching and find a dart board target, a joke about football, a quote from 1966, a slanderously edited tape......

They think this will somehow negate their treasonous actions! Yea that right everyone does it so it's OK.

Well it's not OK, not for anyone of any party.

Nice try.
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Yes , was , Van Jones was Czar .
And the most resent thing I've found on Piven has her saying the TEA party is all about sex . But that is on the Blaze , and is excerpted , and sounds like she is saying the TEA party is full of old people stuck on keeping their old white world . I can't find the whole speech ......
The Blaze is Glen Beck . And no I didn't get that from Glen Beck , I remembered them , searched for the first thing to pop-up on Google ......
And if you want to make your point in politics , you take a piece from here , a piece from there , and run with it as the truth ! Nobody remembers , or will take the time to look it up for themselves !

So take partial quotes from three Republicans , or who ever , and make generalizations about everyone that may have been in earshot , or the whole party for that matter .
Keep the divisions !

And I know that having to search for a map with cross hairs or talk using hunting or guns wasn't necessary , as it was in the news almost before the victims made it to the hospital . It was the first words out of the sheriffs mouth when a mike was shoved in his face .

And I don't get my views of the world from Glen Beck , and I don't consider myself a conservative or a republican . I don't see the things that cookie cutter , and I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't call me names ! Conservative ...ptfff . I'm trying very hard to see as much of the picture as is possible . I can't teach my kids to make good choices if I don't try to keep an open mind .

Besides I find that I agree with Lewis Black about the state of our country .

And now theres something wrong with Gorge Carlin's comparison of baseball and football ?
And are you assuming the shooter is a conservative ? I hadn't heard HE had said that .

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Before we get too far from what we are discussing here, I think we should take less than a minute and see the people envolved had to say.
<TABLE style="WIDTH: auto" class=ts><TBODY><TR><TD style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 8px; PADDING-TOP: 7px" vAlign=top>

<TD style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 10px; PADDING-TOP: 5px" vAlign=top>Gabrielle Giffords warns Sarah </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
I did not call you names.
I'm still waiting to see if any of the shall we say "more" right wing on here are going to condemn the language used by Palin et al.

Every "Liberal" on here has done so, for ANY of the political parties...or will this request be ignored, just like Jim's has been so far?
If the language is meant to incite violence , it is reprehensible , and should be condemned . From both sides !
If you click on the link in Jim's last post and watch , an excerpt of a news interview with Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords when her office was vandalized . It sounds like a warning .
But then watch the whole 4:55 clip , the Congresswoman says what I've been trying to say .
If the language is meant to incite violence , it is reprehensible , and should be condemned . From both sides !
If you click on the link in Jim's last post and watch , an excerpt of a news interview with Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords when her office was vandalized . It sounds like a warning .
But then watch the whole 4:55 clip , the Congresswoman says what I've been trying to say .

Frank - I agree to to a certain extent, and thanks for that condemnation. Both sides need to lose the rhetoric and start a dialogue.... like that's going to happen :evil:
You know what would really help is if people would search and look at candidates before elections , instead of after some event such as this .
Maybe we wouldn't have such things to worry over .

OR just MAYBE , we are looking at an electorate that is representative of our population . I hope not .

I tend to think its politics as usual , because its vote the party-line as usual . And leave the politics to politicians .
WE have the power to change the speak , or anything that needs to be changed by voting for someone that represents us . It doesn't need to be regulated by laws , it can be controlled by us , by paying attention and voting .

We should have the discussion , make the decision , and have our representatives represent us , and this would eliminate politics .

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
You know what would really help is if people would search and look at candidates before elections , instead of after some event such as this .
Maybe we wouldn't have such things to worry over .

OR just MAYBE , we are looking at an electorate that is representative of our population . I hope not .

WE have the power to change the speak , or anything that needs to be changed by voting for someone that represents us . It doesn't need to be regulated by laws , it can be controlled by us , by paying attention and voting .

This is exactly the issue I have been "preaching"....our representatives need to represent US, whether they personally agree with the public's majority opinion or not. Case in point....Roe V. Wade. The ultraconservatives want to reverse the decision, yet it is blatantly clear that the vast majority of the American public is in agreement with the case's resolution. As such, the representatives in Congress ought to represent the view of the majority of their constituents, regardless of whether it agrees with their personal/political/party view. Yet, we seem to be stuck in a system that leaves us hoping we can elect a representative whose personal views most closely match ours. The politicians have forgotten that they represent their constituents, not themselves.

I believe strongly in the power of the ballot box. In fact, that ex-friend I mentioned and I had that discussion many times, with me stressing over and over again that the answer is to vote the "bums" out in the next election. I'm certain he's glad that the conservative agenda has enjoyed a resurection in the House, if not yet in the Senate. Yet, I'm also certain he is still all tied up in angry knots that HIS country had to endure two years without the conservative agenda being in a power position. He doesn't get it, either.

Once we start electing people who understand who is boss (and it ISN'T THEM, we merely "hire" them to represent us through the elections), whose viewpoint they should support in their respective legislative bodies, rather than believing that we have elected them because we like ALL of their personal views, we'll be on the road to ending this political brouhaha.

Sadly, I'm not holding my breath.

I think we ought to require members from opposing "parties" on each ticket.....or, better yet, form new parties, the Demopublicans and the Republicrats.

Or, better yet, just do without parties at all....we don't really need them anymore, we have the technology to have the idealogical discourse and the "elections" without even involving the parties. It should be majority public vote, pure and simple. If that could happen, then the "representatives" we put into the legislative branch of our government might realize that the power lies with the people, not within the parties, themselves.

Cheers from Doug!!
Thats only part of it !
We the people have to actually do this .... take the reins .
But most people seem to think it all should be done for them , and they shouldn't have to be bothered with any of it . Not even going to vote for a candidate .
Yes we now have the means to have input , or choose to abstain , with the technology we now posses .
We just don't have the will to do it , YET !
I believe it will come , and I have hope that it will make people feel less disenfranchised if they have the choice to be directly involved .
I also believe that most the people in the world , given the chance , would be inclined to agree with the way Congresswoman Giffords has voted in her terms . And that scares the hell out of the far left and right fringes .

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
I also believe that most the people in the world , given the chance , would be inclined to agree with the way Congresswoman Giffords has voted in her terms . And that scares the hell out of the far left and right fringes .<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
Part of a post by Frank3.

Frank, she does not scare me, so I must be a Moderate!
Are you making a statement , or is this a realization ?
And if this is a statement , does this mean you are not worried about loosing control of the government , to the people ?
Are you out on a fringe ?
And if so , do you think the people will never ' wake up ' , and participate ?
Or are you sure they will ?