UK Visit

Ron Earp

Hey Folks,

I would just like to say I really enjoyed my visit over to England and certainly appreciate Malcolm MacAdam and his wife Wendy putting me up for a few days during my stay. Malcolm was kind enough to organize a number of events and outings for me: the club Christmas dinner, GT40 garage outings, Atom factory visit, hill climb tour, pub night, and even a visit to a group that does WWII German tank restorations.

Quite enjoyable! During my short time I was able to see more 40s and talk to more 40 owners than possible here in the US. The folks in the UK really do have it made with 40s - they collectively know more than us yanks do and I highly recommend consulting with them and members of the GTD40 club if you ever get into a bind. They have a long history of racing the cars and know what does and doesn't work for the long haul.

Hats off to Malcolm and the club members, I appreciate the hospitality and I'll be happy to return the favor if anyone is visiting the US in my neck of the woods. Thanks again and look forward to visiting when there are some club track days!

Hi Ron,
I'm pleased you enjoyed your visit and your kind words re the 'UK Scene'.

However, after talking about your costs over the pond for Gas and Nos - I for one want to emigrate!

Best wishes -

Hi Ron,
It was agreat pleasure to meet you (thanks to Malcolms hospitality) and was great to see how much we have in common with you guys over the pond. I like Paul am at a loss to the difference in costs between the US and the UK on all things in the motoring world let alone in the golfing scene
It was great to share ideas and thought with regards to the GT40 and without the forum this would not have happened.

Thank you very much

David Parker

Ron Earp

Hey Dave,

It was really nice to meet you and Jan, I had a great time for the evening. You guys are more than welcome to visit me in the states anytime.

Malcolm and I had some plans to get by your shop for a quick visit, sorry we didn't make it. We had a bad time in traffic and fog. Next time over I hope to see the R42, I've not looked at one before and although I'm a Ford man any engine that puts out good power is interesting!

Take care,