Very interested in an SLC

You will have to come back when it fires up for the first time. There will be much more to see in a few weeks.

Thanks for the compliments

Tom Cate and I had a great time at RCR yesterday. Plenty of fabricators beavering away away on various chassis. Fran had to leave early to attend to his daughter who had a case of viral conjuntivitis (pinkeye.) Her case appeared to me to be mild. I showed Fran a picture of me from a month or two ago when I had a more severe case. I offered to show it to his daughter but he demurred. I think he was tempted to throw me out of his shop...


Anyway, I came closer to comfortably fitting in an SLC and have a few ideas as to how to make it happen.

Tom will be my primary assembler and is rubbing his hands together at the prospect. He's an ex-racer who focuses now on building as a case of "brain fever" while stationed overseas pinched down his optic nerves and left him legally blind (unable to drive). He can fix or build ANYTHING. After looking at the chassis up close, he had this to say:

"I think that 20 years from now, when people talk about the history of the kit car, self-assembled car business, or whatever you want to call it, this guy is going to be seen as the high water mark in the industry."

I agree.

Fran, paperwork and check coming to you soon as I get back to St. Louis.

Ducati guy, got a couple pics of your chassis and body for you. The chassis looks just like all the other ones in the shop. The body is like the others except it's yellow. I'll email them when I get home.

You must have got more than a few comments from people:shocked:

:pepper:Yea! Photos of my car being born!:pepper:
Congratulations! I was really excited when I got to visit Fran's shop...even more so when I decided to pull the trigger.

Not sure it's possible to leave that place without wanting one...
I enjoyed the photos of the frames and susp. getting prepped. The photo of eyes...not too much. My gawd that's scary looking - I can't look at it for more than a second!

I'm getting closer to making a decision on the SL-C.

-- Sharkey
Sharkey, you will not be disappointed! Better get in line soon. Ask Yos (SLC4YOS), I believe he just ordered his too. Make a visit to RCR if you can.
Thanks a million for the photos of my car! If you've got any more......:shy:

It's so very cool to see it being "Born", and to see what the final color came out like. They attempted to color match my Ducati, but couldn't make any promises.
Sharkey, you will not be disappointed! Better get in line soon. Ask Yos (SLC4YOS), I believe he just ordered his too. Make a visit to RCR if you can.

Ordered mine the second week of January! Been anticipating delivery like it's a freakin' prison release date :drunk:

+1 for the Kwacker Green!