

A ‘Heads Up’ for those of us men who may be regular Home Depot customers. Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Simply going out to get supplies has turned out to be quite traumatic. Don’t be naive enough to think it couldn’t happen to you or your friends.

Here’s how the scam works.

Two seriously good-looking 20-21 year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping into the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. It is impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say ‘No’ and instead ask you for a ride to another Home Depot or Lowes. You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start undressing. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts crawling all over you, while the other one steals your wallet.

I had my wallet stolen November 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th & 24th. Also December 1st, 4th, twice on the 6th, three times just yesterday, and very likely this coming weekend.

A ‘Heads Up’ for those of us men who may be regular Home Depot customers. Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Simply going out to get supplies has turned out to be quite traumatic. Don’t be naive enough to think it couldn’t happen to you or your friends.

Here’s how the scam works.

Two seriously good-looking 20-21 year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping into the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. It is impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say ‘No’ and instead ask you for a ride to another Home Depot or Lowes. You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start undressing. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts crawling all over you, while the other one steals your wallet.

I had my wallet stolen November 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th & 24th. Also December 1st, 4th, twice on the 6th, three times just yesterday, and very likely this coming weekend.

Do you really expect us to believe they were wearing skimpy T-shirts in Michigan in December?

Brian Hamilton

I'm on the verge of touching myself inappropriatel
That's hillarious!!

On a more serious note, I used to work at Home Depot (years ago) and there was a cashier who had a photographic memory and would take card numbers from people making large purchases and memorize them. It took him little more than 2 seconds to memorize it, usually when he'd compare the card to the ID. Then he'd use them online to order stuff. Or he'd sell the CC#'s to overseas people. Either way, we had FBI come in & arrest him AT WORK in front of everyone. Pretty intimidating seeing all the Fed's all over the place. They questioned pretty much everyone who worked there.

Watch yourselves this holiday season,
