The us election 2012 - obama or romney?

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
The news cycles on its own time schedule. I can tell you that they only need to find 257 votes more to trigger a total recount of the district.

Correct, and the news cycle on this one was:

1. Right wing idiots misread Port St. Lucie election reports; claim 141% turnout.

2. Within 24 hours, folks who understand how ballots are counted make it clear that with two pages of ballot, the "cards counted" number is doubled and 70.5% actual turnout translates to 141% "cards counted."

3. Silence from right wing nutjobs.

Your first post is due at 1 p.m. my time. Title it "I am a fucking dumbass" or "I'm a tool who believes any right wing propaganda I read on the net." Otherwise, self-deport!

These nembers are the percent increase in the debt from the time they entered office. Reagan inherited a comparatively small debt and when he left office, he had increased it by 189%. Why the Republicans and tea party morons still think Reagan was a great president. I'll never understand.

Still don't care to bet though, huh?

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
No Tom. It just would not be fair. As I'm sure you know, each dollar of 189% debt increase that Reagan ran up was worth much more than a 35% Obama debt increase dollar is worth today.
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

I did some checking, in 1984 when Reagan had been President for 3+ years, just like President Obama, a dollar was worth $2.23 in todays dollars.

If you multiply Reagans alrady huge debt increase by 2.23 you will get close to the actual Reagan Debt increase in todays dollars. Of course we would have to do the same calculations with BushI, Clinton and BushII.

Still want to bet?

I did some checking, in 1984 when Reagan had been President for 3+ years, just like President Obama, a dollar was worth $2.23 in todays dollars.

If you multiply Reagans alrady huge debt increase by 2.23 you will get close to the actual Reagan Debt increase in todays dollars. Of course we would have to do the same calculations with BushI, Clinton and BushII.

Still want to bet?

So Reagans $1.75 trillion over 8 years would be worth $3.90 trillion at todays value, about $1.6 trillion less than BO in 4 years. The GHB, Clinton and GWB debt would be at varied rates, closer each year to todays dollar. Thanks for the help.
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Tom, surly you must be aware that Reagans 189% increase in the debt was nothing like Obamas 35% increase in the debt.

Reagan came in with a relatively low debt, he immediatly lowered taxes and greatly raised spending.

Obama became President with the country alrady mired in the worst economic situation since the Great Depression, the debt was going straight up when he took over from BushII.

Tom, even you can see that those situations are not even close to comparable.
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Tom, surly you must be aware that Reagans 189% increase in the debt was nothing like Obamas 35% increase in the debt.

Reagan came in with a relatively low debt, he immediatly lowered taxes and greatly raised spending.

Obama became President with the country alrady mired in the worst economic situation since the Great Depression, the debt was going straight up when he took over from BushII.

Tom, even you can see that those situations are not even close to comparable.

Jim, I don't care what the % was, it's the comparable dollar amount that counts. In todays dollar, Reagan would have raised the debt $3.9 trillion over 8 years. In todays dollar Obama has raised the debt $5.5 trillion in less than 4 years. You supplied that conversion rate.
When their every word is a lie or distortion;


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Jim, If you like to compare by percentage, 1940 US debt was $43 billion, 1946 US debt was $269 billion. That's a rise of 625% in 6 years, kind of makes Reagan look like a cheapskate at 189%. But it's 590% higher than Obama and $5.231 trillion less than Obama. Percentages are misleading.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

Be sure and ask Mr Fechter how it feels to be a loser. This guy went on for months spewing his usual lies and about how Consevatives were going to win big. Once again as always, he was wrong and is nothing but a loser.

Well actuall he is more than a loser, he is a poor loser, ask him how the leader of the new consevatives, wack job Allen West is doing. Oh yea, he lost too, America has spoken!

What a great day!

Be sure and ask Mr Fechter how it feels to be a loser. This guy went on for months spewing his usual lies and about how Consevatives were going to win big. Once again as always, he was wrong and is nothing but a loser.

Well actuall he is more than a loser, he is a poor loser, ask him how the leader of the new consevatives, wack job Allen West is doing. Oh yea, he lost too, America has spoken!

What a great day!

Now now Jim play nice.

From my favourite film "No man is a failure who has friends."

Even if their politics are rubbish :laugh:


This just in, President Obama meets with labor leaders to discuss strategies for his next term.


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