
Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
With all the issues facing the U.S. today, our esteemed "leader" is spending time sweating this kinda stuff? SERIOUSLY??? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeew gotta be kiddin' me...

Obama wants Marines to wear

If there's even a grain of truth to the above, Obama has now OFFICIALLY gone completely 'round the bend. ('Can't help but wonder if Michelle put him up to it.)

What IS the matter with that guy????????

Charlie Farley

In the UK, if we can find 100,000 votes, we can put a suggestion to the vote in parliament. Okay, that is simplifying it a bit, but you get the ghist.
Perhaps you need to collect votes and suggest that the president ( note lower case P ) always wears this :


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I almost threw up when I saw the photo. The articles (see the New York Post for more text) kept me ill.

So much for traditions and current-day politicians.

Semper Fi
Why didn't the kenyan's mom let him play in the sandbox when he was a kid?

Because cats kept burying him.
Marine Corps not changing male dress cover > Headquarters Marine Corps > News Article Display

Marine Corps not changing male dress cover

By Cpl. Chelsea Flowers Anderson | Headquarters Marine Corps | October 25, 2013


Recent headlines in the media have created confusion regarding a Marine Corps uniform item, the male dress cover. Some in the media have implied that the President of the United States directed a change in this dress cover.

Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. James F. Amos said, “the President in no way, shape or form directed the Marine Corps to change our uniform cover.”

While the Marine Corps Uniform Board is currently looking for a new cover, or cap, for female Marines because the current manufacturer is going out of business, there is no intent to change the current male Marine dress cover.

A survey released by the Marine Corps Uniform Board eliciting input from Marines in regard to uniform items, sought opinions about the “Dan Daly-style” cover.

Pictures of male Marines wearing this cover were included in the survey material. This is standard practice while conducting surveys. For instance, when the Marine Corps transitioned to the current MARPAT camouflage design several years ago, surveys included a number of proposed cami-patterns and additional uniform options.

“The surveys often contain photo illustrations that portray what a uniform article might look like when worn by a Marine,” Col. Todd S. Desgrosseilliers, Marine Corps Uniform Board president, said. “This is a very standard practice. While there was never any desire or intent to change the male Marine dress cover, the feedback we have received to maintain this iconic cover has been heard, loud and clear. "

Surveys conducted by the Uniform Board serve to inform the commandant, who has the final say on all changes to the Marine Corps uniform.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Well, another media beat up designed to be controversial and sell papers. I guess it worked.
Relax Marine, it ain't gonna happen.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
With all the issues facing the U.S. today, our esteemed "leader" is spending time sweating this kinda stuff? SERIOUSLY??? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeew gotta be kiddin' me...

Obama wants Marines to wear

If there's even a grain of truth to the above, Obama has now OFFICIALLY gone completely 'round the bend. ('Can't help but wonder if Michelle put him up to it.)

What IS the matter with that guy????????

Say Larry,

I know that you rely on Fox for your information and opinions, but they always make you look so bad.

Larry, if Fox is talking about it, it's at least an exageration and quite possibly like this one, a LIE!!!!

So guys, I think its OK to use "LIE" in this instance, after all their headline read:

"Obama wants Marines to wear girlie hats".............that my friend is absolutely, positively a LIE!

I think you owe the President and the First Lady an appology.
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Who cares? Only an idiot would have thought that story was even remotely with substance having looked at the photographs...

I mean, come on people.....


Jim, you may wish to include ABC news in your condemnations. They site "a Marine Corps Official" as the original source of the story.

Marines Thinking About Switching to a New Unisex Hat - ABC News

We'll yes I did see that and after a quick Risk Assessment chose to ignore it in case Petal McGraph chucked what's left of his toys out.

Oh boy! That's a lot of people now to do some apologising - but if Petal becomes BOB's proxy, we'll only have apologise to the Skyline Cess Pit Cleaner.

Sorry McGraph.

Ok? Got mine in early ahead of the rush.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Say Pat, so in reporting a story about the Pentagon, ABC reported this:

Marines Thinking About Switching to a New Unisex Hat - ABC News

An interesting, article, I'm not fond of the hats, but then the Pentagon is just thinking about it.

That is the way news is reported.


But Pat, FOX did not report the story, that the Pentagon is thinking about new hats, NO!

The said this!


Obama wants Marines to wear ‘girly’ hats


That my friend is a lie! Obama had absolutly nothing to do with the possable selection of Marine Uniforms, and you know it!

But Fox does not care about reporting the "NEWS", Fox only cares about one thing, turning every story into an anti-Obama story, they lie and misrepresent evey story, yet you either cant see that or wont see that.

Pat, did Obama have anything to do with this hat dicision?

Stop watching Fox, it will rot your brain...................
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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Stop watching Fox, it will rot your brain...................

This will be the most transparent admin in history.
Healthcare negotiations will be broadcast on C-SPAN.
Obamacare is NOT a tax.
I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits - either now or in the future.
If you want to keep your doctor, you can KEEP your doctor.
If you want to keep your present healthcare plan, you can KEEP your healthcare plan.
Health insurance premiums will go DOWN an average of $2,500 per family...
I'll reduce the deficit by 50% by the end of my first term.
If the 'spendulus' is passed now, now, NOW - unemployment will not exceed 8%.
There will be no lobbyists in MY administration.
I'll close GITMO by the end of the year.
Taxes will not go up one dime for people making less than $250K a year.
I'll wait 5 days before signing non-emergency bills...post them on the net, blah, blah.
The Benghazi attack was a spontaneous protest against an anti-Muslim video on YouTube.
We got back every dime of the bailout.
The Fort Hood shooting was a case of workplace violence.
The sequester is not something that I’ve proposed.

Etc., etc., and more etc.

Stop listening to Obama, it will rot your brain.