1st DRB in UK

Rather than add to the post about the RF, I thought I'd start another thread /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Last Summer I did a lot of research into my replacement 40 (to replace my Hitech Welding GT40). I visited Tornado, saw the CAV at Goodwood and spoke with Mark Sibley. As has been said many times before everyone has their own thoughts on 40s and for me none of these options were quite right.
Therefore it was suggested (by my wife!) to visit the other manufacturers who may be able to help. Therefore I hopped on a plane and visited GT40 Australia (DRB Sportscars) in Brisbane, GT40NZ in Auckland, and Roaring Forties in Melbourne.
I had approximately 24 hours in each City to learn as much as possible before flying back.
In the end (after far too much scratching of my head to go into here) it was between RF and DRB.
There is a lot I really like about the RF and found it very hard to decide against it, but against my criteria, in the end, it had to be the DRB.

By the way my criteria were
Necessary -
1) high quality examples seen which had been built by members of the public (therefore excluded CAV, MDA)
2) examples in use in competition (therefore excluded Tornado, MDA (and CAV?)
3) part built option/s
4) car in production for over 1 year (therefore excluded MDA)
Preferred -
1) factory rollcage (RF and DRB options)
2) good aftersales support (RF evident from the forum, DRB evident from talking to the owners (10+) I have met)
3) output shafts higher than input shafts (DRB is based on Porsche)
4) high torque capability from transmission (DRB is based on Porsche, RF on Audi)

I am also not afraid to admit that although I have done all my own servicing for over 20 years, rebuilt a number of engines and transmissions, and modified a couple of cars with competition in mind, I do not have ready access to engineering facilities, so I did not want to get involved in a car which would need heavy modification to allow my requirements, and I also want to build the car/ bolt the car together within a couple of years. Having had a 40 previously I know how long it takes to get anything done!!

To my mind there was no ideal option for me. I have had to make minor compromises, but I am happy with them, and perhaps I am too much of a perfectionist. Any other option would have had compromises which were more serious as I see it.

To echo Jerry's comments, if you are serious it is well worth the trip down under. If you do make sure you visit GT40 Australia on the Saturday before the 1st Sunday of the month for the factory meeting, and then the Cobra club meeting on the Sunday morning. Terrific!

I hope I may still be able to source one or two parts from other manufacturers, but the 1st (and I am sure it will not be the last) DRB in the UK should be here around September.
Here is one of the first pictures of the chassis being started.


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Robert Logan

Defunct Manufactuer - Old RF Company
Lee and Nessa,

Good luck with the build. I still get the goose bumps with my cars even after the majic HUNDRED is not upon us.

If there is anything I can help with please contact me.

Best wishes,

Congrats Lee,

Dave Harris also got a DRB, I have seen it and it is agreat car (I have a GTD). You will be very happy with it. The only DRB part I have on my GTD is the windshield, It works great even though Dave scrathed mine up /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Good luck, keep us posted with pics.

Peter Delaney

GT40s Supporter
Welcome aboard Lee ! You will have heaps & heaps of fun.

You will find such a depth of knowledge on the Forum that you will never find a challenge which can't be met !

Kind Regards,

Peter D.
Hi Lee
I met you during the trip at the DRB sausage sizzle.
Pete has made this open for the club to use as a nuts and bolt session (read testosterone). We have a breakfast to include the fairer partners 2 weeks after the Cobra Club one and usually end up in a drive somewhere.
I was down at DRB yesterday for a photo shoot for the CLUBGT40 shirt.
Your baby is more advanced and is coming along nicely.
I finished our garage today and now just need council to sign off on it and we are go. Pete estimates another 12 or so weeks for our body/chassis unit to be ready.
Anyway all the best.
Just to give folk a small update. Here is a picture of the chassis back from the painters.
I'll start a thread in the builders section shortly.


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Ron Earp

A couple of things on that chassis that I like that other folks don't do - the roll bar is quite nice (some do that) but I really like the fact they weld thin steel into the chassis is sections that you don't have to have access. Nice idea that others should do as well. One thing I think DRB should do is panel the section just behind the radiator, that need not be open.
Hi Ron I may be wrong but if the panal you are speeking of is the on from the radiator to the firewall, a fibreglass panel comes with the basic kit. It goes right up and follows the line of the front clip,not quite original looking but very practical on a road car

Darrell DRB chassis NO 46
Hi Ron I may be wrong but if the panel you are speeking of is the one from the radiator to the firewall, a fibreglass panel comes with the basic kit. It goes right up and follows the line of the front clip,not quite original looking but very practical on a road car [corrected version]

Darrell DRB chassis NO 46
Not sure on that, I think that is a question for Peter.

Here is a picture of the front end of another car. Does this show the panel you mean?


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Peter Delaney

GT40s Supporter
Lee, I am pretty sure that those are the panels being referred to. I would personally have preferred to see the bottom sections of the panels in steel - welded in, these would add to the chassis rigidity & would present a nicer finish for the inner guards (the f/glass panels have the rough hand-finished surface on the outsides).

The curved "splash panels" at the tops could still be in f/glass, although a folded steel or aly section would look nicer.

My 10c worth !

Kind Regards,

Peter D.
Well it's taken a little longer than planned, but it is finally in the UK, cleared customs and due to be delivered Thursday at 12 noon.
Anyone is welcome to come and have a look while unloading, and I could do with a couple of extra pairs of hands to help.
If anyone wants to be here for the great unveiling, please email or PM me and I'll send you a map.
Silverstone, UK.

That's great....you must be wired being so close....

Is # 52 arriving on tires/wheels, or is it on steel skids?
If it's on steel skids you may want to have some casters

Hi Mike
On a frame, so we'll have to manhandle it out somehow. Looking forward to the challenge. I have a small group of people and a fork lift lined up ready.
Congratulations Lee. Don't forget that the more you turn those wrenches the sooner you will be crusing down the road.
Best of luck, Joseph /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Hooray, it's arrived and is now happily sitting in the garage.
Here is the team, having a tinny of XXXX to celebrate.
Thanks to Brian, Verdun, Paul and Allan, and Dave with his monster tractor for lifting it out of the container.
Now to open all those boxes.


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