Answers on a post card please

Thanks for all your Captions. I hope you have enjoyed the many replies, I know I have.
I will ask an independant person to decide the best caption and a new Ford GT model will be forwarded anywhere in this big old world.
I will post a picture of the car shortly with the name of the winner
Thanks again for all your replies.
If you have any last words please add them now
My two favourite "last words".

"Either that wallpaper goes or I do" - Oscar Wilde
"I told you I was ill" - Spike Milligan

"Well the Doc' said I should pull it back and make sure things were properly clean down there, so I did, but unfortunately I sneezed..."

"Why did you bring the red button to the race track with you Mr President?"
"In case I find me any of those dang axles of evil; I can nucularise 'em!"


David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
"I'm afraid I have some very bad news,you're dying, and you don't have much time left."
"Oh, my god.How long have I got ?"
"Ten ? Ten what ? Months ? Weeks ? What ?!"


Lifetime Supporter
How many times do I have to tell you! The gas pedal is the one on the right, NOT the middle pedal!!
In this episode we see Teletubbies Helmut and Hoody acting out that old argument : Circumcise or not - which is the better intent?

"Have you heard about the Australian Prime Minister?
"He just lies and wishes his countrymen were English (circa 1952)".



Lifetime Supporter
You are by far the WORST student I have ever had. What is so difficult to understand? You drive AROUND the orange cones, not over them! Give me your helmet and go home.