Anti Roll bars old and new

Russ Noble

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter

What you're saying is it makes the dynamic unsprung weight appear unequal. I agree with you there, but Malcolm is also right in that it doesn't affect the way the bar works as an antisway bar. Well thought through analysis Jack. Keep up the good work!


Russ Noble

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
I should have added, IMO the extraweight and complication of running a two blade adjustment system far outweighs the theoretical difference in the effective unsprung masses. KISS


Ross Nicol

GT40s Supporter
Not to mention the cost Russ.Well my take on this is as Derek explained to me, when the blade is horizontal it is still connected and the bar is going to offer some resistance to roll because of that fact. In other words a blade cannot allow total bar effect removal as you would get if you removed a link.Now with that in mind, I can see that 2 blades may allow much less bar effect at soft settings ie 2 horizontal blades should remove most bar effect.Have I just developed some new racecar technology there? Hey Russ are you and Jack doing a South Island double act.Now if only he declares he lives in Invercargill that'll be 2 of us from there, Brian from Dunedin and Russ from Christchurch.I reckon we outnumber the North Island GT40 enthusiusts.
Sorry Ross, Im from that other metropolis in Southland,Gore , remember it when you were cruisin around after playing in the band? Dont know about the double act, Russ and Brian were both seen spectating at the SFOS meetings checking out future opposition for their cars. You had best get that new system of yours sorted and enter in next years SFOS,give Russ some incentive to finish his, At least that might keep him from proof reading my posts!! Sorry but you know I am pulling your leg.
Regards Jack.
Hoerr racing has the adjustable system in their 2002 catalogue. I looked it up and darned if it only had one blade adjustable and the other fixed or solidly mounted. I understand the physics of the system, but it seems the one blade would put more stress on one side of the suspension than the other. It also seems there is more adjustment range(on the soft side) with the two blades, and it just "looks" more balanced. I am probably wrong. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/flamer.gif

Russ Noble

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
Hi Bill,

it seems the one blade would put more stress on one side of the suspension than the other.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not possible, look at the extreme position with one bar totally disconnected.There are no loads anywhere in the system. Not as you might think one side totally loaded and the other not loaded at all. The action on one side causes an equal reaction on the other side. Hope this clarifies it for you?

Any further news on when DRB #5 is going to be up and running?


I guess the way to think about it is that the sway bar acts as a spring connecting the two suspension sides together. When the suspension displaces different amounts (roll vs. bump) then the spring is stretched. With the normal bar setup the bar "spring" is a combination of torsion of the bar (mostly) and bending of the arms (some). The bar arms and torsional cross portion look like "sub-springs" added together in series to form the net spring (stiffness).

With the blade type setup the torsion of the main bar and the bending of the blade arms still are in series it is just that the blade arm is the dominant spring (softer) and is adjustable. The bottom line is that whether you have one or two springs in the series that is adjustable it still provides a net adjustable total spring (stiffness). Obviously the devil is in the details. What stiffness range do you need and will one or two blades in combination with a stiff crossbar give you what I need.

Ross Nicol

GT40s Supporter
Dave York here is the pic for you
Ross /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/driving.gif


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