Book Recommendation

Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen
If anyone is (or knows someone else who is) dealing with depression, self-esteem issues, issues arising from being a perfectionist, workaholic or the like, I'd like to recommend a very good book: Feeling Good by David D. Burns, M.D. In addition, there are a number of great tools provided to help you deal with people in general. For instance, how to disarm a potentially explosive situation and win an argument with an opponent by by agreeing with them.

While the full title is Feeling Good - The New Mood Therapy, it was originally published in 1980. The most recent edition was revised, updated and copyrighted in 1999. There is also a work book that can be purchased that goes along with the book. It contains the work sheets and assignments for exercises described in the book (sample worksheets are included in the book as well), but the work book is not necessary although it would convenient.

I found the book very helpful and statistical studies cited in it indicate that the cognitive therapy techniques used are at least as good as, if not better, than anti-depressant medications.
