Fortyfication 81

After innumerable computer problems, Fortyfication 81 went to the printer on Monday morning.
I heard this morning that they started printing first thing today and that this edition will be in the post by the weekend.
Fortyfication 81 went into the post today.
The first magazine of 2009 contains:
  • A reprint from Complete Kit Car summarising the differences between the new IVA and the SVA tests.
  • Completion of Chris Simpson's build of one of the only 3 Roaring Forties to come out of South Africa.
  • Part 2 of 3 describing Bernie Mylon's job as a mechanic in the late 1960s looking after AM-GT2 when it was owned by Paul Hawkins and Jose Juncadella.
  • The Le Mans Classic from Claude Nahum's viewpoint, racing 1016.
Plus a lot more Club-related stuff.
I hope you enjoy it.
Magazine arrived Saturday morning. As always a good read. A special thanks to Tony for overcoming the technical issues.
All the articles are well written and full of interesting facts and information. For me I particularly enjoyed ....My Introduction To GT40's Pt.2" Bernie. Seemed to conjure up the way of life the race mechanic enjoyed (for this I mean endured!!!) in the 60's. Also the French cafe incident brought back memories of our trip to LMC last year. We were parked outside a restaurant in a little village and as we left all the restaurant staff including the owner, waiters/waitresses, cooks and kitchen staff came outside to inspect the car and hear us drive off.
Excellent read as usual. Having read Chris Simpsons article ref rf 119 ,I have rf118 who has the third car ,I was under the impression that there were only two completed .However I do have a photo with four chassis under construction ???
Being a brand new member of the enthusiasts club, this is my first copy of Fortification, and what a great publication. A big thank you to all of you who contribute/help to make this mag happen. Lots of info and some very well written articles. I'll be ordering the CD of back copies very soon.



Hi i am new to this club to. I would be really interested in reciving this magazine. Could anyone tell me where i can get it from?
