GT40 45th reunion at Road America

Jack Houpe

GT40s Supporter
I really look forward to this event. As far as separating the cars into different makes I feel the same way as Johan does about dinner. It is a waste of time to try and make a formal separation of the cars. I think if it looks like a GT40 from fifty feet away it qualifies. I don't care if it's SPF, GTD, original or whatever. We show up and park next to the car that just got there before you.

Since Jack has so gracously offered to make name tags he would be a good source for the number of people coming. Send him a private message or email with your name for the tag and I will help him compile the list of names from the forum going to the event. I/we will then post the number or names to the list.

I agree about us ALL being together no matter what make. This is the GT40s forum group, real, fake, or otherwise. I started a new tread for the tags, start putting your names on it.


Ron McCall

Since I am too cheap/lazy/poor to bring my car to this event, I would LOVE to get a ride with some one for the "parade" laps!
By my count on the name tag thread, there are about 13 cars that will be in attendance. If there are any more, we may just have the largest gathering of GT 40s in the country!!!!! A great photo op if there ever was one. I plan to bring my trusty old still camera to document as much as possible. I will have my laptop as well, so maybe we can get some live info for the forum. I will bring an extra chip or two. I hope there will be a movie camera or two to catch some of the action/cars/parades etc.

How about someone picking a time and date for a unofficial gathering. Maybe someone has but I missed it.

Jack, Would 10:00 a.m. on Fri, Sat, and Sunday morning be a good time to gather and form a plan for any activity we would want to do as a group? I assume a group picture of cars would be at the top of the list along with a drive or two in the area on the public roads. Any input from other attendees? Lots of potential here for some serious good times.

Historically we have met inside turn 5 and the Windy City Cobra club cooks breakfast every day. They have quite the setup with a nice cooking arrangement. Obviously we would need to supply food or chip in with a head count but it is a great way to start the day.
I plan to make the trek with ERAGT2077.

See you all there.

Jim Holden


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Now that it is getting close to the actual event, I thought I would recap some of the info posted here and let you guys know what I have found out from RA.
First the recap:

  • Johan will be in Corral #39
  • Engineer Ed will have an RV on site E-1
  • Jack is doing name tags for those attending
  • Steve and Jack mentioned meeting at 10AM for Fri. Sat. and Sun. to plan any activities(driving tours of the countr side) or any other activities that anyone would want to do. Sunday won't work, I'll explain later.
  • Dean mentioned checking with the Windy City Cobra Club about getting together with them for breakfast or having a display area with them or along side of them.
  • Rick Muck talked about getting with Randal Thomas about a Corral for the Replicas etc.
  • President George Brooggenthies mentioned a parking/display area for the Replicas
Anyone with updates on any of these points should let us know what they have found out.

Johan mentioned maybe a cookout on Wednesday for those that arrive that early. Other events mentioned were going to one of the local dirt tracks for entertainment. Schuartz Resturant and/or one in St. Marys. One of my coworkers is related to John Shovan the owner of Lake Street Cafe. I have talked with him and his wife. We could probably set something up there if there is an interest. Evan mentioned that Friday was a good day for the touring of the track($75 per car). there was mention of impromptu meetings at the Osthoff and making plans from there or just hanging out.

I have just gotten off the phone with Susan Wright,
Susan Wright
KIC Registrar
Vanessa Thieleke
Assistant Registrar
[email protected]
P.O. Box P
Elkhart Lake, WI

She gave me the following information about planned activities.
In the Paddock area there will be a display area of the originals and "some" of the replicas. When I mentioned there may be as many as 20 replicas there, she was taken aback. Said she didn't know that. So I don't know what that is supposed to mean. Continuation cars??
Saturaday at 8AM there will be a guided tour of the track for the replica crowd. I assume that is on the track.
Sunday is the big day of the "Race". At 7AM there will be a "Sunrise Tour and Breakfast" with Brian Redman and David Hobbs. I would imagine for those that want to partake in this, you might want to take it easy on Saturday night. Also on Sunday the prize winners from Fri. and Sat. night will be on display for a final judging and awarding.

Anyone with information on the above information points should let us know what they have found out. On the site for Road America, there are two forms that need your attention. If you are entering the concourse for the original/race cars you will need to fill out a "concours entry form" and send in some money to show your car. For those of you that want to do the touring event(s), you need to fill out the "touring form", pick out the days you want to tour(Fri. Sat. or Sun.) and send in your money($75per day)
If you have trouble finding these forms, I can forward them to you.

So that is what I have found out. Any other info,,,,, post it.

OBTW, if you don't have a place to stay yet, I have some info that came from the Chamber of Commerce and the Vaction Rental By Owner crowd when I started looking. There were some "rooms" and "homes" still available at last check(not commercially advertised). Prices are from $80/day with shared baths, to homes in the $300-$600 range. Can't guarantee they are still available.

Thanks Bill for posting the above info. There will be a (preliminary) race schedule that I will be happy to post when it is available over the next week or so. This schedule is important because everything during the event revolves around it including the downtown festivities as the race cars get a Police escort and arrive and depart on schedule. I do feel like you might enjoy entering your cars in the Saturday night Road and Track magazine street car show . It is worth the entry fee just to have a good parking spot.
I wish I could be of assistance in organizing some sort of meet and greet but believe me when I tell you that I am no good at organizing functions. For example, I hope I posted the right dates when I started this thread. Speaking for myself, I like to just hang out when the event race schedule permits and walk around and see what I can see. I 'll have chairs and a fan at my paddock space and you are welcome to sit and relax and have a laugh as we scramble to make it through another race weekend. The key to enjoying this event is to be in the right place at the right time and the race schedule will be a big help.
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I think we should post pictures of the cars we are bringing. Easiest way to spot someone. I am bringing these two cars. Please post pictures of the car you are bringing.


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