Is the right to bear arms outdated.

[ame=""]Watch what happens when Guns are banned in Australia - YouTube[/ame]
good find, the fact that , that clip is over 20 years old, sorry edited to read 16years old, 1996 to be exact, and its reported by a biased American news network to make it read exactly what they want it to. come over now 20 years later and tell the country it didn't work, and for the record I had to hand in my trusty old semi auto Rugger 22. and yeh it pissed me off at the time but I never used it anyway anymore so wasn't a biggy.
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And for the record, I don't like this country's foreign policy either.

I have traveled the world, at least parts of it....the trip to Leningrad, Moscow, East and West Berlin was very rewarding and eye opening. Thank you.

As a US citizen who sees this country's society degrading, and big government get bigger and more wasteful, I am saddened. As I stated before, more people care about gossip about American Idol then the well being if this country (based on how many vote for contestants and during political elections).

Banning anything will not solve any problems, look at the drug problem.

Limiting law abiding citizens will not solve the problem of violence. For the most part, it's not the law abiding citizens shooting up places and causing problems. And no matter what you do, you will not prevent evil from doing evil.

Again, I will state that I am not downplaying the tragedy, I am only trying to show that banning semi auto rifles ( which by the way are not assault rifles) will not solve the problem.

As a law abiding gun owner, I am tired of being vilified for something I had no part it. It would be similar to the problem of all the young street racers in their tuners causing bad accidents and killing people. Then the public outcry to ban high power, small cars. How would you like to give up your GT-40's, T-70's, and P-4's......

As a law abiding, gun owning citizen, I am on the defense all of the time from antigun politicians and the media. I didn't commit any crimes, why am I being punished? Last time I checked, you punish the person who commits the crime.

And the media needs to stop the sensationalism of tragic events. Stop giving evil the stage.
I'm going to put myself well and truly in the firing line here [no pun intended]

I'm 63 years old, have lived all my life in countries where gun ownership isn't totally banned but they are stricly controlled, in the passed I have owned a nice little Rugger 22cal for rabbits, foxes and the like, and the odd skippy, a Rugger 44 magnum carbine that I bought of a bloke in the NT for pigs etc and the odd shot gun when I owned a lab and lived on a farm, I'm also an ex Vietnam vet.
so i'm not totaly anti gun, I just don't see the point in owning one for so called protection, to me that means you own it to intentionaly shoot somebody, if they threaten you or piss you off. and because in your country they are so easy to get hold of, you can almost be dead certain that the other guy has one as well.
to me that's just a recipe for disaster, as anyone with a grudge about nothing can get his hands on a gun and create all sorts of carnidge. now i'm not saying it dosnt happen over here in either AUS or NZ as it has in the past unfortunately, you are right in saying that you cant stop it completely, that's just a foolish statement as we all no where theres a will there will be a way, but theres no need to make it easy for them.
the other disturbing thing I see is the availability of auto rifles and hi powered hunting rifles to anybody, even if you live in downtown Manhatten you can buy a hunting rife, why, what are you going to shoot, pidgeons at 1000 yards? in my opinion if you need an automatic rifle your either wastefull or a piss poor shot, either way they should be banned to the general public, as theres absolutely no reason in hell why they should own one. Hi powered hunting rifles should be more tightly controlled, and hand guns should also be more tightly controlled, instead of getting a free one when you open a bank acc at some banks.

I no ill get shot down in flames but what the hell its just my opinion for what its worth, no more no less.
merry X mass
cheers John

Good post.


I can't take credit from this as it was posted by Frank J on the site IMAO. It certainly is an interesting perspective.

"So people are acting pretty set on gun control, but all their ideas are things that do nothing but pester law abiding gun owners. Like the “assault weapons” ban or banning high-capacity magazines — which won’t actually be banned since they won’t confiscate what’s already out there. It will just make those things more expensive — hence annoying to gun owners like me. But apparently this gives a false sense of security to idiots since if you put the word “ban” on something, they think that means those things disappear.

So idea: Let’s just pretend to pass gun control. The people who most want it won’t know the difference between an actual law being passed and absolutely nothing being done, so can’t we just say we passed a bunch of laws and pretend everyone is safer? We’ll call it the “Super Deadly Gun Ban Act” and it will ban fully-automatic bolt action shotguns and armor piercing hollow points and any magically enchanted guns. And then all the dumb people will cheer, “We is safer!”

So it’s the same result as an “assault weapon” ban, but no enforcement costs and no petty intrusions on liberty. If people want useless things done to make us all feel safer, can’t we all just play along?"

As I noted in a previous post, having a mass murder at my elementary school in 1959 conducted by a whack job without a gun, I'm pretty much a cynic as to the effectiveness of the government to simply pass laws to magically evaporate such problems. But if you buy the “government fixes everything and individuals have no personal responsibility” mantra, then I think we ought to pass a law against violent mentally ill people. I’ll feel better even though it will certainly have no more an impact than restricting gun sales to law abiding individuals. Or we could take the French approach and hold therapists that knowingly allow psychopaths out on the street criminally liable for their actions...

French psychiatrist sentenced after patient commits murder - Yahoo! News Canada
The only reason the second ammendment is being attacked is control. If it were the amount of deaths we would be concentrating on tobbaco, drunk driving, drugs, or medical error.The left does love control.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
I don't know about other Americans, but I have a problem with other countries trying to change our Constitution to fit their beliefs.

"I too, have a BIG problem with that. Oops, I said that I wasn't going to comment on this anymore, sorry". Posted by Jack


What you see here is hypocracy at work, Danamal and Jack do not care really care when Brits Keith and Mr Morton continually bad mouth our Country, they do not care when Pete, an Austrailian joines in these Constitutinal discussions, no, they say nothing.

They only have a problem with foreigners that they don't agree with joining in. Let a foreigner with a different point of view enter the discussion, suddenly they have "a BIG problem".

Can you say, selective indignation?
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"I too, have a BIG problem with that. Oops, I said that I wasn't going to comment on this anymore, sorry". Posted by Jack


What you see here is hypocracy at work, Danamal and Jack do not care really care when Brits Keith and Mr Morton continually bad mouth our Country, they do not care when Pete, an Austrailian joines in these Constitutinal discussions, no!

They only have a problem with foreigners that they don't agree with joining in to the discussions.

Huh??? You lost me on that one.


Yep me too. Lost without trace - not unusual. Perhaps it's in his own head, no not perhaps, it IS in his own head.

From now on, he will be known as Hector Walrus.
So idea: Let’s just pretend to pass gun control. The people who most want it won’t know the difference between an actual law being passed and absolutely nothing being done, so can’t we just say we passed a bunch of laws and pretend everyone is safer? We’ll call it the “Super Deadly Gun Ban Act” and it will ban fully-automatic bolt action shotguns and armor piercing hollow points and any magically enchanted guns. And then all the dumb people will cheer, “We is safer!”

So it’s the same result as an “assault weapon” ban, but no enforcement costs and no petty intrusions on liberty. If people want useless things done to make us all feel safer, can’t we all just play along?"

I like this idea. +1

I was listening to the radio and its just shocking listening to peoples requests what they should ban. Its clear these people don't have any idea of what they are talking about.

So far I have heard calls for bans on:
Armor piercing bullets - banned in the late 80's or early 90's.
machine guns - banned in 1934.
guns that can be easily converted to machine guns - banned in the early 80's.
The public still overlooks one simple is illegal to commit murder... To put it in a simpler term... Murder is banned...and yet it still happens.

I see not one person called it tragic and called for more legislation when I mentioned the brutal murder of Gibbons. That drives home the point that many only care when a tragedy occurs that helps their antigun agenda.
What would happen if a drunk driver hits a school bus with 40 kids onboard and they all die? Would there be an outcry for stricter rules and punishment. Would we get teary eyed speeches from politicians? Or would it fade away in a week or less. Or is there a different value placed on gun related deaths?
[ame=""]Why Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime Rate In The World - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Penn and Teller: Gun Control BS, Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]


The Swiss video makes a lot of sense, unfortunately a lot of Americans want the government guiding and running their lives. The Penn and Teller ones are informative and funny. Thanks for sharing.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
The only reason the second ammendment is being attacked is control. If it were the amount of deaths we would be concentrating on tobbaco, drunk driving, drugs, or medical error.The left does love control.

No, I think the "left" -- more accurately those in society who look at the rest of the world, see ridiculously low gun death rates and wonder why ours are exponentially higher -- just wants fewer people to die so that you can enjoy a hobby.

Your "side" seems to want to be able to play with any gun, at any time, no matter the consequences for anyone else.

We have a culture here of ridiculously easy access to, and number of guns. It is the singular thing that separates us from the UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, etc. and it is denying reality to suggest that this access to gun is ot the reason for the exponentially higher gun death rates we have.

The cost of this culture? Well, just a few days, the cost of your hobby was a lot of dead kids.

I support the right to own guns. Responsible adults shoudl be allowed to do so, just like they should be allowed to drink and smoke. But I'm quite sure we have to do something about the prevailing "gun culture" we have in the US.

Remember. We had a tobacco culture in the 60s and 70s that believed smoking in public was ok, and doctors paid by tobacco companies claimed smoking was healthy, and people died from lung cancer or second hand smoke or had birth defects as a result.

We looked at the problem and what did we do? We didn't outlaw tobacco. But we made it harder to get, limited where it could be used. Is our society today not better as a result than when you got on a plane and 20 people lit up? Or you got to enjoy your neighbor's cigar as you ate your steak at your favorite restaurant.

And alcohol? In the 60s and 70s, drinking and driving was a joke. Everyone did it. And people died. So what did we do in the 80s? We significantly tightened our drinking and driving laws. No more free passes. BAC levels reduced to .08 or even lower. Suspended licenses and jail time for violations.

And what happened? The number of alcohol related deaths while driving came down.

So quite honestly, tobacco and alcohol are not good examples for the "all the guns I want, all the time" crowd because we had similar problems with the culture surrounding them and we went a long way towards fixing them by enacting stricter laws surrounding them.
We don't "play" with guns. I've had guns since I was 14. I know the ballistics of everything I shoot and I respect what they can do. I treat the 4000lb vehicle I drive daily with the same respect. There are 80 million gun owners in the US that do the same. Another Fast and Furious gun showed up at a murder scene in Mexico, our goverment was responsible for that. You don't have to own a weapon if you so choose. Don't assume that you can make my choice for me. Drunk drivers still account for 25,000 deaths a year, tobbaco accounts for 400,000 deaths a year.
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Yes, Jeff, this is not play, these are serious, manly, tyranny squashing, power inducing, thunder sticks, there is nothing fun here.

They are much too busy protecting themselves from the rest of the gun toting, power inducing, tyranny squashers to have fun.
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