Is the right to bear arms outdated.


Seriously though, I don't think Marc said anything to indicate he didn't care about gun related deaths nor does using the term "emasculation" in this sense imply a macho phallic thing. I am also sure when you refer to a gun as a "death stick" (even though they're used by policemen and hunters whom even gun-control advocates would say is very legitimate) you're intentionally exaggerating to make a point.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Thanks Bud, I know that depending on how someone looks and interprets at the data, there can be quite a range between sources.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Here is more interesting data.

Gun lovers go on and on about protection, the always ask, what about all the folks who use their guns in self defence?

In 2007 there were 12,632 gun homicides in the US

In 2007 there were only 391 justified killing with guns by Police in the US

In 2007 there were only 254 justified killings by private citizens in the US

In 2007, for every justified life taken by private citizens protecting themselfs there were 50 murders!

50 to 1 is impossible to justify!
But Mr Craik,

Many law abiding gun owners also stop crimes without having to shoot.

As in my case.

But I'm sure you'd be fine if they had turned me into a victim. But what do I know and how dare I want to not be a victim. I should have thought... Hmmm these evil people are turning over a new leaf and they really aren't going to break any laws and become upstanding citizens. WTF was I thinking.


I just spoke to a neighbor who in a study of excess just purchased a Taurus .45/410 Revolver that in addition to .45 Colt ammo shoots 410 shotgun shells. He told me that given all the reports of the government seeking to suppress 2nd Amendment rights, he decided to buy a gun "while he still can". Ironically all this talk of gun control has succeeded in motivating thousands of new gun owners buying weapons and the sale of guns in general are going through the roof.
So in the world of unintended consequences, all this discussion of gun rights and restrictions has thus far succeeded in putting thousands of new guns, high capacity magazines and other "soon to be banned assault weaponry" in hands of the population and exacerbated more we/they contention between liberals and conservatives.

So in reality we have the net effect of liberal efforts at gun control actually arming the nation with millions of more guns. How ironic...

Gun Sales In 2012 Set Record, FBI Data Indicates

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Here is more interesting data.

Gun lovers go on and on about protection, the always ask, what about all the folks who use their guns in self defence?

In 2007 there were 12,632 gun homicides in the US

In 2007 there were only 391 justified killing with guns by Police in the US

In 2007 there were only 254 justified killings by private citizens in the US

In 2007, for every justified life taken by private citizens protecting themselfs there were 50 murders!

50 to 1 is impossible to justify!

Then lock up all the gangbangers, drug dealers, and other assorted dirtbags who possess guns illegally and watch those numbers fall like lead bricks.

You said it yourself: "...for every JUSTIFIED life taken by private citizens PROTECTING THEMSEL(VE)S there were 50 MURDERS." Murder = criminal action. Law ABIDING people don't commit murder. Rid the streets of criminals & you'll rid the country of 99.999999999999999% of all gun related deaths/injuries.

You are continually blaming GUNS for gun deaths, sir. That's like fat folks blaming knives & forks for the fact they're fat...or blaming cars for the number of drunk driving deaths/injuries...or blaming lakes, rivers, streams, oceans, or swimming pools for drownings.

O.J. Simpson used a knife to kill two people. Many others have used them to kill as well. Shall we therefore restrict/ban knife ownership, too? How about bows and arrows? There was a murder reported a few weeks back wherein those were the weapons of choice.

"Larry, why are you wasting your time with this"?

"'Darned if I know..."

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

Actually, that is not true!

Virtually all the recent surge in gun sales are going to folks who already have guns.

Even as the number of guns in the US goes up, the number of gun owners has been consitantly been going down.

In 1977 the number of American household with guns was 54%.

In 2010 the number of American household with guns was 32%.

Further proof of this is in 1994 the average gun owner had 4.1 guns, in 2004 the average gun owner had 6.9 guns.

20% of the gun owners own 65% of the guns.

Additionally the age of gun owners in the US has been going up
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Actually, that is not true!

Virtually all the recent surge in gun sales are going to folks who already have guns.

Even as the number of guns in the US goes up, the number of gun owners has been consitantly been going down.

In 1977 the number of American household with guns was 54%.

In 2010 the number of American household with guns was 32%.

Further proof of this is in 1994 the average gun owner had 4.1 guns, in 2004 the average gun owner had 6.9 guns.

20% of the gun owners own 65% of the guns.

Additionally the age of gun owners in the US has been going up

There's close to 100 million gun owners in this country.

But in surveys, probably half answer that they are not gun owners because they don't trust the information not to be used against them. (Like what happened in NY with that irresponsible paper releasing the names of permit holders.)

Hell, when I get asked in a survey if I am a gun owner, I ask if a squirt gun counts.



In 1977 the number of American household with guns was 54%.

In 2010 the number of American household with guns was 32%.

Not to quibble with your math Jim but my point in the surge in new gun buyers was from 2008 to present coincident with the election of the current administration and all the concern about gun control. The numbers show that since 2008 gun ownership in America has soared - with FBI requested background checks for new gun licenses set to reach 15 million for the first time in their history.
As an example:
"We have seen an absolute explosion in membership that began in late 2008 and has continued to be sustained through the present day," said Scott Bach, president of the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs. "I address hundreds of new members every month at our range orientations, and these are largely people that are new to firearms." According to Mr. Bach, the association has witnessed a change in trajectory since 2008, in both the number and demographic makeup of those who are joining New Jersey shooting clubs. "We have had lots of women and families joining us," he said. "Basically, for everyone who has ever said 'someday I'm going to buy a gun,' that someday is now."
Sales have been riding high ever since Mr. Obama took office, including a significant rise in first time gun owners. The number of federally licensed retail gun dealers in the U.S. has also risen for the first time since 1993.
Rising gun sales in New Jersey driven by first-time buyers |
Gun ownership soars under Obama as more than 15 million Americans apply for a licence in 2011 | Mail Online
I think like a lot of people Guns are fine for lawful hunting and lawful limited self protection.
Apart for target shooting what is a guns purpose?
We've had the police shoot a man dead for carrying a wrapped up chair leg. A bullet does not discriminate against an innocent. Nor does a split descision.
While were are talking take the Jewish uprising in the Warsaw getto had a limit amount of rifles and submachine guns but they were up against tanks?
In the UK guns are available to the criminals especially to outside cultures that have no problem using them i.e. Yardies from Jamacia and eastern european gangs. Would I want one????
You say armed the teachers but not all individuals have the skills or mindset to shoot another human being even when attacked. They may freeze (soliders have done this in war) and have the weapon taken away from them and used against them. You would need armed trained guards at Schools and theres no guarentee of the outcome against a mental suicidial attacker? Would hardened criminals care they have no concious or morals a pyschopath has no apathy they are out for themselves.
Capital punishment is a two way sword it may deter some criminals for some others "the nothing to loose" syndrome applies. Its their mindsets that determine the severity of the weapon crime. How are you going to be vigilant or see or tell when someone is a rapist armed robber etc? They are mostly clever in hidding their intentions
Like you say its people that kill people But that means restricting access to any weapons and ammo. Is it stored and lock away in seperate locatations or not near each other in the US?
But allowing assault rifles that car fire 100 of rounds a minute is asking for trouble. I cannot see the point of a automatic weapon outside of the military.
In Britiain there have been guns here for ages but there on the criminal side. Maybe within American the availablity has gone too far over ther limited to be pulled back.
You say you have a right to bear arms. Your citzens have a right to life that is way above this. The guns used to shoot those children were legally owned; but accessed easily by a psychpath.
I have questions only and no solutions. But feel for the parents and families of those children.
Most people don't know what an assault rifle is. It fires fully automatic or in bursts, you need a Federal Firearms License to own one. Semi automatic (one shot at a time) rifles are not assault rifles.
If you were to keep a gun locked up in one part of the house and ammunition locked in another part of the house you would have to make the crook get an appointment to attack you so as to have time to scramble around the house to get your gun and ammo. All people that own guns should be very knowledgeable as to the safe operation and care of the gun. They should also go regularly to the range.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I think like a lot of people Guns are fine for lawful hunting and lawful limited self protection.
Apart for target shooting what is a guns purpose?
The concern of The Founders that spawned our RIGHT to "keep and bear" over here went faaaar beyond "lawful hunting and "limited (?!?!?!) self protection". If you'll read our "federalist papers" you'll see that their central motivation was to ensure we could defend ourselves against tyranny by our own govt - as well as against any foreign invasion.
(I would remind you that Japanese Adm. Yamamoto stated during WWII, "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." And he was 100% right.) Like I said, our right to "keep and bear" involves far more than hunting.

We've had the police shoot a man dead for carrying a wrapped up chair leg.
And the police should have known it was a chair leg...because...? My guess is the man was told to drop the item and he refused - or he turned it in the direction of the police and that was that. We have an expression over here that probably applied in the incident you mentioned; "Suicide by cop."

A bullet does not discriminate against an innocent. Nor does a split descision.
While were are talking take the Jewish uprising in the Warsaw getto had a limit amount of rifles and submachine guns but they were up against tanks?
Would they have been better off in the end had they sat on their thumbs and done nothing?

In the UK guns are available to the criminals especially to outside cultures that have no problem using them i.e. Yardies from Jamacia and eastern european gangs. Would I want one????
What would you rather have to defend yourself against these people?
You say armed the teachers but not all individuals have the skills or mindset to shoot another human being even when attacked. They may freeze (soliders have done this in war) and have the weapon taken away from them and used against them. You would need armed trained guards at Schools and theres no guarentee of the outcome against a mental suicidial attacker? Would hardened criminals care they have no concious or morals a pyschopath has no apathy they are out for themselves.
The only defense against a perp with a gun that provides any hope at all that a potential victim might come away from the encounter whole is a gun in the hand of said intended victim. The police are usually too far away to change a thing.

Capital punishment is a two way sword it may deter some criminals for some others "the nothing to loose" syndrome applies. Its their mindsets that determine the severity of the weapon crime. How are you going to be vigilant or see or tell when someone is a rapist armed robber etc? They are mostly clever in hidding their intentions
Like you say its people that kill people But that means restricting access to any weapons and ammo. Is it stored and lock away in seperate locatations or not near each other in the US?
But allowing assault rifles that car fire 100 of rounds a minute is asking for trouble. I cannot see the point of a automatic weapon outside of the military.
In Britiain there have been guns here for ages but there on the criminal side. Maybe within American the availablity has gone too far over ther limited to be pulled back.
You say you have a right to bear arms. Your citzens have a right to life that is way above this.
And how do YOU propose to effectively defend that right to life in the face of an armed threat except by the use of another gun? The guns used to shoot those children were legally owned; but accessed easily by a psychpath. (...which is the exact reason some of us keep trying to pound home the point that L-A-W-S aren't going to protect the innocent. 'Never have. 'Never will. In the end, we all have to protect ourselves.
I have questions only and no solutions. But feel for the parents and families of those children.
Amen to that, Allan. Amen to that.


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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Pat, all the data services have very similar numbers, there are fewer gun owners, but they own more guns.



Jim, I'm sorry but I don't buy your data. See Gallup data below. Their new data suggest that at 47%, reported gun ownership is the highest it has been in nearly two decades.

Self-Reported Gun Ownership in U.S. Is Highest Since 1993

Daily KOS and other lefty sites are trying to make the case that suppression of gun rights really would affect a fewer number of people and massaging their polling data to reflect that. I guess that means it would be OK. In fact, there is no way to accurately measure how many people have guns. That's why the government doesn't have statistics on it, only records checks, new gun dealer licenses, and dealer gun sales which are skyrocketing. The massive number of new license requests, the exploding new NRA membership and the sales volumes does not suggest in any way that fewer people own guns. And given the incredibly irresponsible actions of newspapers (here in Florida we also had a TV station) to publish the names, addresses and mapped locations of gun permit holders, I suspect another unintended consequence is that more concealed weapons will be carried without permits.


  • self reported gun ownership.gif
    self reported gun ownership.gif
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Jim, I'm sorry but I don't buy your data. See Gallup data below. Their new data suggest that at 47%, reported gun ownership is the highest it has been in nearly two decades.
Posted by Pat

Pat, you say gun ownership is a 47%! Look again at your data, your data is for guns in house and anywere on property, garage, barn or car, that is not the same as gun ownership, is it?

Since you seem to think Gallup is believable, here is a Gullup poll from just a couple of weeks ago, it shows personal gun ownership at 29%

Pat, that is not the highest in to decades, its not even higher than last year!

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Jeff, first, name calling is unnecessary. I may be "dense" but I can read a graph as well as successfully interpret the additional references I provided.
I would invite you to look at the tail end of referenced graph as well as referencing the articles I posted referencing the number of gun checks by the FBI. Hopefully you will notice the tail goes in the opposite direction as the one cited by Jim. Of course no available data includes actual gun ownership, only what has been self reported and it does not reflect the wave of purchases since Mr. Obama announced his plans to put his “full weight” behind passing new restrictions on firearms in 2013.
Perhaps you are not aware that if someone wishes to buy multiple guns, they do not require a check for each gun purchased. So the check data probably underreports sales. FYI Only 1.4% of checks are rejected.
Jim, you are free to examine the data I provided as well and as others reading it and can come to your own conclusions.

If you believe that the number of households owning guns is NOW trending downward, I would respectfully suggest that you are mistaken.