Law Enforcement American Style!!

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
'Great in theory, Pete...B-U-T, Washington State and Colorado have both "*legalized*" 'pot' and the ILLEGAL TRADE is still going strong. Why? For one thing, both those states' gubmunts are taxing the snot out of 'weed' sales. Therefore, 'illegal' sales are still booming. 'Simple economic 'competition' at work... ;)

(* Fed. law and the fed. constitution TRUMP state constitutions and state laws...and FEDERAL LAW still prohibits marijuana use/sales/growing. So, no matter WHAT every liberal on the planet claims - pot is STILL illegal everywhere in the U.S. But, Obama and his minions who run his so-called "Justice" Department have simply chosen to violate their oaths to uphold the laws and constitution of the U.S. and have, instead, chosen to simply ignore both states' illegal "laws".)

I did say take the profit away and remove the criminal element. Taxing the shit out of it doesn't achieve that at all, hence the black market.