Limited Edition 789 Chevy


Is this a new project?

1957, 1958 & 1959 All Rolled Into One hence "789"

Corvette C6 Chassis
100 off
$88,000 estimate




I'd have one..... :)

Brian Kissel

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Hello Keith !!

It has been around for at least 2 or 3 years. I have had a picture of it in my shop for at least that long. My daughter thought it was something she wanted, so she had the picture framed for me.

Regards Brian
That looks downright ugly! I hate the windshield on that thing aswel as the alloys!

I watch a few of these american car builder programs and why the hell do they go to all this trouble to create an awesomely rebuilt oldskool american muscle car and ruin it by putting massive chrome alloys with low profiles? They look so out of place on those cars...

Do the american folk here on this forum like the big chromeys on oldskool cars?
All they did was ruin a good '57 and a 'Vette to boot ! And you're right,the baby carriage wheels are out of place on vintage American iron.
If you ever get a chance to meet Fred Kanter the guy behind this. He sports thrift store shirts, and is a total crazy guy. He own's Kanter Auto that's why he has money to burn on projects like this.He is a real power house when it comes to getting things done. He just needs better designes to work with,
If you judge it on build quality and paint it would be a hard car to fault. May not be to my taste, but the the people who put this together have skills !


Lifetime Supporter
Saw one on the road last week. Interesting to look at but not my cup of tea. Check out CRC corvettes. They us a C5 chassis and rebody to look like a C2 style corvette. Novel.
