New TRT Transaxle

I am pleased to announce a brand new transaxle for high horse-powered mid-engine cars.

It has a lot to offer in such a small and light package. The transaxle is a dog engagement five speed with reverse, sequential shift, with torque bias differential and a set of quick-change gears. The transaxle is rated at well over 1,000 hp and 800 ft lbs in a 3,500 lbs car.

- Hundreds of ratios are available
- 1st through 4th are changeable with 5th being a one to one ratio
- Ring and Pinion ratio is 4.12 but with hundreds of quick change gear sets you can have a 2.38 all the way to a 7.14
- Sequential Shift with Reverse and Neutral lock out (one lock out to keep from going into neutral and another lock out to keep from going into reverse)
- Shift pattern R-N-1-2-3-4-5
- 24 inches long with Ford or Chevy bell housing
- 15.75 inches from centerline of output shafts to rear of transaxle
- 14 inches tall and 12.875 inches wide, 12 inches at the drive flanges
- 8.25 inches from block mounting surface to output shaft centerline (now you can move your engine back and you no longer need the water pump bump)
- Weight is estimated to be 140 lbs or less

The design is complete and a prototype should be complete in approximately two to three months.

I have been working on this for the last year and it is time to let the cat out of the bag.

Send me a PM or Email with contact information if you would like more details.

Attached is a rendering of the main output shaft.


  • Main Shaft 15.JPG
    Main Shaft 15.JPG
    91.8 KB · Views: 6,118

The target price for the first 10 is going to be 11,000 US. and the price will go up after the first set are sold. One thing I did not say is this box will be both h-pattern or sequential in the same box. Just switch out a couple of parts to convert. So if you want to run it as a Sequential and race sometimes in a class the does not allow sequential then you could convert it. You could use the same shift rod but limit the side to side motion on the shifter when going from one to the other. If you have any further question email or PM me with your contact info and I will get back to you. I PM'ed you my phone if you would like to talk.

One other thing, if you don't want a race style dog box a 600 ft lbs syncro box is in development, same specs but the gear ratios are fixed. Still has the quick change so the you have multiple final drive ratios but the spacing between the gears are fixed. Pricing on this box should be 2,000 less than the dog box but its at least 6 months out as the dog box needs to be in production before starting on the syncro box.

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I just got off the phone with my patent attorney and he stated that I should not post any drawings or pictures for a least two more weeks. Sorry, but you know how lawyers can be (a real pain in the &*^).

Brian Kissel

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Hello Richard !!!
This is a very interesting design. I am very interested in the transaxle, however I will currently be using a 383 small block Chevy Gen I. Per your email, I see that you initally won't be offering a bell housing for these. Down the road I am thinking of a Warhawk LS7X. Please keep me informed on the progress of this unit. I have emailed you my details, and have received your phone number.
Thanks again for taking on this huge undertaking!!!!
Regards Brian Kissel
A substantial project, well thought-out. Best of luck.
Glad to hear of your interest in our Warhawk. PM-me if you have any questions.

I'm not a Chevy guy but is the block bolt pattern the same for a Chevy small block, ls 1,2,5,6,7 the same as what you are using (383 small block Chevy Gen I)? Just trying to make sure.

Thanks again

Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen

COOL! It would be nice (yes, I'll be the first to say it) to have something Made IN America!! (I know the RBT is built on the west coast but it is still a German transaxle and the T44 is, for all intents and purposes, vaporware for all but the most wealthy.)

With the dimensions, and the ability to gain some space in front, maybe a roots blower will be possible (without some ridiculous belt drive coming off of the flywheel or something.)

I think the number of options you are building in are very smart way to go. I know its early, but can you give a ball park as to what the gear and final drive sets will cost?

I, for one, will be pulling for you!



Gulf GT40
Lifetime Supporter
Richard Yes, very cool a USA box for a change. I hope it works out well, as I'm sure you saw the posts for the Quaife box that might be an alternative if it materializes but I'm guessing your box will have more capacity all round given some of the excellent engineering that I have seen in snap shots of your work. Make it fit where my 930 boxes do now and I'll give it a shot :-)


Each gear set is around 300.00 (thats a pair of gears) 1st, 2nd ect. The quick change gears are priced from 75.00 to 150.00 (depending on manufacture and material). Here is a link to SCS Gears, the quick change gears that it will come with. SCS Gears - PROFESSIONAL. Here's a quick change chart from winters as it shows the final ratio for the 4.12 Ring and pinion.



How is you 930 box mounted in your RCR? As for size no problem, but you may need to move the engine back or live with the drive shaft angles.

Thanks again
The Quaife box will materialise. The more people have choice the better as far as I am concerned. Both boxes have good credentials and I am sure will do well. Horses for courses as they say.



Gulf GT40
Lifetime Supporter
Richard - The 930 is mounted by an adapter plate with the stock full 930 housing (later model not short early). Not sure of the thickness of the plate. But I have a 930 spare in my garage if you do need any measurements. Like I said if you box has any of the though like your car build it will be something very nice.

Martin - If the Quaife is made in the UK I would have concern for cost here in the states, but really have no idea where it would be made. I'm also guessing that the boxes will likle have different audiances to some extent, but hard to say until all this start to materalize. The quaif boxes of current are very expensive and I will be interested to see how the cost is cut while maintaing quality/performance/durability/repairability. In any case will be a win/win for the consumer to have a choice.

I have 3 fully preped 930 boxes, and I'll say that I don't expect much trouble but a sequential box with straight cut gears was my first choice, but I better spent the $$ on other stuff and spare parts.

Looking forward to the next few months of info on both boxes.


Sandy has a point with Quaife, I waited over two year for the mark II to come out. It was always two or three more months (over and over), so I went out and got a Hewland LG600. I don't know what the issue was, nor do I care at this point. I may have problems with mine and need extra time to solve and fix. One thing for sure the market is out there for a good strong box that can be had for less than 40,000 US.

Look at any box out there that can handle the power that the modern day V8 can produce.

Hewland NLT 500 ft lbs rated (14,500 to 15,500 pounds thats at least 30,000 US delivered)

XTRAC 386 Grand American Daytona Prototype Sportscar Gearbox (last time I talked it was over 40,000 + US)

EMCO GA46 550 ft lbs (35,000 US 2 years ago)

930 - (good price 3,500 US and up and a very strong box) getting harder to find in good shape and its only a 4sp.

now boxes that are good but can't really handle the power.

ZF - 450 ft lbs max (9,000 US plus you need a bell housing)

G50 - (3,000 US and up for a used one and you sill need to put a lot into it to make it work) ask Bill D. plus the ratios are not good for a V8.


Gulf GT40
Lifetime Supporter
Nope, the 930 in the RCR is a dangler as I'll call it, not attached by anything except the bell. The ZF in the RCR I think does mount up to the rear upper cross brace, might have a look at BillD's RCR car I think he is running one.

And your right on for the prices of the EMCO and NLT, those are what I looked at and then rejected the EMCO cost wise (also I think very long), the NLT was about it and requires custom bell, as well as reputed to needing a good amount of maintenace, can't say if valid, but that's the word in the street as they say.

Fyi, cost for gears on most of the boxes are crazy. The 930's were 600-800 per set, I would guess most other fall in line with that.

Richard I hope your diff is something like an off the shelf 9" :) But Look forward to the info as it shows.



Richard . You forgot the Goran(GOX) made T44 capable up to aprox 900- 1000hp and priced around $ 15000 .
Will be ready for testing these days


Crikey! For a long time this forum was dedicated to the familar lament that everything was dependent on the rarity of viable transaxles. Now I get the feeling we're about to be crushed by the asteroid like impact of several transaxle competitors coming to the market at the same moment!

The announcement of two potential major players (sorry 3 now with Goran) within hours on the same day cannot be a coincidence and I would have to remark that there is surely room for everyone in this growth market.

So, one day RBT are hero's and the next?.....

Plus ca change, plus ca meme chose, mon cher amis....

I most certainly agree. The ZFQ and my box are going after really two different markets. While the ZFQ is a ZF on steroids, the box I have is more like a race box. User changeable gears, Sequential shift, dog engagement and straight cut gears. My syncro version is in direct completion with the ZFQ, but it is at least 6 months out. I don't know the timing on the ZFQ and can't or won't comment on it. As for timing on this announcement, I was going to announce it last week, but my oldest daughter got sick and was put in the hospital (she's doing fine now). So it just happened that Chris and I did it on the same day. All I can say is its about time and we (the GT40 community) have been waiting for this for a long time. With so many new mid-engine cars coming out there is room for all of us. Lets see RCR cars, Factory Five GTM, CAV, Superformance, Ultima just to name a few. The supply of G50's and ZF all but gone and RBT swamped with orders. Im sure with the quality of Quaife that the ZFQ will be a great box and wish them the best in there endevors.

Thanks again
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Right on - everyone can relax now! It's been the conventional wisdom that your choice of chassis/kit/turnkey was largely dictated by the availability of a suitable transaxle. It looks as if choices just got easier.

This surely then, is a great day, not only for '40s but any project with a mid engine.

From henceforth therefore, this day shall be known as our Transaxle day!:D