Original Style Bellhousings, Flywheels, and Clutches

At long last after several months of engineering, Safir GT40 Spares, Limited has assembled a package of components to connect small block Ford motors to ZF/RBT gearboxes using the small flywheel, ring gear, and twin plate clutch that was used in the original cars of the 60s. The components use the original bellhousing design with the two mounting bosses on the bottom cross-member, which bellhousing requires a small flywheel and ring gear, which flywheel requires the use of a small clutch. The clutches that we are supplying will transmit 500 BHP as a single disc design, and 900 BHP as a twin. The clutch is the same design and manufacture as the clutch used on the Saline S7.

The Superformance GT40s can now be fitted with the original components, and have no bellhousing or flywheel hanging below the bottom cross-member.

Give us a call to discuss your needs!

Bob Wood
513-310-4119 cell
513-831-5628 evenings
513-672-5108 days