Roaring Forties Australian GT40 Replica Saga 1/2 Million USD Gone - Final Report?

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Yes, a judgment obtained here in the US may be enforced in Australia but there are a number of things you need to understand about that:

1. First, the judgment will need to be taken to Australia, and essentially "entered" as a judgment there in court. While most NAFA/EU/ANZAC countries do honor US judgments, almost all have a procedure (sometimes lengthy) by which the judgment debtor can challenge the judgment on a variety of grounds...whether the US court had jurisdictiono ver the defendant, whether the US court entered judgment in a manner offensive (i.e. by default) to Aussie law, etc. This can get expensive.

2. Most importantly, if this Logan character has been through the equivalent of a US bankruptcy proceeding in Australia, then he is probably not liable for any debts that arose prior to the proceeding. I did some talking, briefly, to the Australian attorney Ron engaged and my understanding was that the "trustee" for the RF estate had the ability to pursue Logan for his personnel assets in certain circumstances where RF was operating but insolvent. Since that didn't happen in the Australian bankruptcy, I think it highly unlikely (but am not sure) that a subsequent individual action against Logan would have any success.

Bottom line is you are looking at a lengthy, time consuming, expensive process (I'm sure you are talking more than $10 to $20k) with little hope of recovering anything.

Sorry guys. I wish the reality was different. This guy Logan is a theif plain and simple, from what I've seen.
Ha ha, looks like he's going to the U S A to kiss a few frogs while looking for a prince with cashflow, I can think of a few contenders for that opportunity , not!

Brian Kissel

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
I think there are several people in the states that would like to see him here. I am only out a small amount of money, compared to a lot of other people here.

Ron Earp

“The first car has taken me more than 4000 hours to date, and about $200,000, but this is the prototype and costs much more.” says Logan.

$200,000 is about a third of what he owes people that he shafted.​

What's the name of this new company so that we can all play along?

Here is where it all started back in the day.....

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Surely this deserves its own thread as its not related to the Roaring Forties that exists today.

As is documented here, RF as a company went through an insolvency stage, the company was then resurrected under new ownership and has since been sold recently to its third owners. I don’t see how the current work of its original owner is related to the topic as it is not related to the company that exists today. Some moderation probably should take place here. Either editing the topic title, locking it or transferring the details relating to the new venture into their own thread. Maybe “Original Raring Forties company – Solvent up to 2006”

I don’t see how any of these latest developments can be linked to the original company and how any money could be recovered for those that are still owed money.

(I do understand that it is a sore point for many, and I don’t know any of the details about how/where/why the money went missing)


Brian Kissel

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Sorry Ryan, I for one do not agree with you on this one. It is in its original thread, dating back to 2006. Someone just made mention on this original thread about the POS, probably going to do the same thing to his future customers. Burn me once, shame on you, burn me twice, shame on me.

Once again, people trying to look out for other people.
Regards Brian
he has blatantly copied my car ( ) I refused to deal with him a few years ago knowing his history - looks like the article is little more than a fishing trip for gullible investors , hope no one falls for this scam all over again ..................................

Mike Pass


$200,000 is about a third of what he owes people that he shafted.

guess the rest went on the lovely new build house ( see mr logans facebook page . )

perhaps we should all get teaching jobs , they seem to pay rather well ??

Robert Logan
10 September at 09:38 ·

A rendering of the original design which has been switched with the garage to the right.
Image may contain: sky, house and outdoor


Ed McClements

he has blatantly copied my car ( ) I refused to deal with him a few years ago knowing his history - looks like the article is little more than a fishing trip for gullible investors , hope no one falls for this scam all over again ..................................
Hi Ian
That was my first thought when I saw what he was up to. Except his rip-off is nowhere near as nicely designed and engineered as your cars, of course. Hope you're keeping well.

Andy Sheldon

Tornado Sports Cars
GT40s Sponsor

Thats how it started with me.
He wanted to be a dealer and I refused due to issues I had with him when he was building one of our cars so he decided to rip us off.
He took his finished TSC GT40 back to Australia and photographed it and used the pictures in his sales literature etc. I still have a copy of his original brochure along with his signed order form as proof.
I have seen it before and again recently with another outfit if you can call it that.
When it all catches up with them they move into another market and do the same again.
The genuine companies loose sales and income, the customers loose their money and the only winner is the rip off merchant.
And the sad thing for the industry is that once the customers have lost money they never come back in most cases.


Hi Ian yep its nut and bolt a copy of the 67-F1, i must admit to taking inspiration from your car to build the Brabham, but that was all. mr logan has been to see me trying to pinch ideas etc but fortunately i had no cars in the shed at the time, and my memory was a bit vague as well, lol.
BTW he did tel me he tried to buy the design off you but his story was you wanted to much for it, so he decided to just rip you off instead.
i am watching it locally with interest so will keep you all informed if you wish.
cheers John
Hi Ian yep its nut and bolt a copy of the 67-F1, i must admit to taking inspiration from your car to build the Brabham, but that was all. mr logan has been to see me trying to pinch ideas etc but fortunately i had no cars in the shed at the time, and my memory was a bit vague as well, lol.
BTW he did tel me he tried to buy the design off you but his story was you wanted to much for it, so he decided to just rip you off instead.
i am watching it locally with interest so will keep you all informed if you wish.
cheers John
here is mine - and his 'not a copy '