Alex Hirsbrunner
Lifetime Supporter
Hi Folks,
I have been informed that a number of the "Missing" Roaring Forties GT chassis manufactured in South Africa (along with the parts required to partially complete the cars) may have arrived at the new Roaring Forties Australia, possibly including chassis #129 which I personally lost a 32K deposit on (many others lost more than I on their respective cars).
While it is likely that these chassis and components have been obtained legally (assuming that the information I received is even accurate regarding the current location of these chassis), I have not received any information indicating that the assets of CAMCO SA (the subcontracted manufacturer) have yet been accounted for by the government appointed administrators for the Roaring Forties insolvency.
As such I am posting the photos of RF chassis #129 taken in South Africa previously forwarded to me by Hershal Byrd. I realize It is unlikely that anyone would be able to identify a specific chassis, but if they can myself and many others would be most interested to hear from you.
Alex Hirsbrunner
I have been informed that a number of the "Missing" Roaring Forties GT chassis manufactured in South Africa (along with the parts required to partially complete the cars) may have arrived at the new Roaring Forties Australia, possibly including chassis #129 which I personally lost a 32K deposit on (many others lost more than I on their respective cars).
While it is likely that these chassis and components have been obtained legally (assuming that the information I received is even accurate regarding the current location of these chassis), I have not received any information indicating that the assets of CAMCO SA (the subcontracted manufacturer) have yet been accounted for by the government appointed administrators for the Roaring Forties insolvency.
As such I am posting the photos of RF chassis #129 taken in South Africa previously forwarded to me by Hershal Byrd. I realize It is unlikely that anyone would be able to identify a specific chassis, but if they can myself and many others would be most interested to hear from you.
Alex Hirsbrunner