This is interesting!

Al, In keeping with you'r "this is interesting" theme, I find this interesting!

No. 2 shareholder of Fox News' parent company has funded Park51 planner

August 20, 2010 6:43 pm ET by Karl Frisch
According to a report by Yahoo! News’ John Cook, Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal -- the second-largest shareholder of Fox News’ parent company News Corp. -- has deep funding ties to Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the “principal planner” of the Islamic community center in lower Manhattan.

Al, Jeff pointed this out, I'm very upset about this!<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

Not as upset as I am about the mosque, get your priorities straight, it's the mosque! I don't give a rat's ass who the 7% owner of Fox News is. They probably own major interest in all of the media. Why don't we check ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN. Your outrage is misplaced, give me your phone number, I'll have my friend call you. You can tell him how pissed you are!
Jim there is no eloquent way to say this other than STFU already. We all get it you have a deep dislike of the Republican party. What were you one of the ones that missed the Jim Jones party? Take a good long look at the market performance under YOUR party rule! Take a look at their lame excuse of blaming everyone else for their problems. Please even your lame as! attempt to go after the Fox investor was as transparent as glass. Let it go buddy because you are starting to come off as not educated but foolish. I don't know you at all but you are one he!! of an easy target for people like me (and others on here). Do yourself a favor and just back out already. You said your fill screamed from your soap box now just fade away and let the rest of us find someone else to laugh at as you are no longer entertaining.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
I just hope you all know that every time you turn on Fox, you are helping to fund the Islamic Community Center.

You must be so proud.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

Did you know before today that one of the primary owner/invester of fox infomertial was involved with the Islamic Community center?

I didn't before Jeff posted. I was afraid it might be dissinformation, but I checked, and it seems to be legitimate.

I think it's important to know who is involved because it seems to be so important to the folks here on the Paddock.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Jim there is no eloquent way to say this other than STFU already. We all get it you have a deep dislike of the Republican party.
Part of a post posted by Damian.

Is that any different than your deep dislike for the Democratic party and Predident Obama?

You think the 10 to 15 to 1 odds against me are not enough, not fair, you want to silence the opposition? You want the odds to be 10 to 0.

I can think of a number of countries were you would fit right in. China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, LIbia..................................They silence the opposition, but you must have forgot, this is America, the land of the free, home of the brave! 10 to 1, not fair, Brave up buddy.

You must be so proud.
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Part of a post posted by Damian.

Is that any different than your deep dislike for the Democratic party and Predident Obama?

You think the 10 to 15 to 1 odds against me are not enough, not fair, you want to silence the opposition? You want the odds to be 10 to 0.

I can think of a number of countries were you would fit right in. China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, LIbia..................................They silence the opposition, but you must have forgot, this is America, the land of the free, home of the brave! 10 to 1, not fair, Brave up buddy.

You must be so proud.

Those are the countries that this administration would like to smooch butt with, infact they have smooched butt with these countries, bowing every so low. The land of the free, the home of the brave, no liberals in those ranks.
Part of a post posted by Damian.

Is that any different than your deep dislike for the Democratic party and Predident Obama?

You think the 10 to 15 to 1 odds against me are not enough, not fair, you want to silence the opposition? You want the odds to be 10 to 0.

I can think of a number of countries were you would fit right in. China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, LIbia..................................They silence the opposition, but you must have forgot, this is America, the land of the free, home of the brave! 10 to 1, not fair, Brave up buddy.

You must be so proud.

No affiliations in this debate at all, but just want to say +1 Jim...

Nobody should ever STFU as it was so eloquently put. Keep on beating your drum Jim. You may be heavily outnumbered, but without debate and discussion, all we have are nice cars, and that, my friend, is NOT enough...

Interesting link to the Chairman and look at his other holdings in the last paragraph, including Time Warner and Disney:

Kingdom Holding Company - Chairman

With his 7% ownership of News Corp, he obviously isn't using his influence change their editorial policy. He is just taking in the bucks because Fox is kicking the posterior off the other news outlets.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
This is a link to the Daly Show, talking about the Fox controversy, although it is comody, stay until the end, there is a good discussion covering both sides of the issue.

Lets also not forget that FOX has been lambasting the IMAM and the whole ordeal if what you allude to is true than there is no way that this would be going on now is there? so again JIM your point in not only without merit but transparent and pathetic at best. I could see if you actually knew what you were talking about but in this case NOT!!!!! Now again you are reaching a point of repetitiveness that is borderline annoying. You either have misunderstood the facts or just chose not to accept them and if that's the case than nothing is going to appease you. How about you stop blowing hot air and actually watch FOX news and their coverage of the issue before you make an incendiary comment. But going from your history I assume that proper research is not something that you are open to since it will PROVE YOU WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As far as Disney goes I mean come on there isn't anyone alive that doesn't know that he was a gigantic anti-Semite. Hell snow whites caste is an exact replica of a castle IN GERMANY!!!! Does that mean that I am not going to go to Disneyland and let my child enjoy all of the GOOD parts of the park? Look at it like this... Knowing what I know about Walt's' history why wouldn't I go there and take every advantage offered to me. Just because I don't like the founding father or the family for their personal views doesn't automatically mean that I have to dislike the company. They do A LOT of GOOD (maybe an attempt to offset the bad) and lets face it every time that this JEW goes there it is a smack in their face to have to SERVE ME!!!!!!!

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Tom it is my feeling that the greatest threat to our country right now is the divisive nature of conservative infomertials and the effect they are having on people like you.
Posted by me.


I posted this a while back. If someone wanted to cause problems for America, and I believe Islamic leader do, what better way than to attack America from the inside, forment hate between Americans.

They would put on a show that is very entertaing, but shades the truth and missleads but do it in a way that poeple would believe. Then those people would go out and spread this disinformation and cause a great devide among Americans.

It certinally is working here, they have managed to get folks on the GT40 site, to hate each other. These are people with more in common than almost anyone, yet their missleading "news" has created a great devide.

Their plan is working, Damian, Al, you and your companions have become unwitting warriors in the great Jihad!

You must be very proud.
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Since we had a similar discussion a few weeks back on another thread, I started following Media Matters, the Huffington Post, MSNBC and when I listen to them, I am not sure what I have heard, what point they make, and especially with Media Matters, how they just try to discredit one small part of a presentation and make you believe the whole is then false. Media Matters doesn't even allow you to hear the whole presentation. Just sound bites.
O.K. Jim I watched the video and now that I wasted my time with that B.S. and warned you to STFU now I am going to give you the a$$ kicking you so desperately have been begging for:

1- If the guy was vetted by the Govt (must have been to get anywhere near the pres past or present) than why would have Fox's parent corp not taken his money (and it wasn't yesterday that he invested)?

2-Working under your stupid train of thought than we should refund every CHINESE YEN invested in the U.S. or do you believe that China is the poster child for human rights?

3- Little thing that you obviously unaware of is that the man in question has a vast sum of money to start out with so NONE OF THE MONEY MADE HERE would ever have to go to funding a terrorist group. Every penny this guy makes here is closely watched and he is taxed through the A$$. Almost all of his U.S. holdings are KEPT HERE. They may be in a foreigners account but held here. What do you think that if all of a sudden he transfered a large sum of money OUT OF THE STATES that no one would notice (guess you don't have any business with people outside of this country) I know that you are not THAT STUPID!!!!!

4-Even J.S. by his own admission in that video admits to helping promote FOX thus increasing the man in questions net worth so HE IS AS GUILTY as the very people he is trying to go against!!!!!

5-Again FOX even in that video (thanks for helping me prove my point) has been lambasting THE MAN AND HIS CONNECTIONS not to mention the IMAM (again thanks for that as they show quite a few clips of them doing just so). The fact that they do not mention HIM by name but some of his companies should be enough. Lets face it the average American and even those informed wouldn't know the guys name but they sure as he!! know his companies now don't they?

6-For a foreign national of his stature almost every single thing he does is held under a microscope. I am sure that there are things tha the govt doesn't know but than again I am sure that EVEN YOU have some dirty little secret somewhere don't you. That's not to say that if he has any ties to said organizations that he shouldn't denounce them but that would be a personal issue not a business one.

7-that last clip of his picture showing him and the coments about how HE LOOKS EVIL is really offensive to me as I have family in Israel that wear the very garments that make this man LOOK EVIL. So in short almost all of those people are BAD EVIL PEOPLE because of the WAY THEY LOOK. Talk about a pompus shallow basta!@. Please tell me that you have more depth than that (although going of your posts I have to question that). I supplied you with PIC'S of MY GRANDFATHER other there and I am assuming that you think he is an EVIL BASTARD thus calling me one as well!!!!

So in short you prove just how much of a hypocrite you are and how shallow of an argument you really have. I asked you nicely to fade out of this now I'M TELLING YOU TO GO AWAY ALREADY elese I will open school again and this time i will not hold anything back which I can almost guarantee that the mods will lock this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

These people are more clever than I though, they have managed to get you to defend a Soudi Prince.

And not just any Soudi Prince but the one who is helping to fund the "Community Center"!

Way to address anything I posted. You act like a child when they get caught and have nothing to say I see now that you are not even worth the time. I apologize to the rest of the forum for posting what most of you ALREADY KNOW!!!!!!!
Let's see, Most liberals are defending the right to build a mosque at ground zero. Most conservatives are against it. There have been pros and cons on Fox news, but for the most part Fox is against it. So where does this saudi that owns 7% of Fox figure into this?
And how the hell did the mosque get on this thread?

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Al, here is how

If someone wanted to cause problems for America, and I believe Islamic leaders do, what better way than to attack America from the inside, forment hate between Americans.

They would put on a show that is very entertaing, but shades the truth and missleads but do it in a way that poeple would believe. Then those people would go out and spread this disinformation and cause a great devide among Americans.

It certinally is working here, they have managed to get folks on the GT40 site, to hate each other. These are people with more in common than almost anyone, yet their missleading "news" has created a great devide.

Their plan is working, Damian, Al, you and your companions have become unwitting warriors in the great Jihad!

You must be very proud.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
Posted by me