Tinted Lexan Windows - Please?

Before researching to getting my windows tinted, I went to the manufacture of our windows website and saw they offered tinted versions of Lexan. I was excited to see it so I inquired about purchasing a set and while they were willing to make them, they are under contract with RCR and we'd have to purchase them through RCR. I inquired with RCR June/July 2019 about the possibility of getting a set, but no luck. It sounded like demand wasn't there.

At the end of 2019 I finally located someone willing to to tint my windows with 30% ceramic (can't recall brand). Came out pretty great, made all the difference while driving and the bonus is the car looks even better. It held up great early 2020 but with the pandemic I didn't get to drive the car much. This year it's already stinkin' hot here in Louisiana and the few hundred miles I've logged, I've noticed the tint is absolutely not holding up anymore with plenty of bubbles. It needs to come off, quite embarrassing to look at, but on the other hand makes the car so much nicer to drive it'll be hard for me to talk myself into removing it.

From another thread, there is a handful of us currently willing to pre-order a set of tinted windows if RCR would be willing to get them produced. Anyone that drives a SLC where it's hot finds out pretty quickly how quickly tinted windows are a necessity. I have a feeling there's probably more people willing to pre-order tinted Lexan.

Anyone interested, please add your name and I'll keep them together. I'm just guessing, but the % of light transmission through tinted Lexan potentially could be less than that of local state laws which means the windows would be for offroad use only. I'm really, really hoping we can make this a reality.

Fran, if reading this any chance you'd be willing to help us? Pretty please?!


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I will be attempting to use some tinted lexan I found online to shape my own windows, well see how it goes. With enough heat you can get it to flex, then secure in corners.
I shot Fran an email with a link to the thread so he was aware. He has already called manufacture and got back with me on them....

They can definitely be made still.

There's 3 levels of tint, he suggested mid-level. It's not quite as dark as limo (5%), but dark enough to help with heat build up. I love me some 5% tint, but with the SLC I agree mid-level is the way to go and reason I only did 30% when I tinted. They are also hard-coated, like our clear windows.

Hopes to have a quote back early next week. He's also getting quotes for the rear window and headlight covers as well. We have options!

Made my day/week/month to hear this news! Money is burning a hole in my pocket for windows.


Lifetime Supporter
My understanding is that RCR used to ship cars with tinted windows. Pnut has a set and he's indicated that there isn't much tint... and he's not sure that he'd want more tint for night driving. In any event, people complained that they scratched too easily so RCR switched to hard coat. Apparently the hard coat and the tint aren't compatible. So, I'd ask the manufacturer what the level of tint is and if it's compatible with tinting.
My understanding is that RCR used to ship cars with tinted windows. Pnut has a set and he's indicated that there isn't much tint... and he's not sure that he'd want more tint for night driving. In any event, people complained that they scratched too easily so RCR switched to hard coat. Apparently the hard coat and the tint aren't compatible. So, I'd ask the manufacturer what the level of tint is and if it's compatible with tinting.

See above. :) I never even noticed Pnut had tint on his and tint is something I typically would notice.

Seems like now we get the best of both worlds.... Hardcoat, tint with 3 levels to choose from.

Ken Roberts

I’d be interested in a set that was near the legal limit.

In Manitoba 50% VLT is required.

Tinted headlight covers are illegal in North America. This law is enforced In many jurisdictions ....just ask the tuner crowd.;)
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I was quoted $325 2yrs ago for a set of clear windows from RCR, this price may have gone up since. Won't know a price and time frame for tinted lexan windows until next week.

Kyle, interested? CamT, I have a feeling you'd definitely want a set since you're in same boat with tint/bubbles I am.

Del - mid tint
Ken - light tint
id prefer mid tint but i will happily take light if that is the group preference

I'm hoping we can individually pick what darkness level, but do not know for sure. I'm listing as such, in case we can.

Del - Mid Tint
Ken - Light Tint
Joel - Light Tint
Mark - Mid Tint (Please confirm or deny)
Dusty - Mid Tint
Peanut butter and Jelly.. Been there.. Done!!


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I'm excited the list is growing!

Del - Mid Tint
Ken - Light Tint
Joel - Light Tint
Mark - Mid Tint
Dusty - Mid Tint
Kurt - Mid Tint
Cam - Mid Tint
Dan - Mid Tint