Tinted Lexan Windows - Please?

Del - Mid Tint
Ken - Light Tint
Joel - Light Tint
Mark - Mid Tint
Dusty - Mid Tint
Kurt - Mid Tint
Cam - Mid Tint
Dan - Mid Tint
Rich - Mid Tint
Update! There's a min of 8 sets minimum order so there is only mid level tint offered. 8 week lead time from the time the order is placed.

Here's the prices from RCR. I can tell you from experience, this is cheaper than getting your windows tinted. And will last.

Call Vicki directly to place your order, payment is to them via PayPal or check.

$315/pr for 1pc windows
$425/pr for 2pc windows
$595 for rear window
$225/pr for headlight covers

Life is awesome with tinted windows........especially ones that won't bubble!
Forgot to add, for people requesting for the list, did you want 1pc or 2pc? They wanted a head count to place the window order.
Refreshed the list since RCR is going mid-tint and added 1pc/2pc. Believe they are placing the order soon so will have on hand for future owners. I believe most of us currently have 1pc windows, but not positive. Of course I think now is the time to go with 2pc if you wanted to.

After I sent the price list earlier I called Vicki to find out how to pay. Anyone curious when you call, she'll get your email and send you an invoice to pay.

Del - 1pc
Ken - ?
Joel - 1pc + Rear
Mark -
Dusty -
Kurt -
Cam - 1pc
Dan -
Rich -
Carlos - 1pc

Joel K


Sorry for the multiple posts, but I got excited. Just the one piece side windows only, no rear.
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Curious about this as well. I ordered light tint lexan to make my own 1 piece windows. I think it’s a little too light. As others have said, the ceramic is key. This is 1/8in stuff.
I called 586-329-1573 and Vicki is who answered. I'm unsure about the UV rating on the tinted Lexan, my thinking is anything is better than clear Lexan, plus looks better is a bonus. I didn't see any specific info on their site, but it appears they also make windows for heavy equipment that would be used daily so I'd like to think it should help. Here's their contact info:

Kyle, being that light, I wonder if that is similar to what RCR used a long time ago like what pnut has?

Del - 1pc
Joel - 1pc
Mark - 1pc
Dusty -
Kurt - 1pc
Cam - 1pc
Dan -
Rich -
Carlos - 1pc