Advertising, Banners, and Support

Ron Earp

Mark, both are doable. I think I'd rather have manufactuers paying for support instead of the average joe. Even if it is more work for me.

I suppose it irks me there are manufactuers that I know cruise the site and pick up leads and contact them, but, they don't support the site in any way or fashion. Interesting how that works, isn't it? Why buy the cow when the milk is for free?

And, we have a forum for manufactuers to announce new things. It exists, but, it does not get used. New board people and manufactuers just sign in and post in the first place there is traffic - All GT40s.
Could we reorganise to have that single line item at the top? It may urge the some of the free milk drinking manufacturers to 'contribute' more?

This site is very clean. I don't mind supporting via donations, but I wouldn't be opposed to seeing GT40-related advertisements either.


Lifetime Supporter

You know I agree with Mr. Harvey, but I do support your decision to allow advertising. Good luck.

David Lowell

Howard Jones

How about a offical links/sponsorship page? This would allow members a easy way to find webpages of important GT40 type builders and parts/service suppliers. I really don't mind chipping in 20 bucks every once in awile. Anyway do what is best. I trust your judgement.