Another piece of the B.O. Win Puzzle!


Lifetime Supporter
Are you sure? keep checking. And I lerned my RRRs reetin, ritein, an rithma.... 1 an 1 is two. My lie is not a lie ask Obama bout lying.


Lifetime Supporter
From BET Mrs. Obama also said that the president of the United States "sings all the time." She continued, "Oh, yes, he’s in the bathroom all the time just singing."

Guess he's working up for a new gig in a few years.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

You understand that by posting several completely false statments attacking the President and calling them "Truths of the right" you have clearly show why the right has lost all credibility.

the quality of being believable or worthy of trust: After all those lies, his credibility was at a low ebb.


Believe me, Obama has done many things that should be questioned, but more Golf and vacations than any other President......................not even close to true.

That is exactly why people have stopped listening to the right......way too much obvious bullshit!
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

I can tell from your post that having a President do anything that distracts from his job really bothers you............

You complained bitterly about President Obama:

Playing golf 2.5 time a month......
Taking all that time smoking....
Taking too many vacations........
And now all that time spent singing.....

If you really care about Presidents time away from their jobs here is some data for you.

Vacation days:

Reagan 242 (8 years)

GHW Bush 543 (4 years)

Clinton 76 (8 years)

GW Bush 510 (8 years)

Obama 92 (5 years)

Republican Presidents take approximately 80 vacation days a year (over 11 weeks)
Democrat Presidents take approximately 13 vacation days a year (less than 2 weeks)

OK Marc time to man up, if your anger was real, if you really do care about what you posted, then you need to turn your outrage toward the right!

But I'm guessing that the you suddenly became much less outraged about presidential vacations.
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Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
From BET Mrs. Obama also said that the president of the United States "sings all the time."

As I recall Clinton played a fairly mean sax...gotta admit, the Dems can be quite...uh...."creative"! :stunned:




Lifetime Supporter
Not when they spend more than they have. Nor do I believe my taxes should be used for wealth redistribution. And the President should do his job the right way. Picking what laws he wants to ignore or make more up because he can't get legislation.

Angry, u bet. My hat is in the ring, I want change because the American People deserve better. Those that work their butts off shouldn't pay for those that don't. Taxes aren't the answer to unemployment. Nor should they put unreasonable agencies with unlimited power. EPA, IRS, HHS, etc. While I'm not running for pres, I will do my best locally for my town and its folks. I'm sure you care about your money as hard as you work for it. And what you have to give to government you want put to proper and minimal use. We pay 3/4 of a gallon of gas in taxes. How much do you see put back into what those taxes were collected for? Corruption, incompetency, and greed is what is running the country. Our President is still worrying about everything but the high unemployment. Guns, Climate change, and carrying a tune in the john.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

OK, so now it's not too much golf or too many vacations that makes you so angry with President Obama, now its taxes and the President is doing nothing about "high unemployment".

Well here is some good news;


This is a few years old, and the numbers have improved significantly since then, but I love how clearly this shows the Jan 2009 change.

As you can see it was Jan 2009, that the loss of jobs started to decline and the unemployment rate started to improve. What a coincedence, Obama became president in Jan 2009........

Now I know you have been told that the stimulous, extending unemployment, saving the auto, the banking industry and even food stamps did nothing for the economy, but the numbers tell a different story.

Now as for taxes;

I know you have been told that we are burdened with a huge taxe rate, way more than ever before, but the numbers tell a different story.

Marc, no matter what they tell you, most of Government, the Military, Police, Fire Dept, Highway dept, Border Patrol, Social Security, Medicare, DMV and even dog catchers are not "wealth redistribution".

Boy the rate the wealthy pay has come way down, yet they still complain.
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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Jim, please, just give it up. The problem many of us have with Obama & crew lies SOLEY with the fact that the guy and his minions are totally clueless in every area. They are lefty agenda-driven, BIG GOVT, take-from-those-who-HAVE-and-give-to those-who-don't, Saul Alinsky disciple YO-YOs who just don't give a DARN whether their agenda bankrupts the country or not. THEIR "Social justice" AGENDA absolutely trumps everything else.

Obamacare CLEARLY exemplifies that. I mean, good GRIEF...

You, of course, evidently are not capable of seeing that...either that, or you just refuse to do so.
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Jim, please, just give it up.

Gee Larry, you guys post "untruth" after "untruth" and you want me to give up pointing out the bullshit?

You think I should "give it up" because you on the right will continue to post untruth after untruth and my pointing this out will not change the constant flow "untruths"?

You want me to "just give it up" because you really believe that Obama plays more golf and goes on vacation more than any president in history and you hate it when you are shown to be wrong?

You want me to "just give it up" because true or not you perfer to live in your own little world where lies are called "Truths of the right", everything is Obamas fault and everyone agrees with you?
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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Gee Larry, you guys post "untruth" after "untruth" and you want me to give up pointing out the bullshit?

You mean "untruths" like:

- Obamacare is NOT a tax.

- On average, families will see their h.c. premiums DROP by $2,500 a year.

- You'll get better coverage for less money.

- If you want to KEEP your doctor..........PERIOD.

- If you want to KEEP your plan.............PERIOD.

- Obamacare will NOT increase the deficit.

- Obamacare will create jobs.

- Insurance companies are to blame for 'policy cancellations.

- Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase.

It's pointless to continue this...

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Larry thats just my point, there are a good many things that Obama should be called out on, but for the most part that won't happen.

The right has brought in on themselves, we have seen over five years of rediculous charges, yes in amoungst the bullshit were real issues, but they were lost amoung the crap from the Consevative Entertinment Complex.

Guys, you may think that an Obama hit piece that is 80% true is a convincing argument and should be mostly believed, but no one else does.

America sees incredable anger around the far right, we can see that you think President Obama is out to destroy America. Most Americans do not see that, they see someone trying to do the best he can under trying circumstances. We can also see that you are willing to say ANYTHING and do ANYTHING to hurt his image, true or not.

The majority of America does not buy into the far right agenda and any chance of convincing them otherwise was lost with the obvious bullshit.

Marc said this yesterday about an Obama rant he called "Truths of the right" that had several un-truths: "So when only one thing that is not factual the rest is just BS"?

He couldnt understand why having part of a hit piece be untrue, makes the whole thing unbelievable.

I guess that explains alot.
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Larry you're never going to get him to address the subject at hand. Its too painful for him to realize that his personal buddha is a fraud, so he keeps shooting messengers.


Lifetime Supporter
Relax your just as f'd as the rest of us, you just don't see the light at the end of the tunnel is that big ole train commin to run you over. We're just seeing it a little sooner, like when he announced he wanted to be president.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
^^^ ...and that was, what, only a few MONTHS after he'd publically stated he didn't have enough experience to run for/be president?

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Guys...I have a question to ask and I want to preface it with a comment that I ask in all sincerity.

I keep hearing a huge amount of grousing about the way BOB has spent all this money and needs to have his feet held to the fire because he did not have the success predicted by his advisors.

I ask if you were equally incensed when George H.W. Bush (to whom I refer affectionately as Gee-Dub) spent much larger sums of money on an invasion of Iraq, based on equally bad advice from his advisors. The comparison in bad judgement is appropriate for this I ask, were you equally incensed over the failure of Gee-Dub as you are with the failure of BOB, or is it more an issue of disagreement with the political agendas of the Republicans vs the Democrats?

IMHO the Republicans have led our country to the brink of disaster many more times than have the Democrats...and as Jim C's well researched charts and comparisons show it is not just my impression, it's supported by data from some fairly independent and reliable sources.

I ask because I don't recall the angst from the conservatives being so intense when Gee-Dub was wasting BILLIONS of dollars instead of just millions based on advice that was as bad as the advice that Bee-Oh got. The only reason I can see for the disparite treatment is that the leader of our country at the time was a Republican, and of course that would elicit what I hate to refer to as blind support from politically involved individuals who were of the same party/philosophical persuasion. many of you voiced the same level of disgust when Gee-Dub was sending vastly larger sums of $$ overseas in an ill-advised war? How many of you were voicing the same level of disgust when Gee-Dub was giving millions to Wall Street and the banking industry without making sure that there were repayment assurances in his TARP stimulus package?

If you'll be honest, I think you'll see that it's not BOB that you're so mad about, it's that the majority of the voters in our country have rejected the conservative philosophy and THAT is what you are mad about...Bee-Oh is just the scapegoat, like when the boss pisses you off and you come home and kick the dog in an act of reprehensible displaced aggression, you're all shouting about what Bee-Oh is doing, when it's really the majority of the population that is driving the changes in the country in a manner with which you disagree.

Not trying to start a pissing match here, just asking a sincere question or two.



Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

Yes, its very strange that there is this much anger about "Health care", yet the two totally bogus wars that the Republicans forced on us cause virtually no ourage from the right.

A Brown University study shows that these Republican wars ended over 225,000 lives and will raise our debt by over $4 trillion, the spending continues unabated, yet the right says nothing.

Consevative Entertinment Complex has decided that Trillions of Dollars and 225,000 deaths is nothing to get upset about. The continued redistributing trillions of our dollars to the Middle East............the right still defends that.

Killing thousands, destroying millions of lives, spending trillions, not a word from the right, but spending anything on health care for Ameicans in America...............Incredibly Vicious, non-stop partisan attacks........
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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter many of you voiced the same level of disgust when Gee-Dub was sending vastly larger sums of $$ overseas in an ill-advised war?

THERE'S the real focus of your question right there. Iraq. The rest is hyperbole IMHO.

Every intel outfit on the planet said Saddam had WMDs. BILL & BILLARY CLINTON said he did. Madeline Albright said the same thing. Ditto Sens. Levin, Daschle, Byrd, Rockefeller, Waxman, AND OUR NOW SEC. OF STATE, John Kerry. Rep. Pelosi thought so, too. As did Joe Lieberman, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Milulski, and a whole host of other Dems. So, hanging Dubya and the GOP out to dry for the whole thing is just political 'CYA' spin. "Bush lied and people died" was the CROWN JEWEL of CYA spin - backed up with nothing. Again, every international investigative committee that looked into that charge debunked it.

OTOH, the REAL money pit, Obamacare, will cost the country T-R-I-L-L-I-O-N-S over the next 10 years in direct costs involved in compliance with it...and who-knows-how-much in 'unintended consequences', like lost jobs, etc., stemming from its dictates (if that albatross isn't either completely SACKED or darned heavily overhauled wiki-wiki). Not even ONE GOP voted FOR IT. Not ONE. The responsibility for 100% of THAT BILL - and its consequences - lies solely with Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and all the other Dems who voted it into existence.

The BAZILLIONS the Obama Admin flushed down the john on Solyndra and all the other "green investments" they dumped taxpayer's money into (run by Obama cronies, BTW) which subsequently went bkrpt is just one more costly fiasco created by the Demo's agenda. Obama also gave a no-bid contract to Halliburton - just like Bush did. 'Supported the $700 billion TARP corporate-welfare bailout - just like Bush did. 'Increased the Nat'l debt more in ONE TERM that Bush did in two. 'Ordered Boeing to shut their facility in S.C. 'cause it was non-union. "Promised" to get to the bottom of, and hold responsible, the people behind Fast and Furious, the IRS's 'conservative group harassment' fiasco, the NSA spying, the Benghazi slaughter, and on and on and on...but didn't. And then, of course, there are the many transgressions committed by the Holder Injustice the dismissal of voter intimidation charges against those Black Panthers despite video evidence, for instance.

Those are just some of the reasons why conservatives ARE - and rightly OUGHT to be - more ticked off at the present admin than they were with Bush's. I truly could list a whole lot more...and I think you know that.

(Speaking solely for myself, I was flaming mad at Dubya - and still am - for his failure to use his veto pen on spending measures until the ELEVENTH HOUR of his second term. That was inexcusable IMHO.)
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Guys...I have a question to ask and I want to preface it with a comment that I ask in all sincerity. ...

If you'll be honest, I think you'll see that it's not BOB that you're so mad about, it's that the majority of the voters in our country have rejected the conservative philosophy and THAT is what you are mad about...
Not trying to start a pissing match here, just asking a sincere question or two.


Doug, maybe the are mad about the government intrusion into their lives in the here and now. Affecting people in the here and now.

Maybe they are mad because they were promised they could keep the insurance they liked and now can't. (NBC reported on Monday that HHS knew that their ObamaCare regulations would force the cancellations of “40 to 67 percent” of all insurance plans in the individual market or 93 million. A Duke University study suggests it may be as many as 129 million.)

Maybe they are mad because they've now lost their policy an were told they are only 5% of insured (disputed by the data above) and so they "don't matter".
Maybe they are mad because they were promised they could keep their doctors and can't.

Maybe they are mad because they were told they would save on average $2,500 per year and actually now are spending 41% more. (according to Forbes).

Maybe they are mad because 31 percent of Americans describe their current employment situation as now being either underemployed or unemployed.

Maybe they are mad because they lost their insurance and now can't get on the government website to replace it.

Maybe they are mad because there are now significant security gaps in the protection of any information they load into the healthcare website and have been told by the government the risks will continue for the foreseeable future.

Maybe they are mad because the people demonstrating their massive incompetence with the Obamacare roll out are taking control of one of the most critical aspects of their lives, their health care.

Maybe the are mad because 17 percent reported that they are not making as much today as they were a couple of years ago, (this rate was particularly high among adults between the age of 45 and 54 – when people should normally be at their peak earning power.)

Maybe they are mad because the back in 2007, median household income was $55,438. That's declined to $51,404 in February 2013 and falling. (Washington Post).

Maybe they are mad because the poverty rate under Mr. Obama has gone from 12.5% to now over 15%.

Maybe they are mad because incivility and racial divisiveness has gone to a highpoint in their lifetimes.

Maybe they are mad because any criticism if the President is met with accusations of racism, vile "Teabagger slurs" and ugly personal smears making any reasonable discussion impossible. (See Martin Brashir's suggestion for Sarah Palin).

And your question might be summarized as a statement of "too bad you losers-we won, you lost!- get over it" statement couched with "all sincerity". We've heard it before, Republicans are the root of all evil and the tiresome "blame Bush" argument. Doug, that was soooo 2007.

Does that help?