Bathurst 24hr

Brian Stewart
Does anyone know if Robert put an RF in the 24 hr race at Bathurst. If so, how did it d?

Robert Logan

Defunct Manufactuer - Old RF Company
We were not allowed to run a car at the 24 hour at Bathurst as all replicas were banned. Our race car will appear soon but I am working hard to fulfill orders and this is my core business.

I was at the Race and with a team that finished 12th. outright and 2nd. in class. Had a great time and would love to take one of our cars there but I can not see this happening as there are rumours that one of the new Ford GT's will run in the next few years.

Best wishes,


Brian Stewart
Thanks for that Robert and best wishes. I'd love to see one of your cars running there, or even one of the new Fords. It's time someone knocked those Monaros off their perch.

Cheers, Brian.