Burning Lady?Daytona?CAV

Hi Ron and Hershal,

I’m in the dark. Could you please fill me in about Burning Lady thread and Daytona. Judging by your obvious irritation there’ s someone out there not playing the game with the website.

Other comments……

It’s Bondurant not Bonurant.

Yes, correct as someone reported, CAV is the company that builds the cars in Cape Town and the dealers in the US have their stateside name in front of AV.

As mentioned in ‘CAV – the true story’ the CAV space frame car was a direct copy in every respect from the imported GTD body/chassis kit. The subsequent CAV monocoque is quite a different car.

I’ve seen many good build manuals in the past, in particular from the British kit car industry, but they all fell short in various ways. I wrote a 65 page build manual and set out to make it the most accurate and complete manual ever written. I didn’t even look at the GTD manual but started with a clean sheet.

I divided my build manual into chapters and for each build stage I put the tools, the exact number of nuts, bolts, rivets and washers, etc, and glues, silicone, cleaning materials, whatever, for each particular stage, ‘on the bench’. I wrote it so that anyone with minimal mechanical knowledge could build a space (tube) frame CAV GT40 provided that he stuck to the sequence and didn’t get clever by taking short cuts. It was also written for new assemblers who would be joining CAV as the company grew.

For example, the drilling and riveting of the floor pan sections required 130 3,2mm
stainless steel blind rivets and a 3,3mm drill bit. It’s easy be casual and to say 3mm rivets and 3mm drill bit. Doesn’t work that way, one must be precise.

In fact, that’s why the American, British and South African kit car industries, in the eyes of many, do not enjoy the best of reputations. Many companies don’t even issue build manuals and the result is utter frustration, incomplete cars, divorce, nervous breakdowns,etc. My CAV/GTD manual took two working months to write and my argument is that if your’e going to set up a kit car manufacturing business a detailed build manual should be part of your investment. You’ll end up by having happy customers and a successful business.

Someone asked about US GT40 Inc. Three partners in Greenwich approached Ray Christopher to ask him if he would be prepared to supply GT40s in substantial numbers. It was just after we entered into an under-license deal with Ray, Graham and GTD when the request was made. CAV was going to be a tiny outfit supplying GTD with only two body/chassis per month. We agreed to the bigger picture and a deal was struck with US GT40 Inc. For whatever reason the deal was cancelled after I left CAV but I believe that US GT40 was the moving spirit that turned CAV into a much bigger company than originally intended.
Onwards and Forwards (or as they say in the RAF Onwards and Upwards!)
Andre 40
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Andre 40:
"...It’s Bondurant not Bonurant..."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, it's netiquette. It's generally considered bad form to point out typos, questionable punctuation, or errant sentences because not everyone's typing, english or spelling skills are exactly the same.

I didn't even notice the spelling error; I knew what he meant.

Your pal,
Thank you for pointing out the obvious error. I did not notice the typo until it was posted. I cannot go back and correct the headline of a post oncce you have posted it. Usually in haste to type out a post errors will occur. I have seen my name miss spell many times on these boards. I take no offense.
I have noticed that when you reply to a thread that you start a new thread to do so. There is a reply button at the end of every thread that allows your reply to be posted under that threads subject.

As Far as the Burning lady goes, read these threads. they are self explained.

Andre, if there is any further confusion over this Bitzman's Burning lady thread, please e mail me and I will try and clarify further.


Ron Earp


I only caught the tail end of the Burning Lady thread/Daytona etc. What we don't want here on the board are brand new people who just post something contraversial to stir up trouble.

The poster of that thread had a forum handle that has been observed on otehr sites and is well known to cause trouble. Since both Hershal and I, and many others, often read:
www.cobraforum.com www.clubcobra.com

and other Ford/replica car sites we get to know how people are. A person's reputation, once earned, usually sticks regardless of which forum he or she visits.

So, it was basically a counter move to stop something before it gets started. Also, from my point of view and of many others it is an attempt to keep the board focused - something that www.clubcobra.com and www.cobraforum.com seriously lacks on occasion (SB vs BB, real vs imaginary, etc...)

Car discussions are encouraged on this board at any time and always will be. I think if you had the historical knowledge of the situation you'd agree with what was done.


Robert Logan

Defunct Manufactuer - Old RF Company
Andre40 and Meat,

I am glad that I am not picked up for spelling mistakes. I am an illeterate engineer that suffers from dislexia. I would be picked up ALL the time.

Best wishes,

Hi GT40 Buddies!

I'd like to pass final comment on the Bondurant spelling issue. When I pointed out the wrong spelling I did it in, oh, like by the way, the spelling is wrong. I didn't do a special posting on the issue to make a mountain out of a molehill but in a longer posting, covering other subjects, I mentioned it in four words only.

As a newcomer to the website, which I'm enjoying enormously, the last, last thing on my mind was to offend anyone let alone open a can of worms. Thanks, Meat, for pointing out the error of my ways and also thanks, Hersh, for telling me about the typo. Yeah, they happen easily and all the time. Psst, don't tell my wife I said so! Apologies again and now let's can the subject for ever and a day!.

There are many more exciting and positive subjects to discuss on this forum and I have more stories (and 'inside' stories!) about those wonderful 1960s days of sports car racing. One that few people know about is that Ford could very easily have tied up a deal with another well-known sports car manufacturer instead of Eric Broadley. Had fate decided to go this route Ford's sports car racing programme might have been entirely different, so different that there might never have been a GT40, but another Ford V8 powered car by another name. Sit tight, I've got some pics to download and then I'll tell you the story.

Hersh, thanks also for pointing out my mistake in starting a new thread every time instead of attaching a response to an existing subject. I also read your interesting family profile and see that you are also an aircraft enthusiast. If you're a Spitfire fan, I'll post you a present that could become a collector's item.

Best wishes all from the southern tip of Africa.
Andre 40.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Andre 40:
Hi GT40 Buddies!

I'd like to pass final comment on the Bondurant spelling issue. When I pointed out the wrong spelling I did it in, oh, like by the way, the spelling is wrong. I didn't do a special posting on the issue to make a mountain out of a molehill but in a longer posting, covering other subjects, I mentioned it in four words only.

As a newcomer to the website, which I'm enjoying enormously, the last, last thing on my mind was to offend anyone let alone open a can of worms. Thanks, Meat, for pointing out the error of my ways and also thanks, Hersh, for telling me about the typo. Yeah, they happen easily and all the time. Psst, don't tell my wife I said so! Apologies again and now let's can the subject for ever and a day!.

There are many more exciting and positive subjects to discuss on this forum and I have more stories (and 'inside' stories!) about those wonderful 1960s days of sports car racing. One that few people know about is that Ford could very easily have tied up a deal with another well-known sports car manufacturer instead of Eric Broadley. Had fate decided to go this route Ford's sports car racing programme might have been entirely different, so different that there might never have been a GT40, but another Ford V8 powered car by another name. Sit tight, I've got some pics to download and then I'll tell you the story.

Hersh, thanks also for pointing out my mistake in starting a new thread every time instead of attaching a response to an existing subject. I also read your interesting family profile and see that you are also an aircraft enthusiast. If you're a Spitfire fan, I'll post you a present that could become a collector's item.

Best wishes all from the southern tip of Africa.
Andre 40.
I'm excited to see posts from folks like you. It does this forum good to have well educated experienced people with good stories. I learn everyday from many of these gentleman. I try not to miss any post by Marco, Fred, Chris, Jim and many others that enlighten me with there historic knowledge.
I may be a slow learner but when it does sink in it's usually there for good.
I believe I read a little about what you alluded to on the Eric Broadly subject. If I remember the project was first offered to Lotus. Because of the owners reluctants to hand over too much control he passed on the deal from Ford. I'm glad that Lola jumped at the chance.
Luv them airplanes. I am somewhat of a novice historian on WWII aircraft. I"m not quite as knowledgable as Ron Earp. He surprized me with his recall of many planes in the WWII theater that I had forgotten.


This is WAY WAY off the current thread,
but since you brought up the subject....

Anyone, I say again ANYONE, who is a fan
of "warbirds" positively MUST visit
the Air Museum at Wright AFB in Dayton Ohio.
It is truly a mind blowing experience.

MikeDD, I bet you will find that most of us that love the GT40; are pilots, love WWII aircraft, race cars, play guitar, are artistic, love a cold beer & love beautiful women! Maybe not in that order but I hope you know what I mean.
Had a ride in a P51....would love a ride in a Spitfire... man! that would be the ultimate!
Got to fly with a real WWII fighter pilot a few years ago. These guys were my heros when I was growing up. He flew P47's out of England... shot up Oli Airfield (sp?) in
France.. got shot down.. and spent six months drinking wine and blowing up bridges with the French underground. He just passed away, but I wouldn't want to tangle with him at eighty years old... he was a real "tough cookie". He made John Wayne look weak. The stories he told...... just amazing!
When Ford went looking for a development "partner" for the '40 the first choice was Lotus. lotus was then the leader in technology but FoMoCo wisely decided that Chapman would not dovetail well with the corporate initeria that Ford then had (and still does). Plus there were concerns that Lotus was somewhat strapped for space and talent could not handle an additional project of the size of the GT40.

Plus think about the 60's Lotus reputation for fragility and management and imagine what would have happened....

While Carroll Shelby was part of the fact finding team Ford sent to England, then as now the leader in racing technology, the Shelby orginazation was not considered as potential manufacturer then. Sort of reinforces the truth that Shelby has never really designed a car from scratch.

Well, I guess you guys are right....
I have always been a big fan of the
P38 lightning, the F4U corsair and the P51 mustang.
I have built and crashed my share of R/C planes, too.

Tried to play guitar in high school, but didn't stick with it long enough,,,,once I discovered girls.
Never had a strat,,,,but did have an old fender mustang.
I really wanted to get a Hamer Californian.
I was impatient at the time, and thought I could become the next Stevie Ray, Jimi, or Vernon Reid overnight. (I wish now that I had had the discipline to actually "practice" more.)

A cold beer always seems to have extra fulfilling taste during the party, after a day at the racetrack.

.......and pretty ladies,, well,,,,,, once in a while we should think about something other than just cars right.

Well, sorry to stray off the GT40 subject for a moment there,,,,,, but it is interesting to see how many of us seem to share similar other interests/hobbies.

Jim Rosenthal

Funny how cars and guitars seem to go hand in hand...how many hot rodders like to fool with guitars as well...the late Danny Gatton, easily the best Telecaster player ever, was a car-building nut, one of his CDs features a '32 Ford roadster on the cover (complete with Hemi engine), another features Danny's '49 Ford sedan.
And if you like guitar music and you haven't heard Danny Gatton, boy are you in for a treat. Lucky you.
Ron please excuse the wrong topic but this may be of interest. An old family friend who died a few years ago told me this story. He told his wife he had just bought something "too good to miss" and he drove her down to a RAAF airfield at Laverton just out of Melbourne where there were in excess of 60 warbirds. Bombers, spitfires, mustangs etc. "Which one's ours she asked". He replied "they all are" He was dealing in scrap at the time and as far as he could recall none survived. If only we knew then what we know now. Regards
Hehehe well since we're this far off subject. This is a former "toy" which I later sold to fund my pilot's license. Thats my wife there.

My English is much worser than yours...

So don´t worry !
Are not everybody aircraft enthusiasts ?
Especially WWII warbirds...
If you flew that around here, you would get Boston air traffic control to scramble the F15's out of Otis AFB to check it out.
I like the flap detail!
Amazing, I built one of those back in the late '60's. If I recall correctly it was a Sterling kit with 60" wingspan and an Enya 60 engine. I always said my 3 all-time favourite designs were; the GT40, the Spitfire and Concord. Somehow their lines are timeless and will always remain classics.