last pic. sorry for the break up of pics.

frknfast Gulf Gt40
OK here goes! My first attempt to post a [ics of the car under construction.
Hope this works.

frknfast Gulf GT40
WOW...Great to see your car being built. Looks sharp. Can't wait to see the progress. When I ordered my car they did't make available pictures of the build. Makes waiting for it a little bit easier.
Vic I'm not sure the pics amke it easier or not. hehehe I think it increases the anticpation!!
I will keep you and all the rest updated as things pogress.

Latest pics of car #47. Will ship soon.
Enjoy the pics guys!!!



enjoy the pics guys!!!

frknfast Gulf GT40

[ April 29, 2003: Message edited by: frknfast ]
Here are FrknFast's pictures for easier viewing. Click the pictures to see them full size.

[ April 30, 2003: Message edited by: Wayne Presley ]
THX Wayne! That's sure a lot easier to see, one click and all in one place. By the way I noticed the last 2 pics, the car being almost complete were not shown. Were you not able to post? I thought I sent you all the pics I had. Let me know.

frknfast Gulf GT40
New pics hot off the press this morning!!!
It's getting closer to ship date!!




Enjoy all!!

frknfast Gulf GT40
more pics!! now ready to ship next week!!!


[ May 02, 2003: Message edited by: frknfast ]
Hey guys is there a reason why some/most of the pics I posted don't show up when I go to this thread?

frknfast Gulf GT40
Some updated pics. Ready to ship week of May 12, Can't wait!!



frknfast Gulf GT40
OK Mr. Moderator I've posted a bunch of pics for all to enjoy. However they all no longer show up. They did before. Is there a reason why they do not now? Maybe you can set up a seperate section for members pics.

frknfast Gulf GT40

Ron Earp

Mr. Frknfast,

If you search the forum for information on posting photos you'll learn that this site software does not support photo hosting. There is a FAQ on posting photos in the FAQ forum at the bottom of the page. In short, your photos must be accessable through the web so that you can put a link here to them. You must have a problem with your hosting service or the link as it appears I can post photos without difficulty.


We might move to some software that does support user images but that is just something else added to the list - like fixing the house, travel, finishing the car, etc. - the list goes on.

Frankly, I'd recommend renaming or stopping this thread and starting a new one since it really has become frnkfast's GT40 as opposed to general information on CAV GT40s as the name implies.

[ May 11, 2003: Message edited by: Ron Earp ]

[ May 11, 2003: Message edited by: Ron Earp ]
Mr. Earp I've been doing exactly as FAQ suggests and for a while the pics were showing up in full form. As you can see some still show up in a small version and some now show up as "X"s. I've been using Yahoo as the web host for the pics and copying them from there to this web site using the image button.
This is not in any way to take away from CAV. Rather I thought it was a chance for many to see first hand the evolution of the construction of the CAV product. It seemed to me there was a fair amount of interest for this. The pics are coming directly from CAV. I would hope this is not a problem with the competition. As we all know there are different strokes for different folks and each manufacturer holds certain pros and cons for each individual depending on their own requirements.
This thread and all those who have responded have been very helpful, interested and assisted with my decision. To those I Thank You! The car is a CAV GT40 that is coming and I think many here are waiting in anticapation with me. If you would like me to start a new thread I would be more than happy to accomodate this.
I do hope that after all the other items on the list are completed there will be a chance to do this type of hosting for all the members to post their pics of their great cars regardless of manufacturer.

frknfast Gulf GT40

Ian Clark

Hi all, Frknfast is having difficulty posting pics that are accesable to him from the factory through an owners login feature to watch your car being built. Great feature and customer benifit.

Ian Clark
CAV Canada MotorSports Inc.

[ May 12, 2003: Message edited by: Canuk40 ]

[ May 12, 2003: Message edited by: Canuk40 ]

Ron Earp

Hi Frknfast,

Maybe my reply was too harsh and you read too much into it, I was having a bad morning Sunday.

It doesn't matter who makes the car or what manufacturer - it is the forum software that is the problem. It doesn't support user areas where people can post pictures. So, that means you've got to have them somewhere on the web that is accessable to all in order to link them.

I wish we could have photos of all the user cars, but for me to do that manually for people would take all my free web time. And manually is the only way we could do it right now.

Glad the car is coming along and I would like to see the photos too, maybe one of the users with web space could host them?
