CIA accused of torture

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Hi, Pete!

While I do sometimes think of my self as left-wing, I do not advocate apologizing for the torturous techniques in which the U.S. engaged at Gitmo...and for much the same reason you mentioned, that those in ISIS would commit tasks far beyond the egregious nature of those committed at Gitmo.

My point is that we should have never used torture. I understand Larry's comment regarding drone strikes killing innocent women and children...but in any war that is going to be the case. However, IIRC there is a thing called the Geneva Convention that defines how prisoners must be treated (not that ISIS is a signatory, of course they were never around when the document was created), and torture was not, AFAIK, ever one of the recommended interrogation techniques.

What we really ought to do is declare war on these assholes...then appoint David Morton to direct the strikes. Two nukes dropped on Japan ended WWII, perhaps David could direct a few toward ISIS and demonstrate what they have in store if they continue. At that point our actions would be an act of war and the issue of "collateral damage" would not be an issue, although I do believe that any honorable military entity would do what they could to avoid unnecessary casualties involving women and children. Unfortunately, ISIS isn't a "country", so to speak, so it's difficult to declare war against them, but Howard had a great idea...inform all governments that should they harbor ISIS and facilitate their acts of terrorism, they will become targets for our wrath. We might NEED to declare war against multiple countries, in fact I can't see how that could be avoided. In my mind I compare ISIS with the Nazis....and that is the reason I so despise the fact that the U.S. has used torture techniques, because in my mind that puts us at the gunwale of the same boat in which I place the Nazis.

In my mind, the answer was one of our options...try those detainees in military courts of law and if found guilty execute them. At least then they would have been offered a trial, which is something I can't say I believe that those beheaded by ISIS were given. Why we did not choose that option is a mystery to me...although one of the reasons I think Gee-Dub authorized the torture of the detainees was that he viewed them as possible sources of information. IMHO that was a wrong assumption, and just because one of his advisors told him what he WANTED to hear, that the techniques used at Gitmo did not rise to the level of torture, does not make it so. Gee-Dub should have used better discretion, and his failure to do so IMHO should have led to him being tried as a war criminal. There is still time...think of how long we have searched out the Nazi leadership in their hiding places throughout the world, and when we find them we put them on trial. Will Bush suffer the same treatment? I think not, but in my mind there is SOME level of belief that Bush authorized actions bordering on those adopted by the Nazis during WWII, and for that I am ashamed for our country...and proud of Obama for having stopped it.

But....apologize to ISIS.....HELL NO!!!!!

I dunno, Larry....I kinda like the guy who said he'd get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan...and then did it.

I kinda like the guy who made GM pay back their bailout windfall...compared to the guy who gave our hard earned dollars to Wall Street and then didn't even try to get them to pay it back, much less put into place any requirement that they do it.

I kinda like the guy who made BP pay through the nose for cleanup when one of their oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico started spewing oil and screwing up the environment...compared to the guy who let Exxon decide how much was enough when one of their tankers being captained by a drunk ran aground in Prince Williams Sound and put an entire local culture out of business.

I still for the life of me can't figure out why you're so obsessed with the "...You can keep your doctor..." type stuff, but that's OK, it is what it is. As for the IRS, it's been one of the most corrupt government agencies in existence for a long time, nothing new on the horizon with our present POTUS. And the you really believe that they were not spying on the American people when Gee-Dub was POTUS? As for the 5 guys named above, I freely admit that I know nothing about them...but that doesn't mean that I should believe them just because there are 5 of them, or because you say they are believable. Tell me why I should believe anything they said...just because somebody ran the CIA for 12 years doesn't make them believable to me, the CIA has been a cluster phuk for so many years that it makes them more unbelievable than believable. Ever heard a lawyer tell the truth? Probably not, if they are talking, they are lying or hiding something, whether they have embraced the left or the right politically.

My assertion is still the same...this isn't a political issue as much as it is an issue of good vs. evil, and your beloved Gee-Dub was guilty of SO many transgressions that it's difficult for many to think of him as anything but evil.

I will say this about him...being a mountain biker I do respect him for his accomplishments in that arena, and being a fan of good art I am pleasantly surprised by his skill with a brush...but none of that takes away from the incredibly evil acts he committed. I actually have a higher opinion of Nixon than of least Nixon was arrogant enough to say "Screw the American people, I'm going to do what I want to" and then eviscerate anyone who crossed him. Gee-Dub was just floundering in waters over his head...and some of those waters surrounded Cuba, where Gitmo is located and where Gee-Dub endorsed and encouraged acts of torture (that is what this thread is about, not "you can keep your doctor"), plain and simple. He deserves to be tried as a war criminal.


Pulling everyone out of Iraq was stupid, we should have left a force.
We are still in Afghanistan, and if he pulls everyone out, we would have been better off air dropping the weapons we are leaving, before the war and save the lives we lost.

GM paid back the bailout with TARP money, so they paid us back with our money.
General Motors’ Debt

Of course BP paid, it was their spill.
The Exxon Valdez spill occurred on March 24, 1989, that was when the blow job guy was in office.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
My point is that we should have never used torture. I understand Larry's comment regarding drone strikes killing innocent women and children...but in any war that is going to be the case. However...there is a thing called the Geneva Convention...and torture was not...ever one of the recommended interrogation techniques.

So, on the one hand you just dismiss the deaths of however-many innocent people by saying 'collateral damage' happens in war...but, on the other, you're appalled by the use of harsh interrogation methods being used on very specifically targeted >individuals< who won't actually be physically harmed and most certainly will not be killed. Innocent people killed = no problem. Murdering scumbag savages waterboarded = WAR CRIME. :huh: I'll never understand how the liberal mind works.

BTW, "torture" is the mislabel you lefties have chosen to apply to waterboarding, etc., and you all insist that everybody now automatically accept your definition of the term and how you've applied it. (Not unlike the way y'all call ILLEGAL ALIENS "immigrants" and disparage those who refuse to call 'em that...and not, incidentally, unlike the way you're appalled about applying the death penalty to murderers, but have noooooooo problemo with executing the unborn [or even the partially born] all day long. 'Makes no sense at all to me...)

Heck with it. I think I'll bag this and go paint my Jeep.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
So, on the one hand you just dismiss the deaths of however-many innocent people by saying 'collateral damage' happens in war...but, on the other, you're appalled by the use of harsh interrogation methods being used on very specifically targeted >individuals< who won't actually be physically harmed and most certainly will not be killed. .

'Should have said "...who won't actually be physically harmed and most certainly will not be killed unless something unintended happens."

I suppose that IS a possibility...just like it's possible one could be killed crossing the street.

Now...back to the Jeep.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
You've got a Jeep!:bow::bow::bow:

No, no, no, Pete! I don't! That's just an expression used by a few of 'us' 2-way radio-types here in my area!

It basically means, 'Hey...I'm gettin' kinda tired of this/don't feel like pursuing this right now/we're beating a dead horse here/'not really interested in this anymore'...that sort of thing!

'Sorry! 'Shudda 'splained that! :D


Lifetime Supporter
War = armed conflict in which the object of the conflict is to quickly entice the other to give up as soon as possible. All hostilities should be horrifying enough to seduce the other side to surrender. If your opponent is storing weapons in schools and mosques, then the buildings are no longer considered schools or mosques they are bunkers. Killing civilians in a war is not considered proper, however if they provide influence to the people that made the decision to go to war in the first place then they are part of the equation, IE Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Today's war is more difficult as the opponents are not nations as in the past and the verification of the war monger is necessary prior to prosecution. But all efforts to shorten or bring hostilities to an end may mean the severe influence of captured opposition. The term torture is moot since that is define as exercising extreme measures of human indignities and pain for the pleasure of the torturer. Besides the opposition will be doing their best to influence your personnel captured by that opposition.


Meanwhile, back in touchy feely Great Britain...

This. No, it's not a spoof, this is today's headline in the Sunday Telegraph.. Ye Gods..:furious:


  • Shout.JPG
    44.9 KB · Views: 140
. Ye Gods..:furious:

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Not the gods :) You know what happened last time there was mention of the holy ones :dead:

Yeah right, What they are told to do and what really happens is another matter, I can see our military practicing drop kicks on them behind closed doors.


Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
So, on the one hand you just dismiss the deaths of however-many innocent people by saying 'collateral damage' happens in war...but, on the other, you're appalled by the use of harsh interrogation methods being used on very specifically targeted >individuals< who won't actually be physically harmed and most certainly will not be killed. Innocent people killed = no problem. Murdering scumbag savages waterboarded = WAR CRIME. :huh: I'll never understand how the liberal mind works.

BTW, "torture" is the mislabel you lefties have chosen to apply to waterboarding, etc., and you all insist that everybody now automatically accept your definition of the term and how you've applied it. (Not unlike the way y'all call ILLEGAL ALIENS "immigrants" and disparage those who refuse to call 'em that...and not, incidentally, unlike the way you're appalled about applying the death penalty to murderers, but have noooooooo problemo with executing the unborn [or even the partially born] all day long. 'Makes no sense at all to me...)

Heck with it. I think I'll bag this and go paint my Jeep.

I keep telling you, Larry, I'm not as liberal as you think...for example, I am of the opinion that Illegal Aliens ought to be called exactly what they are, illegal. There are rules our societies put into place that define the correct ways to do things, they are called laws, treaties, etc. We have established LEGAL methods of immigration, and anyone who choses to immigrate into our country without using that process should be considered a criminal, because they are here illegally. To call them "Undocumented Immigrants" is just Political Correctness BULLSHIT!

Which brings me back to the issue of treaties...and the torture of the Gitmo detainees (that IS what this thread is about, right?) The U.S.IS a signatory to the Geneva Convention, which is essentially a treaty in which the acceptable methods of treating prisoners of war were established. AFAIK, torture is not one of those acceptable methods. Just because the ISIS members are not following the specifications of the Geneva Convention does not authorize the U.S. to go beyond the acceptable methods...we agreed not to do so and we should abide by our word. Just because Gee-Dub got one of his advisors to say that the techniques being considered (and were probably already in use) at Gitmo were not torture does not make it so...I have often said, if you don't like the answer you get, just keep asking and eventually someone will give you the answer you want to hear, and I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that Gee-Dub followed that practice. For any rational person to think that the terroristic methods used at Gitmo do not rise to the level or torture is absurd.

Do I think the detainees deserved better treatment? You'll be surprised to hear that I do not...but, the U.S. agreed long ago not to employ torture while interrogating prisoners of war. Does the fact that we have failed to declare war against Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Afghanastan, and all the rest since WWII mean that those we captured are not "Prisoners of War?" I think not! If we captured them as part of an armed military conflict, they should be treated in accordance with the conditions outlined in the Geneva Convention. The failure to declare war when we dispatch our military into combat is just one more example of the reprehensible methods our country has adopted...we have a statutory method for going to war and yet our leaders choose not to engage in that process, but our intentions and actions are still war-like. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and shits like a duck, it's a DUCK, Larry. It's a simple concept.

Larry, I've said it before and I'll say it again...this isn't an issue of liberal versus conservative or right vs's an issue of right vs wrong. If the U.S. was a signatory to the Geneva Convention, it was wrong of us to engage in torturous acts during the interrogation of those detainees. Does the fact that Gee-Dub accepted the BAD advice of yet another of his advisors make it right? There's an old saying...two wrongs don't make a right. In this case I really believe that is the case, Gee-Dub did two things wrong, accepted bad advice and authorized the use of torture...plain and simple.

It's not about political philosophy, it's about what is the right thing to do, Larry.

Hoping you got your "Jeep" painted...I like the "saying"! When I've tired of the issues of a conversation, I usually say "Pardon me, please, I think I have an incoming phone call" and walk away. Yours is much more funny :thumbsup:



NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Not the gods :) You know what happened last time there was mention of the holy ones :dead:

Yeah right, What they are told to do and what really happens is another matter, I can see our military practicing drop kicks on them behind closed doors.


They should bring back 'The Inquisition' nobody expects that, especially 'The Comfy Chair' :shifty:

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