GT40 TIRELIST (mainly 15")


Mike told me he loved the way the Nittlos handled. Don't know much about the BFGs. They are a different compound than the regular T/As. Does anyone have any info on these tires?


Bill, I used the 325 Nittos on a Cobra and I loved them. They just were a bit too wide for the rear 15s and the sidewalls kinda balooned outward. Also, they kick up a lot of road debris and small stones. The compound was very slick-like. Really stuck like glue.

Very interesting tires .


Onby a pic of the nitto


Anyone out there having experience with them on a racetrack ( not strip). How do this purposemade tires hold up, as the compound seems to be very sticky ( soft) and is just 6/32" thick, my gues is the lifespan will be very short. The rear tire diameter is realy huge (a full inch larger than the already huge bluestreaks. If it fits, this dimension should make a very periodcorrect look. Also the price is great ( my pirellis cost more than double of that).

What is the speed rating of them ?
Would it be possible to post some detail pics to show how they fit within the wheelwells and how the overall look is ?Thanks for that.

Do they also have an european " e" marking additional to the "dot" one ?
Added both of them them to the tirelist



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I'm now considering the Nittos for the GT. The only concern I had was the issue of sidewall flex. Being drag radials, sidewalls are assumed to be softer than road tires. However, the techs at Nitto were confident because of the low weight of the car. I whipped them around the backroads and they really stick. Also, very predictable when they break. The fronts may be too big, though.
Here's how they looked on the Cobra. 325s in rear and 275s front.

For the Avons see the above list of suppliers. Roger Kraus, and Sasco. Some of the speed shops might carry them, but these here will be the best price I think.Stick it in Google and see what comes up..

I believe the 555 Nittos (rear) have a tread life of about 15,000 miles. If you put 3000 miles per year on your 40, that's 5 years. Every five years you should replace the tires anyway as they get too hard with age. IMHO better to spend another $678.00 in 5 years for fresh tires than to have to ashcan the set you bought for $1500.00 and pay another $1500.(or more)

Just my 02 cents.



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I just wonder how you are going to manage putting 15000 mls of this kind of tires in a decent powered gt40.
My first thought would be "no way". If you are using just 50% of the potential this cars have, topping this with a LSD of some 40% locking ratio, my opinion is, you will have difficulties to manage the 3000 mls per year on one set. I may be wrong, but if your assumption is correct, the Nitto guys have a real magic compound.

Anyone knowing if they have the european "e" marking?

Anyways they look great and if i had knew them before, i would defenitely consider them seriously.

Nice SPF, is this your´s ? more detailed pics ?
Eglitom, Personally, I don't care if I have to replace them every two years. Those figures were just for illustration purposes.


Don´t missunderstand me, your´s is a total reasonable approach, but we should put in realistic numbers. Do you have a personal or know someone who has personal experience with thread life of Nitto´s ( or any of the other tires)?
My figures where just estimations as well, based on my experience with my other cars ( on my 300 hp 911 i never managed more than 6000 mls on one set of Pirellis).
Thanks for your input
Your mileage numbers are realistic and what I have heard from most high horsepower cars on the Pirellis. Given that, one could assume that all the sticky type tires will last about as long. Now you just have to justify the expense of the tires. I want something that I can feel comfortable with on the street, and can jump on the track if I feel like it, without having to have a second set sitting in the garage. I am all about having what I want, but I can't justify having two sets of wheels and tires(got a daughter's wedding to prepare for around Thanksgiving). I have settled on the Nittos for several reasons. The size is the most important, as I wanted to stick with the 15s and felt there was nothing much out there until now. The price is fantastic as far as I am concerned. I can have two or three sets for the price of the "race tire look" of the others, not to mention they might give you a ticket if stopped on the road. If I wanted a show car only, I might go for one of the others, but I'm not.

I think the 275s are too big as well. I have ordered the 225s even though they will have a different tread design. I don't mind the difference in diameter either. Kind of like that big butt look anyway!!


I hope to achieve a look like this:


Tom, may I ask a favour of you? The picture of 1085A you have included is taken from the "GT40s for sale" page of my website. I don't mind at all - I'm happy that it's useful to you. BUT, every time somebody looks at this string, somehow (don't ask me how) because of a hidden link, the picture apparently gets downloaded from my site, and it's playing havoc with my site statistics. Being a retired accountant - yes, bean-counter, if you must - statistics are important to me. I find it fascinating to know how much traffic my site is generating, which pages are viewed most (currently "GT40s for sale", by a handsome margin!), where visitors are coming from, and so on. Does that make me a sad so-and-so, or what?

So, I would be ever so grateful if you would either embed the picture direct, without drawing it from my site each time, or, if that's technically not possible, simply add a proper visible link to my site at John S Allen Photographic - GT40 Photos, so that visitors can, if they wish, see more of my website, and where the picture has come from.

Thanks a lot. Vielen danke!

Very sorry to hear that my posting causes inconviniences.

you got PM, I will do as you ask.

Thanks and sorry again
I just got mine the other day from Discount Tire. They get them out of Ohio or California. Takes a couple of days. They look great. My price was $695 including tax. That included mounting and static balance. The 555s are 13" wide on the 10" rim. the 225s are 9" on the 8" rim.



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Bill, I think you were concerned that the tread patterns would be different, but they look very similar, don't they? Let's see a pic when you get them on the car.



Gulf GT40
Lifetime Supporter
Tom one more column you might add to the spreadsheet is if they are Radial or Bias.

they look great, will be interesting how they work. Do you plan to widen the rear rim, as i think the tirefit on a 12/13" rim would be much better and also help to reduce the sidewall flexing.


Done !

I filled it in where i knew it. I did not have the time yet( busy working on the RCR)to go to all the tiresites to check. If you could help would be great. Just open it put an "x" in in the approbroate cell. Save it to your drive and reload it from there.


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Reading this thread has got me thinking, obviously some people will want a matching front/rear tread pattern for looks, but does it matter from a performance point of view? Given the large difference in width between the front/rear there will be different grip characteristics anyway. Leading on from this, do any manufacturers produce front/rear specific tyres with different tread patterns? (completely different situation but I do a bit if mountain biking and it is pretty common to have different front/rear tyres as on an mtb each does a radically different job).