Hello from Greenville SC! SL-C is on its way!!!


Hello all,
I just put my deposit down on an SL-C kit, so I figured it was time to come out of the shadows where I have been lurking around reading threads haha

Really looking forward to my build and to joining this amazing community.

Anyone else from the Greenville area?



Thank you Joel, good to be here. Also, thank you for your videos, I’m looking forward to watching them all.

Cody F

Welcome Ian! Looking forward to following along! Getting closer and closer to ordering my own.


Thank you all for the welcomes!
Cody, pull the trigger! its daunting but the feeling that this is actually going to happen is fantastic.

Alan, I messaged you back, lets talk some shop!

I am unsure of doing a build thread as of now (there are already a bunch of really great ones here) but I will certainly have an update thread for no other reason than to have a place to talk about it. I can easily see driving my friends and family crazy with "car news" lol

I would encourage you to do one, people will be able to provide suggestions, etc. plus everyone likes pictures. I’m going to do one for my FF coupe 65 even though there are tons of the cars built, little bits of info from experienced people is useful.


That's a great point Kyle,
I am strongly considering it, just not sure how I want to do it.
I am planning on documenting a lot of the build on video, I should be able to pull pictures from that, have also though about putting it all on YouTube. This build is a father son project, me being the son. My father and I have worked on muscle cars and race cars my entire life, I am in my 40s now and he is in his 70s and unfortunately suffers from Parkinson's disease. This is kind of our last project together and because of that, I'm not sure how much I want to "put it out there".

I will probably start the build and see how it all goes.

I love hearing from anyone who has been through a build! Let me know what your experience was like!



Whether or not you make that video public, if you don't create it now, in the future you will wish that you had.


100% Neil,
Definitely recording every minute of it. Have been playing with the new camera I got for the build! Haha.

Howard Jones

The single most important tool you will have is the community here on this forum. Use it to the fullest. Post lots of pictures and ask a lot of questions. You will get correct informative answers from multiple sources. Promise. The more you involve the community the more the people on this forum will want to help. Trust me do a build log and make sure you start it with the big truck delivery out in the front yard, I love those. Do it!


HAHAHA ok, ok, I will do a build log, and I think I will attach it to a youtube account for some video. I had planned to record the experience with my father so its not a big push to share that here.

I agree about the delivery day vids/pics!!! not enough of those around that I have found so far.

I am actually thinking of starting a pre-build thread to go over some of the extras I am considering.

So far everyone here has been amazing! thank you all, I am honored to join your ranks.


Ron Earp

Welcome to the forum! If you like the site and get something from it consider supporting GT40s.com. Enjoy the build!