I'm Not Trying to Start Anything but....


Don't worry David - I'll keep something back for the Krug mate... :)

(And yes, those stacks are 9' tall and that's only half of it. I'm planning an event......:thumbsup:)
Was this making fun of the whites or the blacks? We've always had impersonators and masks for presidents for as long as I can remember. All of the sudden we're thin skinned about a Mulatto president who never mentions the white portion and is using the black to full advantage.


For perspective, compare the treatment of those involved in the "Missouri Mock" of Mr. Obama to those who "engaged in parody" with racist slander and cartoons of Condoleezza Rice and Justice Thomas. Consider the misogynistic "witty" late night comments by Bill Maher and David Letterman about Sarah Palin and her children. Especially offensive was comedian Wayne Brady's joke about her Down Syndrome affected son. Consider the comedian Christopher Titus who said that if Ms. Palin were elected he would “hang out on the grassy knoll all the time, just loaded and ready.” A reference to a similar assassination to that of Mr. Kennedy. (Watch what happens if anyone tries anything remotely similar with the candidate Ms. Clinton.)

Guess which is vilified and which is celebrated. Guess which are employed and guess which not.

Like the rodeo clown, I doubt an apology would suffice when you can throw the weight of the Executive Branch into the matter. Get mad AND get even... So I hope that rodeo clown has a good CPA, he probably is about to be audited. The NAACP has also called for a criminal investigation into the matter. So losing his state fair gig may be the least of his problems. Maybe he'll be thrown in prison like the fellow that made the video that incited the Benghazi massacre. In addition, the president of the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association has had calls an investigation into job as superintendent of the Boonville School District. He's a cowboy, they carry guns don't they? Anybody that saw "Django Unchained" knows they are all racists anyway. They all no doubt deserve "the treatment" too. In fact, the IRS needs to carefully examine the Rodeo Association's tax status. They are clearly engaging in political activity.

By the way as for the critics of the stupid, gun toting, bible thumping low IQ FOX Viewers: Michael Giltz: Exclusive: PR Guru Behind Fake Fox News "Study" Speaks Up

No doubt more name calling and profane hysteria to follow...

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
No doubt more name calling and profane hysteria to follow...

You can count on it.

Very good post by-the-way, Sir. (I'd add the "Stupid Girl" musical intro played when Bachmann walked onto the set of the "Late Night" show. WE'D STILL BE HEARING ABOUT IT TODAY if, say, someone like Hannity had played that song when Hillary, or Pelosi, or Feinstein, et al, walked onto HIS set.) (Of course, there IS NO 'intro music' played for anyone on his show - 'just illustrating a point.)

BTW - I'll bet you're DEAD ON regarding what likely awaits the "clown".
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Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
That's an interesting point keith and I wonder if it has it's roots in the fact that both these now great nations, were, not so very long ago, just lawless, wild frontiers? Has that knowledge lead to and nurtured a national subconscious, or conscious desire, to be 'seen' to be caring and highly developed, leading us to these over-exaggerated 'PC' viewpoints now being enforced?

Put another way, it's new money, trying to look like old money but in an Oh-so enlightened way.

Mark it only took six years to become soooo P.C. In Australia and guess who was and still is in power.
Hemorrhoids, Keith! So there! Simple fat fingers waiting for some PVA to dry and on to some fiberglassing. Begging your forgiveness..
Finally some logic.

‘Texans Value Speech’: GOP Rep. Invites Embattled ‘Obama Mask’ Rodeo Clown to Perform in Lone Star State

Republican Steve Stockman, a U.S. representative from Texas, invited the rodeo clown who wore a mask of President Obama to perform in his home state, his office stated Wednesday.
Liberals Want to Bronco Bust Dissent: GOP Rep. Invites Embattled Obama Mask Rodeo Clown to Perform in Texas

“Liberals want to bronco bust dissent. But Texans value speech, even if its speech they don’t agree with,” Stockman’s statement reads. “From Molly Ivins to Louie Gohmert and every opinion between Texans value free and open political speech. I’m sure any rodeo in Texas would be proud to have [the] performers.”

The viral story from the Missouri State Fair has honchos from both sides of the political aisle up in arms, including Glenn Beck, who declared that “Obama is not God!” on his radio broadcast Monday and then held a “Mock Obama Day” on Tuesday.

But White House spokesman Josh Earnest said earlier Wednesday that the stunt—in which the clown was chased around by a bull “to the delight of the onlookers hooting and hollering from the stands,” according to one witness—was “not one of the finer moments” for his home state. U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) called the stunt shameful and unacceptable.

What’s transpired since the uproar?

The rodeo clown was permanently banned from performing at the Missouri state fair;
Fair officials have mandated sensitivity training for future performers;
The NAACP has asked the Justice Department and Secret Service to investigate.

But Stockman isn’t having any of it, saying the response from the left is “straight out of Alinsky.”

“They want to crush dissent by isolating and polarizing anyone who questions Obama
, even if it’s a rodeo clown with a harmless gag,” said Stockman. “The idea to create a state of fear and make people afraid to trivialize Obama. No one tried to personally destroy the rodeo clown who wore a George H.W. Bush mask.”

“Disagreeing with speech is one thing. Banning it and ordering citizens into reeducation classes for mocking a liberal leader is another,” Stockman added. “Liberals have targeted this man for personal destruction to create a climate of fear.”

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
"But Stockman isn’t having any of it, saying the response from the left is “straight out of Alinsky.”"


Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Jack, I'm all for political satire, hell I remember wareing a Nixon Mask to a Holloween Party, no one has a problem with that.

What happened here was at a Government Sponsered Fair, paid for with $400,000 of tax dollars.

I dont think the mask was racist, I think it was political satire, but I do think that whipping part of the crowd up with broadcasts of "Who wants to see Obama run down by a bull" is inappropriate.

That sort of thing is just fine at Republican fund raisers and Clan rallies, even at a privately run rodeo, but not at a State run, tax sponsered Rodeo. Apparently the Fair Board all agreed. He was not beaten, jailed or killed, he was just told not to come back.

Nothing sinester here, just people paying the price for acting stupid.

Of course there are a great many Conservatives who will reward this person, such is life in the new right wing.
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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
That sort of thing is just fine at Republican fund raisers and CLAN RALLIES...


You ARE AWARE that the KKK was started Democrats, aren't you? (Not by the DEM. PARTY...but, by white southern Demos.) (The KKK did provide muscle for the Demo machine down south though [see below]) And you are aware these "people" went after GOPs as well as blacks, right? Soooo...just when did the GOP and the KKK 'kiss and make up'?

"Carole Emberton, an associate professor of history at the University at Buffalo, wrote in an email that various "Klans" that sprung up around the South acted as a "strong arm" for many local Democratic politicians during Reconstruction. Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest -- believed to be the KKK’s first Grand Dragon -- even spoke at the 1868 Democratic National Convention, said Emberton, author of "Beyond Redemption: Race, Violence and the American South after the Civil War.""

And yet you and your ilk STILL insist on implying/declaring the GOP is somehow tied to the KKK every chance you get??? Really? 'Way to SPIN reality, Jim.


Fair officials have mandated sensitivity training for future performers;

Well, fuk mi! That's what they wanted ME to do! What Nazi bollocks. I said

"I don' need no sensitivity training you trailer trash loaded genital wart sucking Numbskull!" :furious:

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter

You ARE AWARE that the KKK was started Democrats, aren't you? (Not by the DEM. PARTY...but, by white southern Demos.) (The KKK did provide muscle for the Demo machine down south though [see below]) And you are aware these "people" went after GOPs as well as blacks, right? Soooo...just when did the GOP and the KKK 'kiss and make up'?

"Carole Emberton, an associate professor of history at the University at Buffalo, wrote in an email that various "Klans" that sprung up around the South acted as a "strong arm" for many local Democratic politicians during Reconstruction. Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest -- believed to be the KKK’s first Grand Dragon -- even spoke at the 1868 Democratic National Convention, said Emberton, author of "Beyond Redemption: Race, Violence and the American South after the Civil War.""

And yet you and your ilk STILL insist on implying/declaring the GOP is somehow tied to the KKK every chance you get??? Really? 'Way to SPIN reality, Jim.

For an obnoxious old white guy, you seem to know exactly jack squat about American history.

SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES (at that time, most of whom were southern and members of the Democratic Party) started the KKK.

In the 70s, the Republican Party and Richard Nixon, and then Lee Atwater and Ronald Reagan, sought to break the Democratic stranglehold on the south via the Southern Strategy: an appeal to the racist, conservative, white bred, cracker values in southern white men, and convince them to vote and turn Republican. It worked.

All those "Democrats" who started the KKK and stood at school house doors and preached on and on about no mixing of coloreds and whites? MOst of them -- Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond, others, became Republicans.

And Jim is dead on. You can make fun of whomever you want where ever you want. But you add state action in and you have a problem where satire is government sponsored.

In all your examples of Republicans being made fun of, do you have a single one of the GOVERNMENT doing it?


Right - I've got a suggestion for you guys. Check out a programme on RT (American version of course) I often watch these stations including Al Jazeera because you can get a totally different aspect to world events without necessarily being anti American or anti Western as you might think.

Anyway, the clincher for me is almost certainly that the RT presenters have huge tits and luscious lips - just seems to make bad news more, say, manageable?.

The programme is called "Breaking The Set" and is presented by a lady called Abby Martin who appears to have been educated at the Mel Gibson School of Wide Eyed Gerbil Like Dramatic Arts. I cannot stand her or her female oppo who are both obviously presenting scripted performances rather than a more demure and professional demeanour you would think would be required by a professional news/current affairs programme.

But this is what caught my eye. Sub Heading: "Smashing (dear God!) the Left/Right Paradigm"

I have no idea of the content but if it is better than the presentation then perhaps it might be worth a seat in the bleachers to see if they have any new wisdoms (from a foreign perspective) of that epidemic of nastiness that ails American politics at present.

I would appreciate your comments and perhaps I might be persuaded to watch without smashing yet another widescreen LED.