New Year Resolutions

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
The coming of a brand new year causes many of us to reflect on the past.
Some are not happy with the past and resolve to change that going forward.
If you have made a resolution for the coming year and want to share it here - please do.
Mind you all that performance against resolutions are rarely 100% - but we at least try..

I have a few to share -
1) Lose 15#
2) Finish the bodywork on my GT40
3) Become comfortable with my retirement and limited income (this will be the most difficult).
Never make 'em. I will be the same arsehole at 12.01 that I was at 11.59.....

Sure I want to lose weight and drink less but telling people about it so that they can give me a "told you couldn't" three months later is only self abuse.
Mine is simple finish, the 3 cars i have on the books, but i very much doubt i will succeed, might get one finished, and give up the fags.

1. Drop into the 230-239 pound range. I'm currently 255, 6'5". So it's doable.
2. Pass all my classes in school. Difficult, but it'll be challenging. (I did 10.5 years in the Air Force. Currently using my GI Bill)

That's about it this year.