No SL C Components

The Renault bottom end was based on the diesel package and was basically bullet would have made a great little Turbo package too....
Mine was chassis number of the very first ones that ran at the Detroit F1 as a support race.
It only had one owner until I restored it and raced it....quite a cool car and a ton of fun on a next to nothing race budget.

Craig Gillingham

Banned because I can't follow the forum rules.
BTW also- Reading the thread about the guy that got an SPF car and won't touch it and wants to sell it after 20 days of ownership because of some teething pains makes me sick. That guy should never have bought this type of vehicle. He should have stuck to the Mercedes, Porsche, BMW lots. That's where most of the "elitists" IMO should stay.

So where do I fit crash33?...

I dont have time or total technical knowledge to build a car like GT40 or "kit form" SL-C if it existed...i dont mind "tinkering" on weekends but wouldnt appreciate a constant technical battle to keep the thing on the road .... have raced World Superkarts and recently radicals...enjoy a "status symbol" fast road car as my belief its either race or road... I mainatined my own race car set up but when it came to engine rebuilds and running i subd it out....THATS ME.

Based on your generalisations in this thread, please let me know if i am the sort that makes you sick, elitist, should stick to a BMW, ferrari / porsche or shouldnt be seen in somebody elses build as i didnt build it therefore have no respect...

Look ..the worlds a big place with a few billion different types of variants each with there own point.
That guy shouldnt have made you feel sick .....after all dont suppose you mind the "Same Type" when selling your build 2nd hand.... or do you go tell them to get a porsche.? :idea:

peace man.!
Ummmm, just to clarify on our end. Our desires are to see "Superlite" elevated to the level of other high end performance manufactures so that when people (any and all) hear the name and see the car they understand what it is, what it stands for, performs like, and appreciate the quality of construction. We desire to see Mr. Hall's company succeed into the level of other high end constructors and live a long fruitful life swimming in profit (and to say that we remember when it began). As to the "Elitist" issue, look at the car and tell me with a straight face that it doesn't deserve to go head to head with Konigsegg or Pagani, all it would need was a carbon fiber body, a tarted interior, and a bit more "exotic" motor and RCR could prob. get away with charging 5-7 times what they are for a finished car.

Also please do not pigeon hole my family as some kind of attention getting bunch of posers who don't know squat about cars. We belong to a private track, operate our own $400K race transport to support the cars in the paddock, have our own private technician on staff to look after/build the collection, and you wont find me anywhere near a Ferrari or Lamborghini. Further, not constructing the cars personally is not a matter of interest or lack of love for the vehicle, it's a matter of knowing ones limitations and holding the understanding that people like yourself (Crash) and Mr. Hall know far more about the proper path of creation then I. We therefore place our complete trust and hope in their skills which are far superior to ours when building such things. Would you perform open heart surgery on a family member cause you read the manual or let a qualified doctor do it for you? Same thing!

Our family seeks out creations like the SL-C because of it's fringe market status and what it offers us as drivers. This fact is the primary reason for purchase. It is first and foremost about us, what we like, and are impressed by. The byproduct of that is the public attention and people who flock to our holdings to see them, but that is not the reason for the initial purchase. You wont find us a car shows or concours, we are a family of drivers. Why is it the war banner of every person who is out classed by someone with slightly more possessions to maintain that those persons don't know squat about that specific venue? "Elitists" will make RCR a huge amount of money and in the end that is what the company is there for. Porsche is the highest grossing auto company in the world and its because of people (like us) who don't blink when you hand them the MSRP. They understand the worth of the product, and are willing to pay the price tag. Would you deny Mr. Hall a shot a piece of that type of success just to get a cheep toy?

This "spirit of interest" (the idea that you somehow bleed truer for your car because you built it) is a load of poo. In the end it's what you sacrifice for your desires that proves your level of care. I am willing to purchase the SL-C at 4X Mr. Hall's asking price and ensure that it is finished to the highest degree befitting it's stature. You (on the other hand) seem to find yourself lodging a complaint over $40K. My question is this, who then is the real poser here and who has RCR's best interests at heart?:huh: With love, the Miller Family Livery.

Craig Gillingham

Banned because I can't follow the forum rules.

see you in a few weeks.....

will do fran my man.... got a loaded schedule though.... porsche dealership.....then onto you.

Expect me in a suit with tie, more money than sense with a real concern wether the CDplayer option has MP3 plug n play.

hehehehehe :heart:
J. Miller. It has been my experience that when a driver is also a mechanic and knows EXACTLY how the gear box functions, he/she 1) will know what to do to keep the tranny from being damaged by certain inputs, if the engine is about to explode or just has a clogged air bleed, etc. and 2) if something DOES fail during a race/outing, he/she is much better equiped to make an assesment and make the correct decision that will allow him/her to finish the race/outing. I have seen many, many people just show up at a track with a bunch of money and not be able to buy their way into the winners circle consistantly because of their lack of mechanical knowledge.

Remember at a race track you will find "fast guys, rich guys, and idiots".

This goes right along with Craig's question. What I mean by all this is that, with a kit car, a product that is not sold as a complete unit from one true manufacturer and backed by any warranty or worldwide service network, the buyer should at least have some sense as to how the inner workings of an engine and transaxle work, what effects them, and how to solve basic problems. If they are screaming everytime a plug wire burns on a header, or because a turn signel stops working, and they don't have the sense to move the wire and make sure it doesn't happen again, or get a meter out and determine if the bulb is bad or if there's power at the harness plug, then he/she, IMO, should look elsewhere for their ride. They aren't gonna be happy with a kit car. They need the hand holding you get, and pay for, from a Lexus, or Porsche, or Audi deealership.

I'm not saying they are a piece of crap individual. I'm saying that this is probably not a product (a kit car in general) they are gonna be happy with. These things will happen, and will have to be dealt with.

BTW- Mr. Miller, wouldn't you agree that someone who has the knowledge of what the heart is, how it functions, and what keeps it healthy is much less apt to have a heart attack, and if something does occur, that individual would probably be able to identify it and get himself treated appropriately faster than someone that did not have that knowledge? You don't have to be a heart surgeon to keep your heart healthy and yourself alive.

The specific point you are making is, once again, somehow saying that I think that Fran's SLC is overpriced. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!! I never said that. My complaint was that, for a kit car, it is sold with zero build options and for DIYers, such as me, it doesn't make sense to have to purchase all this stuff I may not use. You seem to want this SLC to be a Ferrari or Lambo instead of a Lola or Dallara. Both styles of car businesses are healthy and profitable. RCR is somewhere in the middle, IMO, in a niche that will also be profitable. My argument, and hope, is that Fran sticks to his niche and doesn't try to be a direct competitor with these other styles of car manufacturers. It is a balancing act. You are on one side and I am on the other. It doesn't make either of us wrong. It just leaves Fran with the decision of which way he wants to lean.
You guys are spec racer guys then huh? What has happened with Bob Swenson and PBS, if you know? I've seen PBSs hand in a lot of little projects, but nothing substantial since the SCCA ban. I heard rumor that Bob sold the business awhile back? I've also heard that he partially retired and still partially owns PBS?

Do you guys happen to know a gentleman by the name of Ross Murray? (Exoticraft)

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
I just teach people how to drive/race Spec Racers... I typically race Sedans (SCCA/NASA)..

Last I knew of Ross Murray was back in 99-02 when he was campaiging SCCA American Sedan.. Same time I was. Very fast. Good driver. I don't know why he bailed on the class - I bailed because it (like many other classes) went from Amatuer ranks to Wallet Racing...
I think he bailed because he started doing Trans Am stuff with our team and he was fabing stuff with me when we were building our own cars so he could get take offs to put on his scratch built all round tube TA car. I was out of TA by the time he got it running and the series was "Gentilozied".

I really like him though, Ross that is. True die-hard racer.

Craig Gillingham

Banned because I can't follow the forum rules.
Remember at a race track you will find "fast guys, rich guys, and idiots"
you will also find slow knowledgable guys, skint fast guys, fat fast guys, men who like to crossdress and take it up the chuffer...but whats that got to do with it?
I'm not saying they are a piece of crap individual
Thanks. i used to think i was a right twat until i got speaking to you.
if something DOES fail during a race/outing, he/she is much better equiped to make an assesment and make the correct decision that will allow him/her to finish the race/outing?
Maybe have time to take the old cloth cap off wind down the window and pull one of the wrist. - the engine blew on the radical last year at cadwell park... it went in one nano second. still if i knew the stress equations of the internals, stretch of the crank bolts or was watching freddy smith (the marshall on gooseneck ) waving at the slight blue puff of smoke coming from the exhaust, i could have took avoiding action. happy days!
Anyways the SL-C , as i see it, is a road car not a race car.
I have seen many, many people just show up at a track with a bunch of money and not be able to buy their way into the winners circle
Believe me i have seen far more people with techy skills, driving ability, fitness and correct attitude get nowhere because they are skint. Again whats that got to do with it in this thread of the way the SL-C is presented for sale and the likely owners of them. Its a road car not a race car

i bet on a ferrari forum somewhere a thread exists along the lines of "an oily nailed potential owner of a ferrari"....
You are currently waist high at the edge of a very large lake named inverted snobbery!
and actually i am quite offended that as i dont know how to build an engine, design suspension, weld and such like i should drop the idea of an SL-C and go get a porsche.
Craig "Fast Guys, Rich Guys, And Idiots" is a book I was referring to. Maybe you should read it.

Sorry to hear about your Radical misfortunes. You know, things always fail for a reason. Sure sometimes things go wrong, but it should be noted that most of the top NASCAR teams or top F1 teams or any other series where things are monitored very closely, there are relatively few engine failures.

"inverted snobbery" That's a good one. Thanks for the laugh.

Craig Gillingham

Banned because I can't follow the forum rules.
Where is this book and who is the author?

Sorry to hear about your Radical misfortunes. You know, things always fail for a reason. Sure sometimes things go wrong, but it should be noted that most of the top NASCAR teams or top F1 teams or any other series where things are monitored very closely, there are relatively few engine failures
is that because lewis hamilton knows how to build an engine or is that because they spend millions on research? Yes he knows how to preserve an engine but doesnt know "exactly" why. suppose he could build it tuesday and wednesday and race it a weekends

whys inverted snobbery funny... i find it highly offensive?
BTW-If you take offense to my opinion that is your problem. We all have our opinions......

One of mine is, if you can't do minimal diagnosis and repair work on a vehicle, then you shouldn't own a kit car. You should own a polished, refined vehicle from a company that offers road side assistance.

Take it as you will.

Craig Gillingham

Banned because I can't follow the forum rules.
anyways crash you seem like a decent sort of fella deep down - although some of your views and generalisations i dont agree with.
Lets agree that everybody posting here will have different views and standpoints.

What we both have in common is the thought of ownership of an SL-C... although we are coming at it from totally different angles.

As a serious potential purchaser i am travelling 1000s miles at a round trip cost of $2000 just to view the car and set up of RCR.

That said, its up to me whether the car is suitable for me and wether i am a suitable "type" of customer for RCR to deal with.

chill baby
in·vert Audio Help (ĭn-vûrt') Pronunciation Key
v. in·vert·ed, in·vert·ing, in·verts

v. tr.

  1. <LI minmax_bound="true">To turn inside out or upside down: invert an hourglass. <LI minmax_bound="true">To reverse the position, order, or condition of: invert the subject and predicate of a sentence.
  2. To subject to inversion. See Synonyms at reverse.
v. intr.
To be subjected to inversion.

Audio Help /ˈsnɒb
ri/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[snob-uh-ree] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun, plural -ber·ies. snobbish character, conduct, trait, or act.
[Origin: 1825–35; snob + -ery

So you are saying I have the opposite trait of that of a "snob". Thank you very much!!

BTW- Lifted from:
What we both have in common is the thought of ownership of an SL-C... although we are coming at it from totally different angles.

That said, its up to me whether the car is suitable for me and wether i am a suitable "type" of customer for RCR to deal with.

chill baby

Couldn't agree more, and have never said otherwise.
Craig7L, so you've made up your mind on RCR since you couldn't find a factory-built GTR? Dig your Westfield. I'd love to have one of those over here in the states.

J. Miller, you continue to further exhibit the exact customer tendencies crash and I have said you will. I don't think you are a sustainable customer group for this car as it is never going to achieve the exact cachet you want for it. That's the nature of forums, that we don't all agree.

Folks, this smack down of crash and some of the dissenters is pretty surprising for a car without any performance data yet or "best car ever" comments from some respected wheel people. It do believe some flavor of those will roll in, but that's still a very important part of how all this will work out in the end.

Even so, I'm still drawn in by the possibilities and am keeping a keen eye on the progress. As it's currently being wrapped up by Fran, people like me (and maybe speaking for crash too) just aren't yet as sold with both the car being the next great thing nor are we in agreement of how we'd need to order it. That's also the nature of forums, this can be a Fran love fest. I respect that and if this opinion is winning and held by most of your around here, I accept that I'm likely wrong.