OK: Any car lust AFTER a GT40?


Apparently a couple of pre-emission reg 917's
were made road legal in Europe. I have seen photos of two of them. How they were legally licensed for the road is anybody's best guess.
Dauer Racing built a few 962's specifically for the road. 2.6 secs/60MPH, 250MPH top end(quicker and faster than a 917). They sold for around $850,000 in 1994, now $1 million+++. At that price, I'll take two!
I wish!
There have been replica 962's built. Maybe I could afford to go that route????

Wow, my tastes are quite a bit simpler than most here. After a GT40 replica (which I'm still working towards... but not there yet) my next project will be to find and restore a 65-66 Ford F250 crew cab pickup. I figure I need something from the same era to haul it to track days. After all, the spares and pit crew (wife and daughter) have to ride somewhere!
My 40 won't be delivered for another 8 weeks and I am also was wondering what would nice for the next project. Always did like them Offy powered front engined Indy cars or maybe a cool looking 27 Ford track roadster with a Ford 'A" banger engine.

CAV 40
Lemans Blue
Owner built 302
Getrag trans
I just wired the deposit for an Ultima Can Am. As some of you know, my friend Jay and I are building a Sabre GT 40 as well. Setting the Can Am up to be primarily a racer.

Hope to have it for Run and Gun but not likely. Really like the look and it should be equivalent to the 40 with SBC power.

Bill D,

I labored over GTR or Can Am for almost a year. Finally chose the Can Am for two reasons. Rear visability and head room. By the way I'm getting the full glass wind screen.

Have a very large friend who is quite tall also.(Jay)

For those looking for a mid-engined supercar ala the Ultima or such, look at the Noble. Ron Rosen of Surerfomance fame is importing the Noble M12 as a roller for the VERY attractive price of 52K. Add a 3.0 Ford 4valve V6 and the twin turbo/rod/piston kit and you have a low 4 second 0-60 runner. I had the chance a couple weeks ago to look over the car in person and it is VERY well done. AP Racing brakes, air, excellent body finish and paint, the car is really neat!

He runs this operation as 1G Racing and it is separate from the Dynamic Motorsports operation although I am sure if you call the Dynamic number they can help you.

This car is so far above the usual level of engineering and assembly found in so many "factory built component" cars that you have to see it to believe it.

After a '40, I want one.....
