Yeah but I do not want 4 separate spinners so we will try to cut down the rear spindles to match, or that is at least today’s plan. I never knew how intricate it was to make threads.
Brian in post #170 has it right, the internal splines in the sliders will have a taper cut to pull it into gear, it is not wear so much as a 'plastic' deformation of the dogs on the gear to match with the taper in the slider. Grinding the parts to remove the pushed up area's was quite common back in 60/70's on most manual trans of that era- Muncie, T10, Top Loader etc. Like you have mentioned somewhat delicate job & you might only get one go at it. A bloke by name of Pepe Estrada was where I first read about it being done.That was a lot of wear…. Cause?
- extreme loading?
- poor heat treating? (I would suspect that if the slider is in good shape)
- poor or lack of lubrication? (Although it doesn’t appear to be discolored]
You may well “get by” with your clean-up, but it won’t be as strong as it once was.
Possibly consider re heat treating it?
@jac mac - what say you?