Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

Howard Jones

Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

I don't think that anyone who knew how far behind on time this project started is surprised. Building a 25 hour car this sophisticated and completing a 25 hour race let alone running at the front isn't really a reasonable expectation given the lack of time to do so.

When we arrived at about a hour before the start the team was working very hard to complete the car. They were able to join the race 20 mins late and I personally put a clock on their first flying lap. Cold tires (air temp in the min 50s), cold track, totally untested setup, drive on 2nd complete lap EVER in this car, 95 other cars on the track, and they ran a 1.58. The fast lap in the dry before it rained at about 4 hours into the race was about 1.45.

They had to return to the paddock and get the timing and scoring transmitter working after about a 1/2 dozen laps and then it went back out and ran some very low 50's one after another. This car is very fast and at times I though it as going faster than everyone except the leading Porsche (full on challenge cup).

Then we got called in for a DB (loud) fix it stop. It was not loud really. I think it was the off power engine popping out the exhaust right in front of the sound meter that did it.

When it started to rain they were out on slicks and we had a very slow speed off without hitting anything. I don't know if it stalled or was stuck off in some grass/mud area but the tow truck hooked the tow line to the light bar and pulled the front clip off. This damaged all the electrical plugs, broke the hood pins and generally made a mess of the electrical systems on the front of the car. This took quite a while to fix and by the time they got back out they were about a 100 laps down.

Dark, rain, and this is when I was really impressed. The car was running 2.12s in the rain and the leader was running 2.14s 15s. I saw the SLC just fly buy BOTH the 1st and 3rd place cars in the same corner at one point. Huge advantage in grip over the FGT and the GTM, at least that's what it looked like to me. It also looked to me to be a VERY effective rear wing, irregardless of the style points

Then the car had a electrical issue involving a main power connection that was buried behind and under the big passenger side fuel cell up under the dash in the footwell. They were trying to figure out how to fix it without pulling the tank (several hour process) when we left at about 8pm.

Another thing. EVERYBODY BREAKS during this race, at one point I counted 24 cars in the paddock being worked on. This was at the 3 hour point. Note: very little work is allowed on the hot pit lane. Basically driver changes and fuel or one tire only. The guys who were trying to run this car worked very hard and I never once heard anyone shout at anyone else or get mad. Really a hard working group of gusys trying to do the impossible right in front of god and everybody.



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Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

I see Fran with his 'Work' knee pads on. Chasing gremlins and issues under a race pace all day and night does ;/ sounds like fun. I think.

Howard Jones

Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

Here's a few of the car under the bodywork


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Howard Jones

Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

Other cars


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Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

Great photos Rob and Howard! Sorry both teams had bad luck, but now we have a baseline to work from. Thanks for the lap timing in the early laps.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

Good work Ron said, lots of work getting ready for one of one and you will be good to go. Car seems to have the speed.
Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

It would seem that if the problems were electrical, you'd want to consider using an ISIS setup. Anything that goes wrong can be easily troubleshot, and in a race environment I'd imagine you'd carry a spare power cell or two - rather than try to fix the problem just disconnect 4 weatherpaks, remove cell, put new powercell in, replace weatherpaks, go. 5minutes tops.

Ron Earp

Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

It would seem that if the problems were electrical, you'd want to consider using an ISIS setup.

Not as simple as:

Battery---> Breaker ---> Appropriate size wire --->Load

And hence why most folks I know build their race cars in that fashion.

Were the problems that the SLC team suffered all electrical? I suppose on positive aspect would be if the problems were all confined in one area then at least the team knows where to head for development and repair.

Not much more is as frustrating as spending all the time to get to a race and then spending all your racing time fixing stuff you thought was fixed. Now if you KNOW you didn't fix items before going to the track, well, then you have to question whether or not you should have gone in the first place. But I suspect the team was prepared or they wouldn't have gone.
Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

Wow, what a disappointment, downright embarrassing to watch all the Miata’s fly past this thing. I’d do a few more shake down track days before showing up for a 25 hour race. I hope they get it together, but from first viewing, Frankenstein needs much work.


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Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

Wow, what a disappointment, downright embarrassing to watch all the Miata’s fly past this thing. I’d do a few more shake down track days before showing up for a 25 hour race. I hope they get it together, but from first viewing, Frankenstein needs much work.
When all those cars were passing, those were the cars first few shakedown laps... or when it was being towed ;) It didn't take long for it to start passing the whole field, including the overall front runners on multiple occasions.

You are right though, it needs the bugs worked out.

Howard Jones

Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

I've been looking for a final results for the last hour.......anybody know who won?

In hind site, Of course more development time would have helped, more of just about everything is motor sports is a good thing, more always helps. The problem was they ran out of time. The decision by the owner was we'll give it a try. The only other thing to do was pack it all away for a year. Ya gotta give the guy credit HE actually did try and the car proved to be fast enough.

The other thing is the team learned a lot last night about what it will take to be competitive in this race. They wouldn't have if they didn't run the car.

Sometimes the fact that you rally want to do something is the ONLY reason you did it in the first place. It would be very hard to just turn that desire off at the last minute.

Frankenstein? Lets see some of the pictures of the car you ran last night. Be nice.

Ron, what I saw was a car that would and will, if they continue, be competive. The 45 min stint I watched very closely when the car was running well (or at least as well as it did run) showed me that if, and thats the BIG IF, they follow through with a development program they can compete for the overall win.

All in all the car just wasn't finished. You can't buy more time.

Ron Earp

Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

Ron, what I saw was a car that would and will, if they continue, be competive. The 45 min stint I watched very closely when the car was running well (or at least as well as it did run) showed me that if, and thats the BIG IF, they follow through with a development program they can compete for the overall win.

Don't get me wrong, I have respect for the team and the effort. It is tough to run an enduro and making the call to race, or not race is very hard to do. I haven't read many threads or look at the results closely but I'm sure the car can be competitive, no doubt about that.
Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

Just thought I'd let you all know that as a FFR Daytona Coupe owner that I'm proud to say that Karen and her Thunder Valley Race team and their Daytona Coupe finished 7th in class and 32 overall out of 70+ cars in what everyone knows was tough racing for all. Congrats' to them and all that had the balls to run the 25 hours!!!!!
Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

It was drivers error that took us out of the race with a violent accident. we were running 2nd in class and 2nd overall to a radical. Projecting our 2010 strategy calculated to a close finish and possible win with Mercer. Our pitstops were near flawless, our fueling was excellent, the driving was perfect pace and lap times were consistent. The Mendeola gear box was perfect. We did manage to win the overall 6 hour WERC race and 1st in the unlimited class, but missed the championship by 5 points giving it up to Troy and the Super Truck #66.

(I could still get promoted to Major):thumbsup:
Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

Congrats to the GTM team for finishing as well as they did. Saw the pics of the tire tracks going over the top of the car on FFCars - pretty scary looking.
Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

Crash damage to the frame and suspension was relatively minor and could have been repaired in a couple hours. The big issue for the GTM-R was that an oil line got knocked off and the engine was run for about half a lap with no oil as the driver was trying to limp back to the pits. Engine stayed together, but was decided to not continue and live to fight another day.

We will be back, and hopefully the SLC will too.

I was just wondering, how much $$ was made for the charity? I assume that some contributors had minimums if the car started and thus some money should have still been raised? I'm thinking that that may have been some of the motivation to at least get some race laps posted?

Oh yeah, and the SLC guys did a really good job of just not giving up. Many times that is what this event is about. Had we a spare engine, we may have continued the fight as well.

No doubt that the SLC was blisteringly fast, but that is not what this race is all about. I'm hoping that the SLC continues to be developed as it is indeed a very pretty race tool. Beautiful work guys!
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Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

Crash, when I signed up to donate to the charity I had to specify a minimum pledge in case the car did not complete enough laps.
Re: Superlite Eagle @ 25 Hour of Thunderhill 2010

A friend from my MC racing days is the official photographer for NASA events. This link takes you to some pics from Frday. Since the SLC didn't turn laps in practice there are no pictures posted yet, but I did see some of the race shots he took and they look good. Check back for those when he gets them posted and enjoy the rest for now.


Dito has the photo's up now, you have to buy them to keep a copy. He's a good guy and this is his day job :) He used to have sweet things hawking his prints at the track...until the wife put an end to that marketing tactic :( The racing weekends were not quite the same afterward....

Click here for a direct link to the shots >>>> 18