Terrorist attacks in Paris.


Oh dear, not the body bag argument...Shades of Vietnam.

Never mind.

Just pulling your chain a little Al... :)
We've had a taste of this before. It seems nothing much has changed but the bonus is that at least the bombers now don't survive..

I narrowly missed being vapourised by the Waltons restaurant bomb in London. It detonated 30 seconds after I had driven passed it and all the car windows exploded into a million pieces. Apart from a few scratches I was pretty much unharmed but the air pressure did for my hearing and now I am really suffering...

Bloody Hell Keith,

and I moan about my few mostly self-inflicted mild aches and pains.
This is what happens when you elect a President for racial or gender reasons and not for his or her knowledge and ability. It's kind of embarrassing when the President of Russia points out that our President is a useless fool.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
You know, Al, there's a pretty good chance that the majority of those who voted for BO, as well as those who will vote for HC, did or will do so because they agreed with their candidate's policies, felt them to be knowledgeable, and believed in their ability to do a better job of leading this country than the Bozo who gave it his best and failed miserably prior to the election.

Now, I will in all honesty say that I understand why you might feel that way...it has to do with your peer group. There's a pretty good chance that almost, if not all, of them feel the way you do, so it's reasonable to believe that since the majority of your peer group is so cohesive in their beliefs the rest of the country's voters do, too. I bet you were flabbergasted when Romney lost, too.

I encountered the same phenomenon when I was in education. The majority of the teachers have advanced degrees, and when one's peer group is so similar in cognitive/conceptual skills it becomes your defacto "average"... Well, it isn't, as I found out completing cognitive evaluations for 26 years. In fact, you would be surprised how "dumb" the average group really is. Most likely they are the ones who can't figure out how to make change at the McDonald's drive-through...and statistically the "normal" population comprises 68% of our population.

So...don't believe for a minute that your peer group represents the majority of the population...OR that they share your opinion of the present political leadership.

The far-right is statistically as well represented in our population as is the far left...and both groups added together do not equal the number in the center of the bell curve.


Doug, all of the people that I know that voted for Obama did so because they wanted to be a part of electing the "first black president". I laughed when they said this because I found it to be so incredibly stupid. I've voted for a democrat president before, Clinton. Although I regretted doing so halfway through. I didn't vote for GW Bush's 2nd term although I'm happy he won given the Bozo that I voted for.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
I love you all but the slightest chance and it becomes another American politics thread.
(Which by the way is incredibly fucking boring to me)/
You get what you vote for and you cannot change that. So who really gives a toss after the event, as you have to live with it.
That is unless your CIA steps in and assasinates your president.
Thats what your country is known for. Don't tell me I'm wrong - at least not on this Terrorists Attacks in Paris thread.
This is one thread that did not need hijacking into the corridors of power in Washington.
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I love you all but the slightest chance and it becomes another American politics thread.
(Which by the way is incredibly fucking boring to me)/
You get what you vote for and you cannot change that. So who really gives a toss after the event, as you have to live with it.
That is unless your CIA steps in and assasinates your president.
Thats what your country is known for. Don't tell me I'm wrong - at least not on this Terrorists Attacks in Paris thread.
This is one thread that did not need hijacking into the corridors of power in Washington.

David, Sorry, I replied to Pete's video and it go side tracked.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
My apologies, too, David...

BTW...your comment regarding our CIA may have been in jest, but a huge number of Americans believe that the CIA was responsible for the assassination of JFK....not that I do, though...conspiracy theorists abound in all countries.

SO GLAD the French got that bastard who was planning the attacks in Paris...but there will be thousands who are willing to step into his shoes :idea:

We'll never be out from under the actions of these Muslim assholes (hope I insulted them with that!!!) until ISIL is destroyed. I am glad to see France stepping up their attacks and even more glad the Ruskies are joining in...let the two most powerful nations in the world join hands and those cowardly bastards will have no safe place to hide :thumbsup:


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Good Lord Doug! That sounded like the kind of speech you give the people when the enemy are kicking your front door down!

You can help insult them further by henceforth referring to thme as DAESH.
Daesh is a loose acronym of the Arabic for “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant” (al-Dawla al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-Sham).Use of acronyms is rare in the Arabic world, but this title is seen as an insult by IS as it fails to include the anglicised word "Islam" - a very important objective of the organisation - to become representative of Islam in general. This not only helps recruiting it ties the global Islamic community's destiny in with DAESH.

So, strike back today.

Death to the grovelling camel-shit eating DAESH cowardly scum!

Can I have a job on your speech writing team Doug? :)

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
We are now under as big of a threat as we had in World War 2 during the blitz.
The detection of an Isis cell (up to eight men) transiting Turkey to Greece today is so terrifying and banishes the chance of refugees gaining rights to settle in any of the six richer countries of the EU probably forever. Shengen is finished forever and I can only see each country resuming border controls in the next couple of weeks. France and the Scandinavian countries are there already,
Today in the UK, more than 50% of the asked population (A euphamism for non Muslim)
expressed they would like to see British troops taking it to Isis on their own territory.
I think it is time as well and if we don't Isis will bring it to us in London and New York and Berlin and Budapest and Dublin .....and..... and.....
The threat levels are at a maximum with the police force levels we have. There is now a large stock of .762 weapons as opposed to the current .566 although there are
insufficient, I'll say that again INSUFFICIENT police trained to use them. Only the armed forces are trained to use them but again we do not have enough manpower for that scenario.

I'm 68 now, but give me a half a chance and I'd be there again. Straight away. Would I use the ultimate weapon over Isis territory ? You bet I would and I'd be the first in the queue.