The site won't let me upload pictures?


Not sure if anyone else has experienced this? But i can't upload pictures on to the forum (i have done this in the past with no problem)

I get the following message everytime i try:

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

Any help/ideas?



Ron Earp

Perfect!!! You could help us a lot if you'd be willing.

The security token issue is a known problem with VB. My programmer said there is no real fix for it but we can gain some information from your plight.

Please do the following and each time after making a change try and post the picture and report results:

*Clear your cookies

*Clear your browser cache (don't worry if this clears with cookies, that is ok)

*Close your browser and re-open it

I imagine the first one will fix it but let's see.

Hi Ron

I have tried everything you suggested, but each time it comes up with the same message. I am currently on my work computer, I'll try again on my home PC later tonight to see if it makes any difference? Do you think it is an issue with my PC?



Ron Earp

Testing some pictures, my 100mph view from the rain race last weekend.


  • rainracing.jpg
    23.4 KB · Views: 255