What`s the yanks take on this?


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Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
There is ZERO truth to any of this. ZERO.

They both surrendered their law licenses so that they could avoid having to do the drudgery of continiuing legal education. Plenty of lawyers who stop practicing do exactly that.

If disciplinary proceedings had been instituted against either one, it would be a matter of record. If a federal judge made surrender of a law license a precondition to anything, it would be a matter of record.

More frankly racist hate for the Obamas based on....nothing.


I wouldn't put it that strongly Jeff, just Bobby and his seemingly unquenchable thirst for sh1t stirring...


Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
I wasn't talking about Bob -- don't know him. I was talking about the author of that "article" and the large group of folks in the US who think like that.


Point is that anyone with half a brain would have read about two sentences of it and dismissed it as trash...One look at any of the comments sections in most of the world's leading newspapers confirms my suspicions that the internet has exposed a significant quantity of people who are frighteningly, (ill educated is not the right term, because many people with a scant education record can be highly perceptive), so I will just say plain DUMB!

I blame the internet for giving these mouth breathers oxygen, where they swamp the bandwidth with negativity.

Sorry, it's a slow news day here.. :)

PS The libel laws here in the UK specifically cite in essence that a repeated libel by a third party (as in a quote)is still a libel, so not only are the perps of that article guilty so are those that choose to repeat it.
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