F1 2008

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
They are inedible as far as I am concerned. I throw them into the adjacent field and the foxes take care of them from there.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Drifting? IMHO one of the more stupid forms of motor sport.
David was your barking rabbit wagging it's tail before you shot it?

As for the Grand Prix, it sent me to sleep ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
David - Sounds like my two Jack Russell terriers would love to spend some time in your back yard (assuming you put the artillery away first). Anyway,in your opinion,will the elimination of the French GP hasten the end or will it force a change in the way this series is promoted,maybe not for the better.? A.J.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
I'm sure this is only posturing because the midget (the guy with the very tall wife ) would prefer to run the race in Disney , Paris or at his own circuit in the south of France.
For several years now, most people wanted out of Magny Cours, the midget included. If God were to give the world an enema, he would put the needle
into Magny. The area really is a total tip.
In answer to your question about how is the series promoted, since Schumacher retired I think they have been looking inwards and 'trying' to change things. The crowds were fast disappearing with each year of Shumacher dynasty and unless they push it harder now (the changes) then the Hamilton era will do the same (witness Shanghai yesterday).
Night racing ? the jury is still out on that (personally I don't rate it)
Equal engines - how silly. Bring back unlimited and big wide slicks, steel brakes, maximum of only 25% carbon construction in the tub, and no refuelling. IMHO that would be how to market F1. Will it change? I 'm sure Mr Whippy will make some attempts in his final year in the FIA to put some changes in place but whether they are for the better or not long term is anyones guess.
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Steel Brakes - Yes.:thumbsup:

But may I swim against the tide here a little? As a lifelong Ferrari fan, I am somewhat at a loss to understand the current trend of Hamilton bashing, as I am quite sure the prancing horse will have already set their sights on him given that he succeeds in Brazil. He is way above the ability of at least 90% of the grid which is why I believe he clashed with Alonso last year, because Alsonso is possibly the only other real talent out there.

Who cares if he comes across "arrogant" - extreme self belief I would call it, which is what it takes to win at this level. Yes, mistakes have been made, but so did Schumacher and Senna when they were far from Rookies.

This kid is only in his second season and has already scored 9 wins. Best car? Not so, the Ferrari is clearly a superior car all round. Hamilton is punching well above his weight and has achieved this completely on his own with very little (read none) help from Heikki.

Aggressive driving? Do me a favour and press the rewind button back a few years. Senna Prost/Prost Senna, Hill/Schumacher, Mansell/Piquet..

This is all Racing at the very top level. Touchy Feely competition earns you the Marshmallow Trophy with chocolate handles (so you don't hurt yourself).

What was I doing at 23? Working in dead end jobs with no ambition and I only have admiration for the guy. Hamilton may be a freak of nature he may even be a bit of a stiff, but he's a hell of a consistent driver - so good luck to him in Brazil and who wants to lay odds that if he pulls it off he will be in a red car within the next couple of years... :laugh:

PS am I the only person that spotted that there were in fact 3 cars in the Ferrari team in Shanghai? Think about it.....
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Keith,+1, That is why I cannot be bothered taking any real interest in F1 anymore, its the 'old boys' network at their best-- tut tut old chap, now look here, we know your good,but we really cannot have you driving around our previous champions like this, its not good for the show, now be a good lad and just slow down a bit and make it look good for the punters,wot wot, now run along son, have a nice day.

Wot a load of Bollocks.

Russ Noble

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
I have to agree with Keith. The McLaren is not the fastest car out there, they very seldom get fastest lap of the race and yet Hamilton is always up there in contention. Not so Heikki in the same car.

Some of the FIA rulings are puzzling to say the least. Particularly the Bordais/Massa incident in Japan where Massa was clearly at fault and Bordais was penalised!!! One train of thought is that is is payback for Ferrari for their support at the time of the Concord Negotiations.

Admittedly Hamilton has done some bonehead things, and Japan was one of them, but if he can win the drivers championship this year despite not having the best car and also being disadvantaged by numerous dodgy FIA rulings, I have nothing but admiration for him. I am still a fan of F1 and to see Hamilton prevailing despite the establishment's best efforts to shaft him makes it worthwhile.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
A bit harsh Jac...:thumbsup:.
Keith I agree with your comments about LH's aggression, but don't think there is much LH bashing going on. Having said that I don't read the British press so it may be different in the U.K.
Certainly the commentators on ITV seem to be total LH fans and pump him up at every opportunity.
You are correct about his talent, there is no doubt about it. And I think he was very harshly treated in Belgium after what I thought was a brilliant piece of driving.
But he has also suffered from moments of "brain fade" which have been costly to him, his team and his championship hopes. And those moments attract criticism, not least from Ron Dennis I would think.


we really cannot have you driving around our previous champions like this, its not good for the show, now be a good lad and just slow down a bit and make it look good for the punters,wot wot, now run along son, have a nice day.

In a nutshell. I think it must be the midgets fault.... :thumbsdown:
Keith,+1, That is why I cannot be bothered taking any real interest in F1 anymore, its the 'old boys' network at their best-- tut tut old chap, now look here, we know your good,but we really cannot have you driving around our previous champions like this, its not good for the show, now be a good lad and just slow down a bit and make it look good for the punters,wot wot, now run along son, have a nice day.

Wot a load of Bollocks.

If that's the case, then where were these "old boys" when Schumacher was winning his SEVEN titles. THAT was when F1 was boring, just a procession to the end EVERY time. Bollocks indeed


If that's the case, then where were these "old boys" when Schumacher was winning his SEVEN titles. THAT was when F1 was boring, just a procession to the end EVERY time. Bollocks indeed

Good point.. At least Lewis is human!.. :laugh:

Anyone else notice that Ferrari had 3 cars runnning in Shanghai and that once Massa had "scorched" past KR the 3rd "Ferrari" woke up at last?! :lipsrsealed:

Massa's "rear gunner"? No love lost there with the eventual winner indeed, but at least he made his intentions clear from the start :shout:
DC wil be busy next year comentating the bbc live races, EJ to do celeb interviews for the beeb on the show and although I like LH and he's a great driver seems to have upset a few people in the pits by acting like a bit of a tosspot - hence all of the negative press floating about, I hope he wins the championship anyway.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Ferrari are threatening to throw their toys out of the F1 pram (what we call a buggy) over the sex star's (FIA's Mosley - the whip man's) new idea about a standard engine. They agree to cost saving - quite easily achieved and not difficult when you are the highest spender in the pit lane - but have taken the hump about this latest idea from Mr. Whippy.
:uneasy: :huh:


  • balls.jpg
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David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Love it. I've tried it in the past (pre bypass surgery last year ) on the Duc
but all that happens is it accelerates until I reach my Prudent Limit of Adhesion (PLA) after which my anal sphincter induces and encourages the the throttle to close again. Another analogy is cowerdice.
David - What they didn't tell us is those were pictures just before the high-side! That will suck'em up,especially if you weren't really planning on dirt tracking it. About the F-1 motor thing; all F-1 needs right now is a spec car and that's what this will produce.The automotive world looks to F-1 for innovative technology and individuality from the manufacturers. This is taking a page from NASCAR with it's Car Of Tomorrow.Might as well start gluing on vinyl headlight decals right now,'cause all you're going to have is a light C-O-T that can turn right as well. A.J.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
I agree with Ferrari, I spent last weekend watching Indy on the Gold coast, apart from the lovely young things baring their breasts on the balconies of the high rise apartments, it was as boring as bat shite.
Same spec engines no one could pass.
As AJ says F1 should be the innovator's and the sharp edge of motoring development. The whipman's sentiment of lowering costs is O.K. but lets do it another way.
One way would be to go back to hard compound treaded tyres. I know, that appears to contradict my previous comment but let's consider it.
F1 is boring, main reason no passing. One of the major reasons is the marbles caused by the way modern race tires wear. Get off line to attempt to pass and you are skating on ice.
Road cars are never going to wear slicks so why continue to go down that development path?
Go back to the tire that wears away creating dust rather than marbles and costs will be reduced, passing made more possible and the F1 circus just might become entertaining again.
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