22% of Uninsured want B.O.care

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Good read on another aspect of ACA;

At least one group of Americans loves ObamaCare | Fox News

GEEZ...imagine that. The leader of the party in the White House uses his political power to benefit his cronies and contributors...yeah, you're right, the Republican Party would NEVER do that :laugh: :rifle:

Now Doug you know you cannot believe anything on Fox News .

Once again, Pete, FN(?)N proves you right :thumbsup:


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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Now he has put it on the insurance companies to allow you to keep your previous plan, then he'll take credit for doing that and blame someone else if it does not work out for you.

But Obama doesn't have constitutional authority to do that!!!!!!! CONGRESS writes, passes, amends and rescinds our laws. All the president can do is SIGN 'em or veto 'em. THAT'S IT. He C-A-N-N-O-T legally change, suspend or reinstate, as he sees fit, PARTS of laws that congress has passed!

Of course, given all the times he HAS overstepped his authority and gotten away with it, I can understand why he 'figgers' he can do whatever the heck he pleases...and, up 'til NOW - he HAS.

This one year "extension" thing (if in fact there is a way they can actually CON one into existence) will turn out to be just like the continuing debt ceiling/budget 'resolutions'...WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK WHERE WE ARE NOW DOWN THE ROAD A BIT...probably right AFTER the 2014 elections. (See how that works?)

Obamacare needs to be s-c-r-a-p-p-e-d and the whole health care thing redone. Period.

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Obamacare needs to be s-c-r-a-p-p-e-d and the whole health care thing redone. Period.

The boat has sailed, Larry. It's the law, B-O's promise to enact universal insurance has been realized, you don't think that the Republicans are going to get him to agree to start all over, do you.....really?????

No "do-overs"....not just you, Larry, but most all of the conservatives seem SO incensed that B-O has used his executive powers....and then claim that it is to a degree that has never been seen before.

Poppycock...the Republicans were legendary for doing just as B-O is doing....the only reason the conservatives are grousing is because the handwriting is on the wall, despite B-O's diminishing approval ratings, the ratings for the Republicans are even lower. Get rid of the radical/unreasonable TEA party contingent that really alienates the "silent majority" and the Republicans might have a chance to survive, but if the majority of the Repubs don't have the courage to do that I suspect that the next election might well be even more of an eye-opener than the last for the conservatives. I'm not saying you are all wrong....I'm just saying that the majority of the population in the USA does not buy into the conservative agenda....and we are a country of majority rule, like it or not. The Repubs have held on to their power by Gerrymandering and other tricks...all good and well, but their voter base is shrinking and you know where they are going!!



Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
^ The only reason those Dems did that is because of the elections of 2014 which are closing fast and they want as much distance from the Obamacare that THEY voted for as they can create between now and then.


Ain't gunna debate the issue. That albatross WILL DIE of it's own weight eventually. It's just a question of how soon it will happen and how many people it screws over before it does. 'No way around it. It just isn't fiscally workable the way it's written now.

We'll see about "the GOP voter base" next year. Given the outright lies the Dems have been pedaling re: Obamacare over the past few years, AND the fact that people are finally seeing the light of day now regarding all that fraud arriving in their mailboxes daily, they darn sure OUGHT to be flaming, screaming mad at the libs...'cause Obamacare is and always has been 100% THEIR BABY. Not even ONE GOP voted for it. Further more, it has ONLY been the GOP who have repeatedly said that pig won't fly. People know that...and given that, what would prompt the people to RE-ELECT that crowd?

'Course, that said, even knowing the b.s. that went on during his FIRST term, the people still elected Obama for a second. Go 'figger'. 'Made NO darned sense to me...
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I believe that what this disaster once again shows is that politicians don't know how to run the private sector.

Why do we keep allowing them to destroy our economy?

B.O. has thrown the whole mess back on the insurance companies, expecting them to reverse years of preparation to comply to his highly flawed program.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Why do we keep allowing them to destroy our economy?

No term limits. In a nutshell that's essentially it.

People across the country seem to believe that the congress people from THEIR state aren't the problem - the other guy's congress people are. So, the same yo-yos keep returning to D.C. and they keep doing the same stupid stuff they've been doing.

What's that old saying about expecting different results...?

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
B.O. has thrown the whole mess back on the insurance companies, expecting them to reverse years of preparation to comply to his highly flawed program.

Yeah, and for what??? Just a year's extension! After which we'll be right back where we are RIGHT NOW...'same as with all the budget/deficit/debt ceiling 'extension' crapola. It's just more "can kicking" to get everybody currently in office past the NEXT election...and the next...and the next...

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :rifle:

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
That albatross WILL DIE of it's own weight eventually. It's just a question of how soon it will happen and how many people it screws over before it does. 'No way around it. It just isn't fiscally workable the way it's written now.

Yeah...I wouldn't know about the workability thing....we might well agree again on something. I don't remember me claiming that the program is going to work, just that the idea of universal insurance, in whatever form, sounded like a great plan to me. I'm tired of paying taxes so the undocumented immigrants can send their wages back home and then take advantage of free medical care. I would support most anything that I thought had a decent chance of putting a screeching halt to that!

We are only at the beginning now...can't imagine that many uninsured wouldn't love to keep their free ride and will gladly pay the penalty...at first. I understand it increases somewhat with each year that a person chooses to remain uninsured. First of all, all monies collected as penalties MUST go to paying for uninsured medical care SOMEHOW...if it isn't in the law, let's get it there. Let's not do for B-O what we did for Gee-Dub and his cronies on Wall Street. Perhaps the penalties and other sanctions would get so costly that those who drag their feet finally give in and do the right thing....

Let's not forget that as more people get signed up their SHOULD be cost reductions as the economics of "size" starts to work. Everyone seems to be experiencing some significant cost increases if they keep their own plan...but later the plans will all be the same (I agree that single med should not have to pay for pregnancy coverage, that sort of thing) and that should bring savings.

Medical care is in a runaway cost spiral...over $1,000/day and not much in the way of care, somebody brings meals and maybe the doctor will visit...and where's the sense in that for the average worker? 10 years ago I adopted a much healthier lifestyle and my deductible part of the cost of a hospitalization was what motivated me to make some lifestyle changes...cheaper, too!

SO MANY issues all tied to health care, ACA isn't just the only thing that's wrong.

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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Perhaps we aren't so far apart.

All I know for absolute certainty is that every major promise made about Obamacare (made over and over and over, BTW) has proven to be pure BULL. NONE OF 'EM, save maybe the "pre existing conditions" thing (and THAT was, in part, a lie too in that we were told it wouldn't increase premiums!) have come to pass. Instead, the exact REVERSE has:

Premiums would go DOWN $2,500 a year for the average family - LIE.
If you wanna KEEP your doctor - LIE.
If you wanna KEEP your plan - LIE.
You'll get better coverage for less money - LIE.
EVERYBODY will now be covered - LIE.

And now we find out many plans that are NOT what the administration considers "sub par" are getting cancelled...like this one:

Lies, Damn Lies and ObamaCare | Fox Business


Thank you so much, Democrats.
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I'm still not understanding something. How exactly does obamacare insure the millions that are here illegally?

Not sure why you're concerned about insuring illegal anyone, but here's part of the B.O. end game;

"The chief goal of the proposed rule is quickly enrolling as many people as can be regarded as eligible into health coverage. This is consistent with the stated goal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).2 However, it seeks widespread enrollment by individuals at the price of less assurance that ineligible aliens do not collect taxpayer-funded benefits for which they do not qualify."

Immigration and Obamacare | Center for Immigration Studies

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
I'm still not understanding something. How exactly does obamacare insure the millions that are here illegally?

Maybe this will help:

The proof that ObamaCare will cover illegal immigrants - Springfield Macon County Conservative | Examiner.com

Anyway, as with every OTHER "promise" Obama & Co have made with regard to Obamacare, the real 'smell test' is: Did he/they PROMISE "x" would or would NOT be the case? If so, as recent revelations have shown, you can safely put your LAST DIME on the opposite. JMHO.
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In order to get this "abortion" to work, normally well people from 18 to 34 have to enroll at rates higher than they are now paying to carry the cost of pre-existing, etc. If they don't, and they are not now, this will self destruct.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
In order to get this "abortion" to work, normally well people from 18 to 34 have to enroll at rates higher than they are now paying to carry the cost of pre-existing, etc. If they don't, and they are not now, this will self destruct.

EXACTLY. Which is one of the reasons Princess Pelosi insisted Obamacare had to be PASSED before we could see what was IN it.

If voters send even ONE Democrat who voted for this travesty back to D.C. in 2014, it'll prove once and for all, beyond any shadow of a doubt whatsoever, that the electorate is totally clueless.
EXACTLY. Which is one of the reasons Princess Pelosi insisted Obamacare had to be PASSED before we could see what was IN it.

If voters send even ONE Democrat who voted for this travesty back to D.C. in 2014, it'll prove once and for all, beyond any shadow of a doubt whatsoever, that the electorate is totally clueless.

And socialist.