
David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Well, our town is now officially flooded. Quite a lot of the poor people who have to endure living along side the flood plain are tonight living in the Church halls and the Age Concern building and sleeping on camp beds being fed by a mobile field kitchen.
The road I live in is flooded in the southern area and it seems the power is off to those homes surrounded by flood water.
It's all so exciting really and there are no checks at Age Concern so if the food is nice I may take a bottle of wine and have dinner there tomorrow evening.
There is call of military help as well so i guess the town might resemble a garrison by the time I wake up tomorrow. What is annoying me most is the newspaper and milk were not delivered today. I'll have a word as its not good enough. Surely the milkmans float could get through.
The 'Wet Office'have just started spouting again and we may get another two weeks of 40-70mm rainfall.
Ps:I'm OK jack........


David, I may be able to get back into Rum Runner for a couple of days. Any chance of driving it up to your patio for a couple of scoops?

Is there a buoy I could moor to?

PS Loved the milk float gag. Good to see the pills working mate.


Its just weather Pete. In 2 weeks it'll all be gone and the media will be predicting a drought. Believe it or not, rain is the Governments fault apparently. Some of these people portrayed on the news make me sick. So, they got a bit of mud in their living room. Don't think there's any need to cry your bloody eyes out on national TV.

People lose their lives on a daily basis in this hard world, and many would think that much water meant that they had gone to heaven.

Shit happens. Property can be replaced - people can't.

Thanks for the thoughts though Pete :)
Thank you David for letting us all know you are safe.

More importantly, for putting this 'disaster' into perspective for us.

I may have to ban myself from ever watching the news ever again. I feel some sympathy for people who have been inconvenienced by these conditions, but frankly, that's all it is, an inconvenience, despite the media's best efforts. A Disaster this is not!

As a nation (deliberate small n), we should be ashamed of ourselves. The Country that once had empire, is now simply a collection of whining pussies, who can't get by without fresh eggs or milk for a week. Fucking cry babies!

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter

How was the meal? Hopefully up to your expected standards

Or was it stew and dumplings?

Which champers did you decide would best suit the occasion?



As a nation (deliberate small n), we should be ashamed of ourselves. The Country that once had empire, is now simply a collection of whining pussies, who can't get by without fresh eggs or milk for a week. Fucking cry babies!

Much as it pains me to say it, I totally agree...

It started with Diana Spencer.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Keith- the Complete Angler will secure one of the dumper trucks on the south bank by the rowing club. You can moor on that and the rowing club will send out their Dory ( or someones) and rescue you from there. It.s either that or lassoo the fuel pump at Bourne End Marina. I had lunch in the Age Concern but it was a bit bland to be honest. I had to be collected as I was not really fit to drive as i finished a .75 of La Tour that I started last night.
My car will have to stay there until tomorrow. I'm waiting for crameron to turn up for photoshoot by Marlow Bridge. They all do it but apparently there will be some egg throwers and very loud protesters.
The MP for Torbay just complained about the 'over-sensationalisation' other weather situation in the South West! Asking if the government will commit to actively marketing the region after the storms, to compensate businesses for their losses caused by the media/political coverage!

Finally an MP who talks a good point!
Finally some media who probably reported the facts without spin/distortion a la BBC.

Not really, I saw it on PMQ's, so the media can't spin that, or choose not to show it! If it were a case of reading a media report on PMQ's, then certainly, we wouldn't have been informed (cough, informed! FFS what am I saying?) of this particular member's question!


Not really, I saw it on PMQ's, so the media can't spin that, or choose not to show it! If it were a case of reading a media report on PMQ's, then certainly, we wouldn't have been informed (cough, informed! FFS what am I saying?) of this particular member's question!

PMQs? You posh munt!
For all Paddock supporters:
Paddock posts may contain material offensive to those who lack wit, humor, common sense and/or supporting factual or anecdotal evidence.
All statements and assertions contained herein may be subject to literary devices not limited to: irony, metaphor, allusion and dripping sarcasm.
For all Paddock supporters:
Paddock posts may contain material offensive to those who lack wit, humor, common sense and/or supporting factual or anecdotal evidence.
All statements and assertions contained herein may be subject to literary devices not limited to: irony, metaphor, allusion and dripping sarcasm.
PMQs? You posh munt!
I wasn't there you tool! ;)

Although I do have a meeting there in April. I am open to accepting suggestions for questions!

So far, I have just one, but it isn't really a question, more of a suggestion:

I will suggest that all MP's visit the Paddock at least once a week, for their mandatory reality check! :laugh:


For all Paddock supporters:
Paddock posts may contain material offensive to those who lack wit, humor, common sense and/or supporting factual or anecdotal evidence.
All statements and assertions contained herein may be subject to literary devices not limited to: irony, metaphor, allusion and dripping sarcasm.

*** Spelling. There is a 'u' missing from 'humour'

You really must try harder Jack...
At least the government has responded swiftly and updated the map of the British Isles....


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