Aussie RCR T70 capers

The covid restrictions are quite annoying at times. My sons father in law thought it all a hoax and paid no attention.Till they placed him on a ventilator.He didnt come off alive.
Your Lola looks good. DJ

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Some good close racing there... You got a nice hole-shot at the beginning!
FWIW I dislike 2-gear tracks where you constantly have to transition the neutral gate to go from 2nd to 3rd gear..


Bucket list ticked
The worlds fastest RCR T70 at Mount Panorama (Bathurst Australia) :cool:
An awesome fast flowing track of about 6 klm
I now have a high level of appreciation for those that do it in just under 2 minutes, as it requires about 200% commitment


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Bucket list ticked
The worlds fastest RCR T70 at Mount Panorama (Bathurst Australia) :cool:
An awesome fast flowing track of about 6 klm
I now have a high level of appreciation for those that do it in just under 2 minutes, as it requires about 200% commitment
With fresh Hoosier R7s 275 / 50 / 15 at 5500 rpm a 3:44 diff ratio 1/ 3.154, 2/ 1.789, 3/ 1.269, 4/ .967, 5/ .756 =~265 klmh (165mph) not quite max yet but the car loved it :)
The ol bloke that ran the TVR out here in NZ got a drive in a Toyota saloon class at Bathurst, was having trouble getting the hang of the circuit, ended up spinning it while running down Con Rod... was in the pits afterwards collecting his thoughts and a driver from one of the commodore teams walked in looking for him! Wanted to shake the hand of the driver of the Toyota, first time he had ever been passed by a car going backwards!


The ol bloke that ran the TVR out here in NZ got a drive in a Toyota saloon class at Bathurst, was having trouble getting the hang of the circuit, ended up spinning it while running down Con Rod... was in the pits afterwards collecting his thoughts and a driver from one of the commodore teams walked in looking for him! Wanted to shake the hand of the driver of the Toyota, first time he had ever been passed by a car going backwards!
True dat - race cars all locked up on wet grass go faster than those on the tarmac - just need a catapult to get it started
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Awesome Chris - I've got a mate over here that's done the 12hr endurance race at Bathurst a few times. He describes NZ tracks as being like kindergarten and Bathurst like University!

How stable is the T70 at high speed. Body shape is similar to the M1 and I've never had a chance to tap it right out.

Cheers, Andrew
Wellington NZ