F1 in 2017


How does a circuit with such narrow sections become an F1 circuit? Probably lots of $$$$? Marshals appear to need more training too. Notwithstanding those moans the race was more interesting as a result. Stroppy behaviour from SV was lightly punished IMHO.


Telemetry after the race would suggest that he (LH) took the corner exactly as he had the previous laps. No braking and no acceleration. I think SV second guessed that LH would nail it off the corner but he didn't. I think it was a rookie error from SV and it cost him the race win. As for his histrionics straight afterwards, that's not behaviour one would associate with a multiple world champion (unless you are Michael Schumacher).

Or perhaps it's a German thing? :idea: :poke:
Telemetry after the race would suggest that he (LH) took the corner exactly as he had the previous laps. No braking and no acceleration.

Didn´t know that. If that should be the case, then of course SV would have to take all the blame.
But I´m sure the telemetry is faulty. Must be :shout:
Telemetry says (?) I'll have to look at that again, I'm pretty sure Hamilton let off the gas exiting the corner.


Telemetry says (?) I'll have to look at that again, I'm pretty sure Hamilton let off the gas exiting the corner.

Yes it certainly appears way but perhaps only because we have SV's cam which shows them rapidly closing but doesn't explain why. FIA say (after examining the telemetry) that LH speed was consistent with previous laps and that he did not accelerate or brake.

LH (or whoever) essentially becomes the "safety car" on restart and it is beholden on the other competitors to keep clear, just like normal road rules it would appear..

Chris Kouba

But I´m sure the telemetry is faulty. Must be :shout:

Us 'Mericans call it "fake telemetery".

The part of SV's antics which I loved the most was when he asked his race engineer when he was driving dangerously. Seriously dude, man up and accept the consequences of your actions.

And why didn't the other end of the radio say something like, "Uh, when you hit your competitor (twice BTW) and potentially took both your and his car out of the race. Now shut your pie hole, take the penalty, and drive."

He's a big boy for fox sake, quit holding his hand already.


Us 'Mericans call it "fake telemetery".

The part of SV's antics which I loved the most was when he asked his race engineer when he was driving dangerously. Seriously dude, man up and accept the consequences of your actions.

And why didn't the other end of the radio say something like, "Uh, when you hit your competitor (twice BTW) and potentially took both your and his car out of the race. Now shut your pie hole, take the penalty, and drive."

He's a big boy for fox sake, quit holding his hand already.

Indeed Chris. He's become even more immature than a certain other multiple world champion as they grow older. Do you think it's because many of these guys have been nurtured by race teams since they were kids and missed out on the real world? Max is also fast becoming a petulant youth despite his skills. All these guys seem to grow up with an over inflated sense of 'entitlement'. Jeez, Hamilton is worth almost $100 mil already. You'd think they would be somewhat humble considering.


The thot plickens. I have found an image alleged to show LH telemetry in the corner. It shows braking. I will post it later when I'm on the big machine as I'm on my phone at the 'mo. Can't be certain of the provenance though - you know what the internet is like!

Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
Speaking of "Mericans", it was somewhat of a surprise to me that any penalty was assessed at all against the German considering the our "merican" race (Stewart Danny Sulivan) philosophy of banging wheels when we don't like what's happening. I'm wonder if a more severe penalty would have been meted out if a more European steward was in the chair.

Considering the implications of a failed suspension piece, on either car at speed, I was quite surprised there wasn't more done to send a proper message to these budding adults having fun in their cars.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Us 'Mericans call it "fake telemetery".

The part of SV's antics which I loved the most was when he asked his race engineer when he was driving dangerously. Seriously dude, man up and accept the consequences of your actions.

And why didn't the other end of the radio say something like, "Uh, when you hit your competitor (twice BTW) and potentially took both your and his car out of the race. Now shut your pie hole, take the penalty, and drive."

He's a big boy for fox sake, quit holding his hand already.

Totally agree, I think the FIA treated him very lightly.
The thot plickens. I have found an image alleged to show LH telemetry in the corner. It shows braking. I will post it later when I'm on the big machine as I'm on my phone at the 'mo. Can't be certain of the provenance though - you know what the internet is like!

I saw the same thing this morning. looked like a screen grab from the TV feed that showed very light throttle and lots of brake from LH........however the source that I saw it on was SV's face book feed.

I am yet to watch the race for a second time, still getting though the 4th hour of Lemans 2017


Chris Kouba

I have found an image alleged to show LH telemetry in the corner. It shows braking.

OMG- me too!!! I found one where LH had three brake lights all illuminated- clearly showing he brake checked SV...



How about this? A screen grab purporting to show the corner & incident in question, but there is no context, so??? :shifty:


  • IMG_0351.JPG
    77.5 KB · Views: 382
the cars were not going fast enough nor the brake application serve enough for it to be a brake check, end of story.

finger boy should show some humility and admit he f'ed up and then let the problem go away.
The more he carries on like a split sausage on the BBQ the more likely he will be to get further reprimands as it continues to bring the sport into disrepute.
the FIA are looking at it at the moment. if he admits liability it will go away with no further actions. If they investigate more, who knows.

If he wants to win the championship he needs to think with his head not his ego.
the cars were not going fast enough nor the brake application serve enough for it to be a brake check, end of story.

LH let off the gas EXITING the corner, SV accelerated exiting the corner. SV did what is considered normal, LH did not.

Chicken shit move IMO on LH part, but then maybe some are used to this stuff like in Football (Soccer) where the players are wallowing all over the field with fake injuries. Jeesus.

If it was say a young A.J. Foyt in the Ferrari, LH would have been running for his life after the race.

I'm not a fan of either and SV has pulled similar baloney, so no skin lost here.