How many RHD SPF GT40s in the USA?

I, for one, love my LHD "fake" GT40. Wouldn't have it any other way. Well maybe for a day then give the RHD back.

As far as falling values for LHD vs. RHD claims. Where's the evidence.....
It is hard to get your drift when its initiated with an ad hominid attack. I am still waiting for any evidence that suggests that LHD cars are depreciating while RHD cars are appreciating. Its a great hypothesis but that's all it is.

That's all it was purported to be--a hypothesis. But with LHD SPF cars selling as low as the $50s in recent times, you can't argue the fact that they are not worth what they once were on the used market. While their values may have levelled off, they have shown an inexorable decline year after year until not long ago. Personally i think they dipped far lower than they should have and i hope the decline has been arrested.

RHD cars are so rare that there's little empirical evidence to establish their value today. But the simple laws of supply and demand would tend to suggest that they would retain more of their value. The fact that several LHD owners are expressing buyers remorse over their LHD decision would also lend credence to that theory.

Jack Houpe

GT40s Supporter
Now Mike I'm not saying I wish I had a RHD car because of value it's just personal taste, but at the new price of $100,000 + for a roller I don't think you will find ANY used SPF GT40s that have not been crashed for sell in the $50k ever again and if you do let me know quick.


Lifetime Supporter
The mk 1s I've seen on the market lately were all well over $100 and many way over. Please show me an SPF mk 1 or even 2 that ever sold for $50. I call BS. The fact that a couple guys said they would have done a RHD if they bought again is buyers remorse? Ill tell you what, I will sell you my mk 1 LHD for $165k and I will order a RHD. Actually, nope you could not buy mine for $165 sorry.
The mk 1s I've seen on the market lately were all well over $100 and many way over. Please show me an SPF mk 1 or even 2 that ever sold for $50. I call BS.

You're right, I stand corrected. It was actually $64K, at auction last year for a practically brand new LHD SPF Mk 2. You even commented on the thread after it sold.

I know of at least one other SPF owner here on the forum who got a similar screaming deal on a turn-key SPF Mk 2 with LHD, paying substantially less than the asking price, which itself was considerably less than $100K.

When you say that cars on the market are over $100K, that's meaningless. It doesn't matter what the asking price is--what matters is the selling price.

Could it be that the Mk 1 cars hold their value better? Probably. I'd still be interested to see any resale data from a RHD car to compare it to a similar car in LHD spec and see if there's a noticeable delta.

For that matter, does anybody know of any RHD SPF cars that have been sold by their original owners, and what they sold for, and what they originally cost? All the RHD cars I know of are still in the hands of their original (happy) owners. Could it be that there have been NO secondhand sales of RHD SPF cars in the USA? If so, that probably says something right there....
In my humble opinion/experience:

Yes, MK Is do sell faster and for more. It may be a factor of the MK II being introduced first and all of the initial cars being MK IIs, the MK I market had to play "catch-up" or it may just be what has been offered for sale.

The "fire sale" cars are gone. There were several rollers and completed cars that sold WAY under market for various reasons. Some were sold by people who bought the "new, hot, thing" and decided it was not for them, some were collectors who rotate cars often and some rollers were sold by those who never completed them or bought as an investment (always a bad idea!).

You will not find a driving SPF that is not wrecked and is properly done for under 125-130K now and many will be well above that point. As the wait for a new chassis is over 10 months instant gratification will cost you. The roller price increases also help drive the existing car value up.

Except for unusual circumstances (i.e. BJ auctions and other venues where these cars are not understood/apreciated) the "bargains" are gone.
My caradar (car radar) went ballistic when Mike said SPF cars sold for 50+K's. When and where? Anyone got one? I'm interested in an SPF car (to keep my CAV company) so let me kidding.

I'd love to own a RHD RH shift car. Will they be more in any other situation involving the sale of anything...its up to the market. They are a very fickle and unpredictable group.


Lifetime Supporter
It was actually $64K
You guys keep going back to a single very poorly executed sell strategy and use that as a baseline for valuing SPF cars. Preposterous! But hey if it makes you feel better lol. I have an idea. Stop talking about it and just buy a RHD car. Then you can feel confident while out sharing some special moments with your RHD that it is somehow less fake and more valuable than us poor fools that bought LHD models. In the end we're all happy. Please proceed.

PS if you come across a single SPF GT40 Mk 1 or 2 in any condition that is anywhere under $80K please let me know ASAP! If you find a new one under $100k again please let me know.


You guys keep going back to a single very poorly executed sell strategy and use that as a baseline for valuing SPF cars. Preposterous! But hey if it makes you feel better lol. I have an idea. Stop talking about it and just buy a RHD car. Then you can feel confident while out sharing some special moments with your RHD that it is somehow less fake and more valuable than us poor fools that bought LHD models. In the end we're all happy. Please proceed.

PS if you come across a single SPF GT40 Mk 1 or 2 in any condition that is anywhere under $80K please let me know ASAP! If you find a new one under $100k again please let me know.

Haha he'll only let you know once he's bought it and then it will be $140,000!
Mike I would suggest if you want an SPF GT40 be it R or LHD I don't think they will never be cheaper then they are right now.

The new price for a roller is $105,000.00.