Identify This Replica If Possible

Yes. From what I understand, he bought the contents listed as "car parts" based on a single picture of the interior of the storage unit. Rent had not been paid on the unit for over a year. Evidently the previous owner of the unit came and worked on the car for a number of years and then... just disappeared.
It is not a KCC chassis. It really looks like a scratch-built chassis with the previously mentioned Mustang II/hot rod front suspension and what looks to me like a C4 Corvette rear suspension. Doesn't look like a bad chassis. The foam windshield may be to keep the roof section from sagging over time. The 016 transaxle is most likely a 5 speed from a 1980-1985 Audi 5000 or Audi 100 sedan. Just some observations.

Mark Clapp