Looking to purchase next year...


Just joined the forum as I'm looking at purchasing next year. Between now and then I'll be researching...

Met with Mick at Southern GT in Southampton yesterday and was extremely impressed. I'd really love to hear from any self-builders who've bought from Southern GT, as I'm keen to find out how the build went / how it's going.



Mike Pass

Check out Martin Gough's SGT No 8 and Nick Brough's SGT No 6 in the build thread section.

You can't really go wrong with a SGT, if you think I can help with any of your questions fire away and I will do my best to answer them.

I also envy you being so close to SGT, if I was that close Mick would probably have to take out a restraining order against me. :)

You can't really go wrong with a SGT, if you think I can help with any of your questions fire away and I will do my best to answer them.

I also envy you being so close to SGT, if I was that close Mick would probably have to take out a restraining order against me. :)

Distance to SGT (6 miles) is certainly an extremely big plus point. There also appears to be a few guys in the Hampshire area that have built or are in the process of building, which would also be useful.
