More Global Cooling/Warming/Change hoax.


The well respected Horizon program concluded that the current era of climate change can be laid at the door of human activity. I am not going to begin to describe how they went about it (ice coring is just one method) - in the same way I am not going to try and convince anyone that my beliefs are correct.

It is entirely for individuals to make up their own minds and act accordingly.

Just because someone doesn't get your 'your message' doesn't mean the message is wrong and this goes both ways of course.

Doug, I believe some of the problem is not so much the water stored in the oceans - it's the amount that has found it's way into the atmosphere due to enhanced evaporation. This excess moisture seems to have caused much of the recent 'quirky' weather systems.

Doesn't matter which side of the fence I find myself on, I too am sceptical about the political process and the amount of companies cashing in on people's fear of climate change, let alone the carbon taxes.
There was a time when 99% of the " experts" said the world was flat and the stars revolved around the Earth.

It's complicated...obviously we need to pick and choose what we do, and can afford to do.

Your own eyes and common sense tells you the world is flat, and the stars revolve around the Earth. Do you believe that too?

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Doug, I believe some of the problem is not so much the water stored in the oceans - it's the amount that has found it's way into the atmosphere due to enhanced evaporation. This excess moisture seems to have caused much of the recent 'quirky' weather systems.

Well, the atmosphere will only hold so much moisture before it turns into precipitation, but there must be quite a bit of our planet's atmosphere that is arid, so there's probably plenty of atmosphere into which the relative humidity can attempt to equalize worldwide. I would imagine that the warmer the atmosphere is the more water it will hold...hence global warming is most likely causing the recent weather events to which you well as causing Obama to lie about being able to keep your medical plan/provider if you like them (had to add that for the rabid conservatives onboard, you know :dead: ).



Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Within recorded history many of our regional climates have changed...much of what is simply dry, arid, rocky middle-east land was once lush, forested land with abundant's suppose to be where the Garden of Eden was located. Think of the Nile River and it's long it's mostly arid property. This isn't something that we humans started with our use of fossil fuels, but that's not what this thread is about....did we make it worse and what can we do about it is, though. of life's most enduring mysteries, I'd say.


Well, the atmosphere will only hold so much moisture before it turns into precipitation, but there must be quite a bit of our planet's atmosphere that is arid, so there's probably plenty of atmosphere into which the relative humidity can attempt to equalize worldwide. I would imagine that the warmer the atmosphere is the more water it will hold...hence global warming is most likely causing the recent weather events to which you well as causing Obama to lie about being able to keep your medical plan/provider if you like them (had to add that for the rabid conservatives onboard, you know :dead: ).



Don't think rabid has anything to do with it, he said it and got a pass as usual.
I bet that there has been thousands of 60 year spans in the worlds 4.5 billion year existence that there has been the same or near the same weather and heating and cooling phenomenon that we are going through right now. The only difference is that we didn't have politicians to see it as a money making proposition.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Well, the atmosphere will only hold so much moisture before it turns into precipitation, but there must be quite a bit of our planet's atmosphere that is arid, so there's probably plenty of atmosphere into which the relative humidity can attempt to equalize worldwide. I would imagine that the warmer the atmosphere is the more water it will hold...hence global warming is most likely causing the recent weather events to which you well as causing Obama to lie about being able to keep your medical plan/provider if you like them (had to add that for the rabid conservatives onboard, you know :dead: ).



As I have stated ad nauseam...the beauty of the C.C./G.W. scam for its backers is the fact that A-N-Y change in the weather/climate/Earth's temp IS, according to the scam, PROOF that C.C./G.W. is happening no matter what that change may be. It's a 'no lose' proposition for 'em.


I know you won't watch the above, so here's a brief sample:

"Climate change, they say, is causing all this snow."

"Yeah. The more the temperature of the ocean water rises, the more humidity there is in the air and it causes more percepitation like this (referring to all the snow in Boston). ('Sound familiar, Doug?)

"So, if the Earth is warming, you get more snow?"


"So, if the Earth starts to cool, would we get less snow?"


(You REALLY don't like anyone repeatedly reminding readers of Obama's many lies, do you!)

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
As I have stated ad nauseam...the beauty of the C.C./G.W. scam for its backers is the fact that A-N-Y change in the weather/climate/Earth's temp IS, according to the scam, PROOF that C.C./G.W. is happening no matter what that change may be. It's a 'no lose' proposition for 'em.

Well, I don't buy into all that "We're the cause and we did it just recently" stated I believe that this planet is in perhaps the final stages of a VERY LONG naturally occurring warm up (in this case in excess of 10,000 years) warming if that's what you want to call it...but IMHO (as referenced in my post about the article in National Geographic) this is not ALL man-made, as it started (according to the article as I understood it) many thousands of years ago...and has been occuring for so long that the water levels in our oceans have risen significantly in those many milleniums over which the earth has been getting warmer.

I don't think (again, IMHO) that the meteorological fix in which we find ourselves (I think that the weather is getting more extreme in many ways) is anything we as a race can fix...but the question that all the scientists seem to be trying to resolve is how can we stem the rush of our planet to become warmer (I don't think we can) and has mankind contributed to a significant degree in that planetary transition (I'm still not convinced we have, but logic tells me that we must have had some impact with out emissions bringing on either an early onset or greater degree of "greenhouse effect").

Again, I don't have the paranoid issue regarding the $$$ spent on research. I'm not sure that the changes in earth's atmosphere will be significant enough to impact me in my lifetime...although increasingly severe weather could send a random tornado my way while I am in the central midwestern area that seems to have so many of them, or an "enhanced" hurricane into the area where I reside most of the year, thereby ending my life early.

Either way, I do understand the issue many have with the expense of scientific investigation...just not sure that there is a rush to "redistribute wealth" through the costs of those investigations, as I have read in this thread. Research has never been inexpensive. It just seems to me that once the need for that research is evident (and that seems to be the crux of the discussion on this thread) if we ignore the ramifications of NOT doing the research the impact may be significant!

I'm just sayin'.....


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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Everyone knows all conservatives were dropped on their heads as infants and weren't too bright before that happened anyway...whereas all liberals have never had even the slightest head trauma and they all have I.Q.s well above 190....................right? Of course 'tis.
More rules and fees...
Must you be required to have a coffee maker that shuts off after 5 minutes?
That's just one of hundreds.
The European Climate Change Programme (ECCP)

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Everyone knows all conservatives were dropped on their heads as infants and weren't too bright before that happened anyway...whereas all liberals have never had even the slightest head trauma and they all have I.Q.s well above 190....................right? Of course 'tis.

Oh, I think quite a few of those damned liberals have engaged in multiple activities that promised to destroy brain cells, so the conservatives don't own that issue outright (not denying your premise, though).

