Pantera trans

I would like to know why the Pantera trans. has to be flipped to be used in the GT-40.
I have a Pantera trans and also an Audi 5000 Turbo unit and I am trying to decide which to use so I may sell the other.

thank you VIC

Ron Earp

You should not have to flip it. It uses the same drive configuration as the GT40, mid-engine, tranny in the rear. Who told you to flip it?

You may be thinking of the Porsche G50 boxes which are in front of the motor in 911s. Must flip or change pinon I beleive.

It may be that some kits don't require the ZF to be flipped, but the original GT used the box oriented with the input shaft below the centerline of the axles to minimize engine height. The Pantera's input is above for more ground clearance. They added ears to the cover for mounting.
Save yourself the trouble, I have a freshly rebiult 5000 trans. New down to the needle bearings. I'll trade you for your ZF. You know, just to help you get the car on the road a little sooner

Hi Bob

Victor will need one of your bellhousings, will you sell him one, and if so whats the cost? I would also be interested in getting one.
I found that the input shaft on the ZFDS25/2 is 1" longer than the original GT40 DS25/1 so the bellhousing needs to be deeper (front to back)

cut or use a different shaft....

if it is to be used as meant too !

M1 etc also have different types of shafts...

ZFDS25 was the original box..
-1 is a developed/strenghtened one...
Also heavier....
Then came -2 etc...
Heavier still and developed.
All these came in a variety of out puts.


Rick Muck- Mark IV

GT40s Sponsor
Watch the input shaft length carefully. When Safir P1116 was assembled by John Vermeersch with a 351, the input shaft was a couple thousandths too long and bottomed on the crank pilot hole. Took the thrust bearings out of the motor in under 5 miles. Check and double check this, you need several thousandths clearance to be safe.


Jim Rosenthal

Here is another source for a bellhousing specifically designed to adapt the ZF 5DS25/2 to a small-block Ford V8- try Bob Wood at [email protected], they have one that will work fine as well. Also I think they can supply a clutch which will go inside it etc etc. Good luck.
You do have to flip the pantera box so the input shaft is below the diff, also the diff has to be fliped to the the left side or you will have 5 reverse gears and 1 forward gear.
The oil system in side have to be changed to lube all parts in the new direction. Lloyd@